Set in 1x08, right after Francis proposed to Mary.

Mary giggled again as Francis twirled her around once more. His arms tightened around her waist as he tugged her closer. His lips brushed over her forehead.

"Mary, I want you to wait here for one moment," Francis said as an idea formed in his head.

"Where are you going?" she asked, her forehead crinkling in question.

"It's a surprise, just wait here and turn away from the castle, all right?"

"Very well, but make it fast. I'm dreadfully impatient, you know," Mary replied teasingly.

Francis grinned, kissed her once more and half ran to the kitchens.

"Leith! I need a favor," Francis said as he got through the door.

"Yes, your Majesty?" And Francis listed all of the items needed for a picnic, complete with a straw basket and a blanket to sit on. In no time, everything was assembled and Francis was off, throwing a "thank you" over his shoulder. He slowed his footsteps as he neared Mary, smiling as he took in his fiancée, the way her dark hair tumbled across her back and shoulders, the graceful, yet regal way she stood. It was no wonder she commanded the entire attention of whichever room she happened to be in. She was everything he had dared to hope for.

"Close your eyes," he called as he came up behind her. Mary tried to turn, but Francis put a hand on her waist until she sighed and closed her eyes. Francis was glad she didn't put up a fight, because he knew he wouldn't be able to deny her anything at the moment, or perhaps, ever.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"You'll know in moment," Francis said as he balanced the basket's handle over his arm and brought both hands up to cover her eyes.

"Francis! I can keep my own eyes shut!"

"I don't believe you," he teased. "Just bear with me, we're almost there." He led her a few feet away, near an old oak tree.

"Keep your eyes closed for just a moment longer," he said as he spread the blanket and took the food out. "You can look now," Francis whispered, leaning down next to her ear. Her eyes opened quickly and she gave a little gasp of surprise before her face broke into a smile as she took in the picnic.

"Francis, this is lovely," Mary said quietly.

"Thank you, come and sit," he said, but Mary caught his hand as he moved. She twined her arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him. Francis smiled into the kiss and pulled her closer. After the kiss, Francis simply held her to him, breathing in her comforting, floral scent.

"I can't wait to marry you," he murmured into her hair.

"And I, you," Mary replied, pulling back to look into his eyes. "I love you, Francis."

"I love you too, Mary."

"Now, let's eat this wonderful meal you've prepared," Mary said, smiling as she went to sit on the blanket.

"I packed all of your favorites," he smiled.

"Even those delicious rolls with the cheese sprinkled on top?"

"Even those," Francis replied, as they started to eat.

Hope you enjoyed this drabble! I'm taking prompts for more, so write them in a review or send me a PM! I'll attempt to write anything you guys give me. I can even try and write some Mash, we'll see how that goes!