There could be no denying that the Prince Velkan was a man any woman would be happy to marry. He was kind, handsome and was willing to go out of his way for anyone who needed his help. Velkan had never considered himself to be anything but a young man; it simply seemed that any woman who knew him went out of their way to disagree with him.

All but the one who he truly wanted.

Velkan had lived in the castle for years now, no longer a young boy of twelve, but a grown man of twenty one. He knew of his family's despair, and he also knew how his father longed to rid them of the problem they faced. Velkan had promised his father that he could help; that he could be of use.

His father had disagreed sorely with him, leaving the young Prince in a fit of rage. Velkan had swept past his sister Anna, rushing from the castle and riding his horse for fresh air. He knew that his father would be angry with him for leaving without any word, but Velkan grew bored of being unable to help in the attempt to kill the monster who had caused them years of suffering.

He came to the village of Transylvania, swiftly climbing from his horse and tying it to a post before looking at the tavern he stood outside of. He groaned lightly to himself and shook his head, knowing that he was in need of drink but the village was not the right place. He would surely be recognised and he didn't want that.

He didn't need that. He simply wanted time to collect his thoughts, so why he thought the village had been the right place was beyond him.

It was only when he angrily turned on his heel did his body collide with another. Velkan managed to stay upright as the other figure tumbled to the floor, landing on her behind and shrieking in shock and pain. Velkan looked horror struck for a moment, quickly bending down to offer her his hand.

"I am so sorry," he said with haste, his tone apologetic as the girl took hold of his hand, allowing him to haul her to her feet. Both of her hands ended up wrapped in his warm ones as she stood opposite him, a frown on her pale features.

"I should have looked where I was going," the girl replied, shaking her head back and forth. "I never meant...oh..." she suddenly trailed off as she examined his features. She recognised him from somewhere but she was having a hard time recalling where.

His eyes were a dull green and his hair a dark black, cascading down to sit neatly above his shoulders in unkempt waves. He wore simple clothes, something which was hardly befitting of his rank within Transylvania.

"Prince Velkan," the girl suddenly spoke, wondering if she should dip into some form of curtsey or merely stay holding onto his hands. "I am so sorry-"

"-Nonsense," Velkan shook his head back and forth. "It matters not now. However, I do hope I have not ruined your dress."

The girl released his hands, instantly feeling the coldness in her skin before she looked behind her to see if any mess had been made. It would scarcely matter if it had been. The dress she wore was at least a year or so old, the material turning from a dark blue to a faded one.

"Nothing that I cannot fix," she said with a quick smile.

Velkan studied her for a moment, taking in her dull brown hair which hung in limp curls down her back. Her cheekbones were prominent against her pale skin and her mouth and nose seemed a little too large for her gaunt looking face. She was scarcely ugly, but she could hardly be classed as gorgeous.

"No," Velkan agreed with her. "Where were you heading to on such a dark night? It is hardly proper for a young lady to wander the village alone."

"Ah, you mean because of the vampires?" she checked with him and he gulped, nodding slowly before the girl realised who she was talking to. She scolded herself mentally, wishing she knew how to keep her mouth closed. Of course the Prince knew of the vampires. His family had been cursed by them every single day.

"Yes," Velkan replied. "They are known to hunt at night."

"Only once a month," she said in a casual tone as she began walking off. Velkan followed her with haste, his hands behind his back as he slowly walked by her side and looked down onto her concentrating face. "It does make me wonder why people still live here."

"The Count would find a way to kill regardless of location," Velkan assured her as she picked her dress up to her ankles, doing her best not to let it trail into a passing puddle. She sighed and nodded in agreement.

"I do often wonder why I moved here," she informed him and Velkan's brow arched in wonder as he took a moment to cough gently and look back at her.

"You are not from Transylvania?" he checked with her.

"London," she replied. "I lived in London with my mother and father until they passed away. I used to spend my childhood looking at foreign places, wondering if there was more to life than afternoon tea."

Velkan smirked softly at her for a second as she looked back at him, her eyes also alight amusement.

"And you chose to come and live here?" he responded and she laughed lightly, the sound high and soft as Velkan chuckled darkly. "Well, I cannot help but think that you like to live precariously."

She shook her head back and forth. "Silly, isn't it? I do not know why I came...I just felt drawn to the village...I had only meant to visit and see if it is as dull as the books told me when I was a little girl."

"And has it met your expectations?" Velkan wondered.

"Surpassed them," she replied and he broke into another chuckle before he stood outside a tall wooden building, looking up at it and guessing that the girl must live inside. She bit down on her bottom lip and nodded gently, tightly wrapping her arms around her waist as a sudden chill took over her.

"And why have you not left? Surely the sun is something you miss terribly?" Velkan asked from her and she nodded in agreement.

"I do not know," she truthfully answered to him, her eyes looking over to the mountain range beyond Velkan's shoulder. "There is something about this place...something which I cannot is almost as though it is impossible for me to leave now."

Velkan couldn't help but think how peculiar her answer to him was as he frowned and stared at her forlorn gaze. She suddenly shook her head and forced herself to smile at the young Prince.

"I realise how strange that must sound."

"Not at all," Velkan denied and she knew that he must have been lying to her. She said nothing on the matter, choosing to keep silent before rocking back and forth on her heels, looking up to the house she lived in with two other girls.

"I should go inside," she said. "I do not wish to keep you any longer."

"Nonsense," Velkan replied. "It has been pleasant speaking with you. Although I have yet to discover you name."

Her lips tugged upwards and she nodded. "Victoria Jones."

"Velkan Valerious," he responded, offering her his hand and she laughed lightly as he bent down to press his lips against her knuckles, the motion swift and warm against her skin. She bent her head down as he drew himself to full height again, still looking her in the eye as he took another step closer to her.

"Perhaps I shall see you another day," he told her.

"Perhaps if you need a drink," she replied. "I work in the tavern you looked inside of."

Velkan nodded. "I would like that very much," he told her truthfully and slowly released her hand, turning on his heel to walk away from her. She stood where she was for a few moments, the cold of the night finally affecting her without having the nerves of conversing with the Prince.

Prince Velkan struggled to push Victoria from his thoughts as he returned to his horse and climbed onto the creature, a sudden gust of wind causing him to lose his thoughts. He looked around with haste, allowing his horse to continue to trot as he shook his head.

The darkness often played tricks on his mind, never mind who so happened to be lurking in the darkness.


A/N: Hi all, so this is my first Van Helsing fic and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Any review would be welcome and most useful for me.