Luke and Leia POV

The twins, Luke and Leia, usually got up at around 8:30 A.M. But this particular morning had them up pretty early, even before their parents.

"Leia, do you really think this plan of ours is going to work?" Luke asked, unsure of everything.

"It's fool proof," she replied. They were in Luke's bed, discussing their plan.

"But what if they find out we're faking it? Or worse, what if dad really can control our minds?!"

They had been arguing for the past ten minutes about their plan.

"I doubt he'll be able to control my mind. I don't know about you though," Leia told him.

"Hey!" Luke yelled, angry.

"I guess I'll have to be a good actress," Leia said, ignoring his outburst, "So, do you understand what we have to do?"

"Yes. When dad tries to control our minds, we have to pretend that he is actually doing it to us. But when he says to get in the tub we walk closer to mom and dad, still pretending to be hypnotized. That will make them confused. Then we push them in the bath full of water to see how they like it," Luke finished all in one breath. Leia nodded her head while he tried to get his breath back by taking big breathes of air.

"We should be good then. Mom is probably gonna make us take the bath after we eat breakfast. We are going to have to make it seem like we don't want to take a bath or they may think something is wrong with us," Leia said.

"Okay! This is gonna be great!" Luke said excitedly, "Now all we have to do is wait for them to wake up!"


Padmé and Anakin POV

When Anakin woke up, he saw that he had drooled all over the pillow he was grasping protectively. He tossed it to the side and looked over to his right. Padmé was still sleep. He stared at her beauty for awhile before he remembered their little plan.

"Padmé... Padmé... time to wake up," he whispered into her ear. She groaned and rolled onto her other side. Anakin sighed.

"I guess it's gonna be the hard way," he got on top of her and started tickling her. At first, he got no response. Then after a little bit, Padmé started to stir.

She woke up with her eyes wide open and started to laugh. Anakin started laughing with her. Padmé grabbed his arms and rolled on top of him.

"What are you doing Ani?" she asked, still laughing. He shrugged.

"You wouldn't wake up. It's time for our plan to unfold," he said in a deep voice. Padmé's smile widened.

"Oh ya! Let me take my shower first. Maybe you could make breakfast?" she asked. When he agreed, she got off of him and headed for the bathroom.


Normal POV

When Anakin went into the kitchen, he saw that the twins were already there. They looked like they were coloring.

"What are you kids doing up so early?" he asked them. They turned their heads towards him, startled.

"We just wanted to get a jumpstart on the day," Leia replied, and Luke nodded. They went back to coloring.

"Well, I was going to make some breakfast. What would you guys like?" they dropped their coloring stuff and looked at him, eyes sparkling.

"Bacon!" they both yelled.

"Okay, bacon it is," Anakin said while smiling, "You guys will have to put your stuff away first. Maybe later you can get it back out."

Luke and Leia grabbed their stuff and ran into their room. Then Anakin heard a large crash. He rushed inside their room and saw Luke jumping on their box, trying to get their stuff to fit, while Leia directed him.

"You guys! You have to put them in there neatly! Now help me pick them up before mommy gets out of the shower!" Anakin told them. When Padmé wasn't happy, nobody was happy.

When they finished, they went back to the kitchen. There was a loud beeping on the stove.

"The bacon is done!" Luke yelled. Anakin went over to the bacon and fixed everyone's plates.

"Mmmm... something smells delicious," a mysterious voice said.

"Mommy!" Luke and Leia ran towards Padmé's outstretched arms. She lifted them up and gave each of them a kiss.

"Daddy made us bacon!" Leia exclaimed. Padmé put the twins down. They raced back into the kitchen.

"You made bacon?" Padmé asked her husband as she walked into the kitchen. He nodded and handed her plate to her.

Everyone got their plates and sat at the table.

"This is really good! I'm impressed," Padmé said.

"At my cooking skills?" Anakin questioned.

"That you actually know how to work things besides your lightsaber, spaceships, droids, and pods," she teased. Anakin glared at her as the twins giggled.

"Alright, time to take a bath you two," Padmé told Luke and Leia after they all put the dishes away. The bathtub was already filled with water.

"Do we have to mommy?" Leia whined. She elbowed Luke.

"Huh? Oh ya! We don't want to take a bath," he winked at Leia. Anakin saw this small exchange and lowered his eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, we just don't think we need to take a bath," Leia responded.

"This is your last chance to take a bath. If you do it now, we can forget the past and hope that you guys will be more willing to take a bath in the future," Padmé said.

"We aren't taking that bath," Luke said. Padmé leaned over to Anakin.

"Do the plan," she whispered in his ear. Anakin straightened up.

"You two leave me no choice," he told the twins. Luke and Leia glanced at each other. Anakin raised his left hand.

"You two will take a bath," Anakin said, using the force on them.

"We will take a bath," they said in unison. Unbeknownst to Anakin and Padmé, Luke and Leia were faking it. Just according to plan.

"You will undress and get in the water," Anakin forced them.

"We will undress and get in the water," They repeated. But instead of undressing, they walked forward and went past their parents.

"What the-," Anakin said as he and Padmé turned around to look at the children. The twins stood in their direction, unmoving and unblinking. Then they charged at their parents, pushing them in the tub filled with water.