"Yes Harry?"
"I... I... I can't do this anymore?"

"What do you mean?"

"Us... how can we be together Draco? How? The war, Voldemort, your father, our friends no one would ever accept us... the boy who lived and the death eater... one of us will surely end up dead and Draco if you stick with me it will probably be you so Draco we can't do this anymore"


"I'm sorry"



"Why do you have to do this Harry? Wouldn't we be better off together, protecting each other? Am I not good enough? What's so different now? It's not like we would be accepted with or without the war after all I'm a Slytherin and you're a Gryffindor..."

"Draco that's not-"

"Was I ever good enough Harry?"

Harry woke up and blinked, he slowly took in his surroundings. He was in his bed, not with Draco. That was over, Draco was gone now, there was no Draco in Harry's life anymore. He couldn't go back in time and take back those words, he couldn't go back in time and kiss the sadness away and brush the tears of Draco's cheeks. He couldn't go back in time and hug Draco and never let go because that wasn't possible and Draco wasn't around anymore. He couldn't go up to Draco and apologize for what he had done, he couldn't take back his words or make Draco love him again because Draco was gone.

Harry blinked a couple of times and felt a slight burning in the back of his throat, he brought a trembling hand up to his face and brushed the tears from his eyes. Then the tears were streaming down his cheeks, and falling on his pillow, and his eyes were shut tight from all the pain he felt in his heart swell up and expand and burst. He rolled over on his side and he curled up and let the tears stain his sheets and he clutched his blanket and convulsed with sobs and regretted that foolish thing he had done. Why had he done it when he was so in love? Why had he pushed Draco away, now all he had was his memories of the time they had spent together. Even now those moments were starting to fade away, with every tear that rolled down his cheek he remembered a quirk from Draco's personality or a moment or look or a touch and then it would be gone. Now that so much time had passed memories of Draco didn't last very long.

The sadness was overwhelming and the pain too much to bare but he was the boy who lived and he wasn't supposed to care about slytherin death eaters with grey eyes and lovely blonde hair.