My idea where the cast of The Hobbit replaces the characters in Tangled:

Bilbo is Rapunzel (Belinda)

Thorin is Flynn Rider (AKA Eugene Fitzherbert)

Saruman is Gothel

Gandalf is Pascal

The two thugs are Azog and Bzog

The criminals at the inn are the dwarves from the company

Legolas is Maximus (For most of the time)

Thranduil is the guard capitain

The King and Queen are Galadriel and Elrond

The tiara is made with the Arkenstone

Thorin was banished from Erebor until he found the most precious of treasures. Belinda is the Princess of the Shire, which is in good terms with elves, who guard it's borders. I saw Gandalf as Pascal 'cause he's like the one who convinces her to go on an adventure. Legolas as Maximus 'cause I saw a good opportunity for rivalry between the two and have him liking Thorin after a while. Galadriel and Elrond 'cause they're both good leaders and were in the movie.

I don't own either of the stories nor their characters.

- Prologue - (Thorin Narating) -

This is the story of how I died. But don't worry, it's not a sad story. It's not even mine. This is the story of a girl named Belinda. Once upon a time, there was a drop of sunshine that fell from the sky. And from that drop grew a magical golden flower in the form of a ring.

The flower shines brightly in the darkness and you see a very old and tired man dressed in white approaching it.

The old man right here, you may want to remember him, for he is important. But on with the story: Many years passed and a kingdom flourished. It was ruled by a great kind and an even greater queen: Elrond and Galadriel. The lady was awaiting a child, but she became sick. Deadly so. The kingdom was desperate, and ready to believe in miracles, even in a magical flower.

The old man draped in white robes comes out from the darkness and removes a basket that was hidding the flower.

See? Told you he was important. For many, many years, Saruman had kept the flower hidden, for it was his source of youth. All he had to do was sing.

-Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine,

What once was mine...

As the old man sang, the flower glowed brightly. As the last verse died down, Saruman breathed deeply the smell of the flower and the glow covered him. His wrinkles disappeared and his long white beard shrank back, his hair turning a deep shade of healthy black.

So, he sings a song to a flower and grows younger. Quite disturbing, is it not?

Voices come from afar and the now younger man quickly covers the flower with the basket. He hurries away, but in his haste, he knocked over the basket and revealed the flower. Just as he vanishes into the forest, one of the guard, Legolas, arrives and notices the flower.

-I found it! He shouts to his troup.

The elves hurriedly dug up the flower, careful not to destroy it. Saruman watched from afar, a dark look in his eyes.

The magical flower healed the queen, and a few weeks later, a beautiful baby girl was born, with long flowing golden hair. To celebrate her birth, the king and queen set off dozens of fireworks. All was well, for a while at least.

In the dark of the night, a large but thin form creeps from the window and enters the room. A shadow looms over the sleeping babe as a wrinkled hand grasps a lock of golden hair.

-Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine... Saruman sung softly, the hair of the princess glowing and his age fading away.

As he kept singing, he lifted the lock of hair and cut it off with a pair of scissors. But the second he had done so, the hair turned brown and curly. He gasped as he instantly aged and the hair on the baby's head lost it's power, turning brown and curly. A cry awoke the king and queen, who hurried into their daughter's room only to see a white form jump out of the window.

In a flash, Saruman entered the castle, kidnapped the princess and vanished. The entire kingdom set out to search for the princess, but could not find her. Deep into the woods, up in a high dark tower, the man raised the girl as his own.

-... Heal what has been hurt,

Bring back what once was mine.

What once was mine... A soft childish voice sung as a rejuvenating man brushed her hair.

Saruman had found a new magic flower, and this time, he was determined to keep it hidden.

-Why can't I go outside? Little Belinda asked.

-The world outside is very dangerous, my dear. You must stay in this tower to remain safe. Do you understand, my flower? The younger man told her.

-Yes daddy.

But the walls of the tower could not keep her from everything. For every year on her birthday, the king and queen had multiple fireworks set off into the night, in the hope that, one day, their princess would return.