Author Notes: Last chapter I completely forgot of something. i hope it wont be too late to mention it on this chapter. Finally getting somewhere interesting though, so hopefully, I did a decent job with this chapter. ."

. . .

"You're here... I've been waiting for you.."

'Where am I..?'

Everything was completely surrounded by the thick fog, and nothing besides a few red lights could be seen from afar. I only knew the voice was closer to me. Something was getting closer and closer to me, and for some reason, I was urging for it. I felt something on my hand - I couldn't see what it was though, as it soon vanished when I tried to do so.

"Do not be afraid, after all... You and I are.."



"Wake up missy, you won't want to miss this!"

June 8th, 2011.

It was barely Six AM. The weather was rather cold, probably because of the rain that lasted all night. It was gray outside, and sort of foggy as well. I was woken up by my grandmother, who made me dress quickly and head to the living room.

"Grandmother, there's almost 2 hours before my school starts, I don't even.." I mumbled, trying to adjust my ponytails. My grandmother glared at me and told me to sit down and be quiet as she turned on the TV.

"Hello, all! We're here to our second 'Inaba Pride' special! Today, we have the honor of getting to know more about the art of the flowers arrangements with the great Saionji Hatsuka-sama~"
I couldn't believe what I was watching: It was what they filmed last night. For about fifteen minutes, I kept watching the reporter interviewing my grandmother. I could feel my hands shake a bit from my nervousness, and couldn't help but let out a small exclamation when I knew what was coming next.
"Now, now, we have a surprise~! With us, the lovely Saionji heir, who will in future inherit an Ikebana house at the main Province. Hello my young lady, tell us what you think of the art of the arrangements. Next, could you show us a bit of your work?"
My grandmother looked so hyper watching me on the TV, almost struggling with all that. As for me, though, I felt like it couldn't get worse than that. I needed to get out of there, and thank god it didn't last as long as I thought it would. In forty minutes the show was finally over. My grandmother went to the kitchen, still in a happy mood, making comments on how her shop would get even more costumers because of that.
I wonder if people at school saw it too. Probably not, who would wake up this early and go watch TV on a school day? I tried to comfort myself with that and headed out, not even bothering with grandmother calling me to have breakfast.

"Do you guys really think so? But it just happened with Kanji-kun, and..."
"Well but we all saw something last night, right? What do you think, Narukami?" Chie said in a low tone.
"I have a bad feeling about it, so we should keep an eye out just in case."

'An eye out for what..?'

I started paying more attention to their conversation. I couldn't get much of what they said since they were speaking so low, but I'm sure I heard something about the 'Mayonaka TV'.
According to rumors, in a rainy night if you stood in front of your TV, your soulmate would appear in it. I thought it was silly, and now funny since Narurkami and the others were all talking about how they saw Tatsumi Kanji on it, some guy from bike gangs, on it.
I raised my head and stretched a bit. They all turned at me at once and stopped talking about it, giving me the usual 'good mornings'. I raised my eyebrow - that was an uncommon reaction.

"Good morning, everyone" I said quietly. Maybe they were talking about something important? "I'm sorry for interrupting" I said in advance before they replied.

"It's okay, Anna-san!" Yosuke said, looking as casual as possible. "It was nothing important, really"
"Oh, Anna-san, congrats!" Yukiko said. I looked at her, puzzled, and didn't really understand what she meant with that.
"Oh yeah, Yukiko, I saw it too" Chie complimented, making me freeze. They saw it. "You looked very cool on the show, Anna-san!"
"Aww man, did I miss it?" Yosuke crossed his arms, jokingly.
"It'll probably be on the TV again later tonight, like Yukiko's" Chie nodded. "But, hey! Don't go around being a creep just so you can see her in a kimono, Yosuke!" She slapped Yosuke's arms. Yukiko laughed at them, and their jokes soon started.

I kept staring blankly at them. I just wish I could hide in a place where nobody would think of this as such a big deal. Even though Inaba wasn't bad, at that moment, I was hating it.

"Saionji," I heard Narukami say, as he put his hand on my shoulder. "it's not a big deal. They won't even remember of it by tomorrow." He said, as if assuring me it'd be ok. I glared at him.
"Did you see it, too?" I asked, almost whispering; a bad habit of mine, when I was too nervous my voice wouldn't come out.
Narukami shook his head, saying he wasn't up in time to. It made me a bit relieved that Yu didn't see it. It was embarrassing enough for the trio to see and keep talking about it, I wouldn't want Narukami to either.

After King Moron entered in the room, everyone went silent. The classes went by very slowly, and for the first time I was glad to have Morooka talking non stop about his values and stuff.
I'd occasionally hear Yosuke whispering something for Narukami; it bugged me, however I couldn't say what it was. All I knew was that Narukami had a concerned expression, and in the end he said they'd meet with the Tatsumi guy later today.
'Hm, maybe he's the type that likes biker gangs?' I giggled to myself, not being able to imagine Narukami doing that.

By the end of the day, it was raining again. Narukami and the others left as soon as the bell rang, and by what I could see, the four of them were going to talk to that Tatsumi guy. I looked around; there was nothing left to do at school, so I just took my way out heading back to the Manor.

Even if I was walking as fast as I could, it was annoying because of the rain, causing that weird fog. For a moment, I even thought I saw a van near the flowers store. I was already starting to worry, but that one didn't have the TV logo. I presumed it was just there to shop some groceries, so I headed straight home.

"Today I won't need your help at the store, Anna-chan. Apparently costumers only came during morning time while it wasn't raining, and since you've been such a sweetie yesterday you'll have the day off." Grandmother said as she greet me. I just nodded at her and went to the living room. It was somewhat early, and I had nothing to do. I texted Ai-chan for a while, but then I decided to go do some studyings in my room.

The rain didn't give and signs it'd stop. So maybe, I'd have the chance to check what Yosuke was talking about before. That'd be something interesting, so now I was looking forward to it. I almost forgot I had work today, so I'd better not miss it.
My head felt a bit heavy, thus I decided to go take a nap before getting ready to go.



"The time is approaching.. Soon..."

"I'm sorry, Tohru-san" I bowed for the third time.

I over slept, so as results I was almost one hour late for work. The head officer wasn't there, but still, when I got there Adachi was already doing my part of the work.

"Nothing wrong with that, Saionji!" He said, giving me his kind smile. I felt my cheeks getting hot and I shook my head fast, bowing once again before sitting down.

"This is only my second day and I'm already late, there is no excuse" I sighed, starting to get some paperwork done. Adachi shrugged, saying again there was nothing for me to worry about.

"You're even lucky, Saionji" He commented as we worked together. "Dojima-san just left, and he wasn't pleased at all because of what happened about the biker gang dude"

"Um, what about it?"

"Well, Tatsumi's been missing for a few days after Dojima-san tried talking to him. We don't know exactly what happened, but he looked so irrated on the news and.."

'Oh right, Tatsumi appeared on the news last week! Why'd Narukami even want to talk to that guy then..?'

"Why am I even thinking about-" I let escape, but I quickly covered my mouth with one hand. Adachi gave me a confused look.
After that, he finished telling me that after a few days, Tatsumi was found and everything went back to normal. There were even some rumors about him being involved in Yamano's cases, but they were easily discarded. 'Well, even being in a biker gangs, I guess being involved with murderers is way too much for a high schooler..'.

Adachi and I managed to finish everything a bit before the expected time, so we agreed to just call it a night. He offered to walk home with me again, and this time I accepted it without questioning much. Today was a weird, and hard day for me, and having Tohru's company was distracting me.

While we walked, the rain started to get stronger and stronger, making a thick fog form around the area. It was getting colder too, so when we got at the manor, I insisted for him to wait til the rain would at least calm down a bit.

"It's the least I can do," I explained, bringing some towels for us. I knew my grandmother would want to kill me if she knew there was a man here. But it was just a co-worker, someone that's been kind to me a few times already. So I might as well return the favor "would you like something to drink, Tohru-san?" I asked, and couldn't help but remember that I was acting just like Yukiko does, being all formal-like once again.

"Not really, Saionji" He said, smiling. I nodded and sat on another chair, not knowing what to say. Both of us stayed like that for a moment, just resting after rushing so much, until something broke the silence.

A strong lightning stroke, making Torhu and I jump from our seats. He went to check on it, and a couple minutes later he came back, saying the same lightning made a tree fall. Even though it was just that, I still had an uneasy sensation, that bad feeling once more, and I was hoping what happened last night wouldn't happen now, especially with Tohru here, again.

It didn't really look like the rain would stop any time soon, so he said he'd get going now, which almost made me sigh in relief. 'Now, I can just go to my bedroom and get some rest..'

I lend him my umbrella, since he didn't have one, and walked to the door with him, not letting Tohru notice how I was feeling.

"Well Saionji, see ya tomorrow at work" He said as he opened the umbrella. I just nodded at him and watched him leave, almost disappearing into the night.

"Bye, Tohru-san" I waved at his back, sighing because of the tiring and heavy feeling I had - not just my body, but my head mostly. I was ready to close the door, but he looked back and me; and even now that the area was completely surrounded by the fog and the rain, his eyes were hypnotizing me almost. That presence I felt before, in my nightmare, I could feel it too; I wonder what it was, and why would that be happening now.

"Just call me Adachi" He said, and continue walking and made me snap out of my reverie. If it wasn't so dark, I could swear he was grinning, though I couldn't affirm that... Though I knew for sure that, this time, my face was more than just a little hot.

I took a long bath and managed to relax. My head didn't hurt anymore, and I guess all those weird sensations I've been having lately were nothing more than fatigue. Now what was left to do was just sit back and wait, comfortably reading my book. Looking outside, the rain was almost as strong as before, and I was glad that I didn't even feel uneasy.

June 9th, 2011. - Midnight.

Finally, midnight. I was half unconscious for the fact that I've fallen asleep moments before, with my eyes heavy just like my body.

"..I.. am a God..."

"..the time has come... Wake up..."

. . .

'That voice..?'

Suddenly, I woke up. My room was completely dark, except from the lights coming from the static TV in front of me. I gasped in surprise and got up, moving closer to the TV. I felt slightly scared, but I couldn't bring myself out of that trance; After a few seconds, the image changed, thus bringing a form to the static screen.

"I.. But how's this even possible..?" I whispered to myself, stepping back. I felt astonished as I saw my own siluet appear on the screen. On the TV, I just stood there, still. After no more than a couple minutes, it was gone.

I was breathing heavily and tried to think logically: Maybe this show is part of that TV channel that has been here yesterday. 'How could it be, though? The TV was off...'

I felt uneasy, and needed to get out of there, and even feeling dizzy, I went downstairs to get some water. I couldn't stop thinking about what I've seen, and the most I tried to block those thoughts, the more I couldn't. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes hard - as I opened them, all I could see was the fog surrounding me.

My vision got completely blurry and eventually, I passed out.

I didn't know what happened, nor where was I.. Not even if I was hurt, or not.
School, work, the store, friends and family... Do any of those things really mattered to me? All I wanted now, was to fall asleep again; I wouldn't mind anymore to be trapped in the dark, where I could no longer be bothered, heard, or seen...