This is the sequel of 'The Challenge'. This is a family/ friendship and a romance/ general story. I hope you like this just like you like the first part. There are new characters included in this story.

Enjoy the first chapter.

Chapter one:

AJ and Punk are coming back from their Australian honeymoon. They are at the airport with Punk having his arm around AJ walking to the terminal

"Why do we have to go back, isn't more peaceful back here?" Punk asking

"It is, but do you trust our friends and Lily with your house?" AJ raising an eyebrow

"No I don't, but I just don't want our honeymoon to end." Pulling her closer

"You can't get enough of me can you? I didn't know that I'm that irresistible?" AJ giggling

"That's right. You are my drug because I'm addicted to you forever. I love you so much baby." Pecking her

"I love you more than you do Punky." AJ pecking back

They get to the terminal just as their plane is about to board. They get on the plane and find their seats. While AJ is sitting down, Punk is putting their luggage in the top compartment. His shirt rides up to the point where his stomach and hip dents are showing. AJ is seeing this and is memorize by them as she is biting one of her fingers. She is so far gone that Punk has to shake her gently to get her back.

"AJ. AJ. Punkygirl, come back to me." Punk shaking her gently

"What?" Getting out of her trance

"What are you looking at?" Looking at her direction

"Nothing, I'm not looking at anything." AJ is facing a way to avoid him from seeing her blush

"You were looking at something. You can't lie to me anymore because I know your trick when you lie."

"Oh really, what are they?" Looking back and crossing her arms

"Well, first off you turn away from me when you about to or don't want to tell me. Second, you say a phrase or the something similar to it. 'Nothing, I'm fine' or 'Nothing, I didn't do anything'." Punk chuckling "Oh and you also cross your arms when I tell you that you're lying."

"I don't do that and I wasn't lying. You don't know everything about me; I'm a very complex person." Still having her arms crossed

"Of course I don't know every single detail. If I did there weren't be any surprises left for our married life. A married life or any relationship grows when we learn new aspects about the other person. I know you're a complex person because that is what I love about you. You keep me on my toes with everything you do, but that doesn't mean I can't ne complex too." Kissing her hands after uncrossing her arms

"So you don't think we will get bored of each other with all the knowledge we do know?" AJ pouting

"Of course not, we, the both of us, are going to stay together forever. We will keep surprising each other with how complex we are. You don't have to worry because nothing will break us apart, will it my princess?" Punk now holding her

"Yup, nothing will." Resting her head on his chest

"Do you want to tell me what you were looking at?" Punk rubbing her back

"Um… it was your body. Your shirt ridded up a bit that I could see part of your stomach and your hip dents. Why did you have to wear a short shirt and wear your jeans that low?" AJ blushing

"This shirt is the only clean one and plus I love my stomach; I wanted to show it to everyone. As for the jeans, I just did that because I know I'll be reaching. You love looking at them, so I push my jeans a bit lower for you." Smirking

"Really you love your stomach and you wanted to embarrass me." Punk is nodding "Well, maybe I should returned the favour by wearing my shirt that shows up my stomach and jeans shorts." Pondering a bit "Yup, I am definitely going to do it, excuse me Punky." Grabbing her purse

"How are you going to reach the compartment?"

"Oh the clothes are in my purse, so please excuse me." Trying to pass him

"Don't think so because this flat-toned stomach is mine to see. When you are off work this is for me to only look at. No one will get to see, touch, and kiss this stomach, but me. This goes double for your strong-powerful legs that almost choke me before."

"Well you earned it with your long-talented tongue."

"See I surprised you with my tongue and you surprise me with your leg strength. We will keep doing those surprises until, let me see, forever." Kissing her

They kiss for about 2 minutes as they hear the flight attendant say they are landing now. After they have landed, AJ is unbuckling her seatbelt to whispering something into Punk's ear

"I've lost this challenge, but they are going to be many challenges to have my revenge. I hope up your ready to play the challenge game." AJ moving off him to try to get their bags

Punk is unbuckling his belt to rush behind AJ.

"You're on AJ, but warning I'll not hold back because you're my wife. I'm going to use everything at my disposal to win. If it is anything like the challenge you did plan for us last year than I would be a loser to not do it." Whispering it a sexy tone

"Oh you're mine when we get home. You will be screaming for me to fill your pleasures."

"You mean like how you did after our Safari tour." Smirking "Come on, I'll carry your luggage with mine."


"Okay, is everything ready? The cake is in the kitchen, the house is decorated, and there are AJ's favourite flowers in their room. Everyone is… Where's Kaitlyn and Sheamus?" Lily saying

"Listen to me mini Punk, everything is fine for AJ and Punk. Plus if it wasn't perfect they would love it anyway because you are family. Now I'm going to fetch Kaitlyn and Sheamus while you sit here and relax."

"Thanks John, you always know what to say." Sitting down

"You're welcome, but if you move you won't greet them." John chuckling

"This is harsh, but it is fair no moving from this spot. Can I at least get some company?"

"Sure, I'll try to find someone who isn't busy."

AJ and Punk

They are driving t their home, being almost there, they see a bunch of people at the park.

"What's going on?" AJ saying

"I don't know princess; do you that to check it out?"

"Yes I do if you don't mind." Smiling

"Of course not." Opening her door "M'Lady"

"My perfect gentlemen." Getting out and kissing him

"My perfect wife needs the perfect treatment." Kissing her back

They get to the park to see a mini carnival with different booths.

"Can we play some games before we go home?" Pouting

"It would be nice to win something for Lily and for my baby." Pecking her cheek

"Oh I might win something for my baby."

"Oh this is a challenge." AJ nodding "I accept, we play a game together to see who will the most."

"Good luck Punk and I say it to you because you're going to lose."

After 2 hours after playing, AJ is on Punk's back while they are both holding on to a big stuff dog in one hand. There is also a stuffed lion in AJ's purse.

"Thank you for my dog Punky. I love it like I love you."

"You're welcome, but she is not sleeping with us."

"Of course not, our bed is only for the two of us. Are you sure you don't want one, I can win one for you?"

"It's fine because making my wife happy is the most important rule. Right now my wife is happy with her dog. Do you want to go home now?"

"Yes please." AJ starts yawning "I think the jetlag is starting to be a factor." Laying her head on his back

"Ok lets' go home." Carrying her to the car

After 15 minutes, Punk is parking the car and smiling at AJ.

"What are smiling about?" Looking at Punk

"I have one beautiful wife." Kissing her

"Thank you. I have the best handsome husband." Kissing back

"Come on let's go inside."

They walk up the stairs and open the door to find…