Chapter 1

I never used to wonder what it would be like to die, but when you are staring down a semi-truck, like a deer caught in the headlights, you can't help but think how pathetic a way it is to go out. It was even my fault that I'm in this position in the first place, I saw the head lights coming, I heard the roar or the engine, I knew that truck was there. So why did I even consider stepping out onto that road? Did I think I could make it across in time? Did I think they guy would stop just because something is in the road? Did I even think he could? Any way you look at it, it's all my fault that my body is laying here. Yea that's right, I said BODY, why you ask? Well that's simple. I'm dead, there's no two ways about it, my body is laying there 10 feet away from the semi-truck in a mangled and broken mess. While I stand, or well float I guess, not even 5 feet away watching as the trucker panics and cries for help. Oddly enough, I don't really feel anything, but I guess that's good, if I felt the pain from being hit, I don't know what I'd do.

Looking around I couldn't really see any white light or anything. So what, am I damned here to this boring ass place, doomed to wander for eternity? As soon as that thought flit through my mind, I could feel this tugging sensation along my legs. Curious I look down… but there's nothing there. What the hell? What was tha- My thoughts were quickly cut off as I was suddenly wrenched off the ground and into the air. Then everything went black.

What happened? Where am I? I wonder as I lazily drift through the dark abyss.

"You are in limbo little one." Said a deep silky voice, in a rather bored tone.

"What are you talking about? What is limbo? Why am I here?" I practically scream. I was terrified, yet surprisingly curious about the darkness that surrounded my body like a soft down blanket.

"Limbo is a world under my control, a place where lost souls come to be judged, and sent to back into the rebirth cycle."

"You're world? Who are you? And what do you mean 'be judged' does that mean I can't leave here?" I growled out, suddenly furious that some random ass person was going to start judging me and my life.

The voice merely chuckled before replying to my questions, "I am Yami little one, and yes ordinarily you would be judged, and sent to rebirth. But for you little one, I have a special request."

"Special request?" why would a god want me to do something for him? She wondered.

"Yes, I needed someone who knows this world like the back of their hand. Someone I could place into this world and accept that I cannot control what happens. I have watched you for a while, and you have such love for the people that I need to be saved the most. There are those that you will not be able to save or help no matter what you do, and there will be those that cannot be saved at any costs whatsoever. Where I wish to send you will mean lots of death by your hands alone. Are you capable of doing what I ask of you and fulfilling my request?" Yami stated.

To say I was stunned would be a major understatement. Go to another world, save people, KILL people? Ok, I have to admit that last one is enticing. I mean come one, who would pass up permission to kill people? That's badass, but the other things… that's a tough one. How can I be trusted to do what he asks of me? I guess it couldn't hurt to accept, that way I won't have to be judged or be forced to live on earth again.

"I accept your offer sir, but if I may, what is this world that I have to fix?" I whisper.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out." He chuckled, clearly amused. "Now go, and right the wrongs of that world." With that I feel the familiar tugging on my legs as I am pulled back into darkness.

Meanwhile in Konoha hospital

"Lady Tsunade! Lady Tsunade!" screamed a petite black haired woman running through the halls like a mad woman.

"WHAT?!" shouted an extremely angry blonde woman.

"It's Sakura, milady. She's waking up." Panted the black haired woman.

"Oh? Good, I will go check on her myself Shizune. I want you to go grab the Uchiha. He will want to see his old team mate before she is banished." Said Tsunade as she marched through the halls. "Sakura will surely cause us many problems if she is not dealt with soon." She added as an afterthought.

"Yes milady." Shizune whispered sadly.

With Sakura

Groggily I opened my eyes and take in my surroundings. Judging by all the machines and the harsh chemical smell in the air. But why am I here? I wonder as I look out the window to see a beautiful view of grass lined in rose bushes, with the beautiful baby blue sky making it seem like life is okay.

Who the hell are you?

My eyes widen as I whip my head around to see who was talking to me. "Who's there?" I ask the empty room suspiciously.

I'm in your head you fucking idiot.

"Who the hell are you calling an idiot?!" I shouted out loud.

You obviously, considering you're the one who doesn't seem to understand that shouting to yourself will make people think you're insane.

Okaaaay, you still didn't answer my question. Who the hell are you? Why are you in my head? I truly wanted to know. Where the hell did Yami send me, and why do I have a fucking voice in my head.

Well, I could ask you the same thing, who the hell are you? Why are you in Sakura's body?

What are you talking about? I'm in my body, and who the hell is Sakura? I sure as hell don't have to give you my name.

No, you are not in your own body. This was Sakura's body, but I haven't felt her in quite a while. I don't particularly care what your name really is either, you're in her body, so as far as I am concerned you are now Sakura. Now stop talking to me, there're people coming. Oh and by the way, you can just call me inner.

"Yea whatever." I grumble under my breath as I hear the door open. Looking up I was surprised by the woman before me. She was tall with long blonde hair pulled into two low ponytails. The woman was wearing a yukata styled top that just barely covered her massive breasts, loose black capris, and black sandals. She has a small blue diamond on her forehead right between her eyebrows. Why the hell does this woman look like a Naruto character?! What the hell is going on?

"How are you feeling Sakura?" the woman asked, while picking up a chart at the end of my bed.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"Do you not remember anything at all?" the woman asked with a look of suspicion crossing her face.

You stupid girl, you're supposed to act like Sakura now. You can't hope to stay in this body without acting the part. You are Sakura and Sakura is you.

Then what do you suggest I do? I have no idea what happened, and I certainly don't know who this woman is or who this Sakura person is. Although the woman in front of me was oddly familiar, I highly doubt that the world of Naruto is actually real…. Is it?

*sigh* Girl you are a pain in my ass, you obviously know who Tsunade is, and you seem to know an awful lot about this world and its inhabitants. So why don't you use that information to your benefit? Though you seem rather genuine about not knowing what happened to put you in the hospital.

You do realize that by calling me a pain in your ass, you're calling yourself a pain in my ass as well? And of course I don't know what happened, as far as I know, Sakura was never put into a coma at all during the series. I quietly mumble to myself, as I gaze out the window. Pointedly avoiding Tsunade's stern gaze, as I sorted through my thoughts.

I will help you then, only because I value my existence and really do not want to be snuffed out just quite yet. You see, Sakura was out on a mission to bring back that duck-ass Uchiha. During the mission however, things went badly for you. You ended up being caught in a sort of modified Tsukiyomi. You were not forced to endure gruesome illusions, instead you were forced into a dreamless comatose state. Which is about when she disappeared and you took her place.

Wow…all that happened? How though…what went wrong in the story to change it so drastically? Deciding that my best source for information would be the woman standing at my bed side, I turn and look Tsunade in the eyes, "How long have I been out Shishou? What happened?"

Eyeing me curiously, Tsunade replies, "One month. That's how long you've been out, and what happened is that you ran into Itachi Uchiha. He used his mangekyo to force you into a coma, while making you believe that it was Sasuke who attacked you and Naruto. Naruto refused to accept this as a fact and has henceforth been put to death by none other than Sasuke himself."

What? Naruto was dead? Executed by Sasuke no less? How could they do this? How could Tsunade agree to this? Is this what Yami wanted me to do? Right all the wrongs that have happened here? Suddenly furious, I turn to glare at Tsunade, "How could you. How could you let that bastard kill Naruto? He was like a son to you! He was going to become Hokage one day!" Suddenly I stop my rant as a thought runs through my head. Wasn't Naruto the son of Kushina and Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage? Wide eyed my glare turns murderous at that thought. "What would Minato say if he knew what you've done?"

"What are you talking about Sakura? What does it matter to you what the fourth would say?" Tsunade replies, her voice barely higher than a whisper.

"You heard me Shishou." I spat back. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Tell me, do the elders know? How about the village? Do they know who his parents were? Or are they all too busy celebrating the death of a demon to care?"

"Since you very clearly are feeling better, I want you packed and out of this village by sundown. If you are not gone by then, I will personally send out every available ninja in this village to hunt you down and kill you where you stand." Tsunade stated furiously. She threw down the medical charts on my bed and marched to the door, "Get the hell out of my hospital, right now." She said quietly, as she slammed the door shut, breaking it off the hinges in her anger.

Well shit. I thought as I forced myself off of the bed and out the door. I quietly walked through the halls of the hospital. I managed to get out of there without having to speak to anyone thankfully, though it was odd being ignored. It was as if everyone had me labled as a traitor, and unworthy to speak to. I was lost in my thoughts as I let my feet guide me home. Suprisingly enough I managed to find my way home without any problems. I guess my feet automatically knew where to go even though I have never actually been here.

The apartment building wasn't very big, just a two story building with about four apartments all together. I was apartment number three. Digging around in my pockets, I found a set of keys on a simple split-ring. After unlocking the door, I step inside only to be greeted by an empty silence. The apartment was very empty and bleak, covered with a thick layer of dust. Looking around, I noticed that there wasn't even any furniture in the house. Walking over to the bedroom, I open the creaky door and peer inside. There in the corner was a dingy twin sized bed, a beat up old night stand, and a picture of the old team 7. There wasn't even a closet in this room.

I wander over to the night stand, curious to see if it was just as empty as the rest of this place. Bending down, I grab the cold metal handle and pull. The drawer opens smoothly, revealing a couple scrolls, and a beat up old backpack. The ones on top were newer than the others, but obviously treated with the same care as the others. Pulling out one of the newer scrolls, I lay it on the bed and gently unroll it. Inside there was a bunch of strange symbols and designs that, at first, make no sense to me whatsoever. But as I study the odd markings more, as if on instinct, I realize that this is a certain type of sealing scroll, meant to store items such as clothing, food, and money. Surprised at the sudden knowledge, I push it to the back of my mind for later analysis, as I reach back into the drawer and pull out the bag. After filling the backpack with all of the scrolls, I sling it over my shoulder and pick up the photo of team seven. Smiling at the adorable foxlike boy, I rip the picture so that I held nothing more than the corner with a grinning Naruto in it. I pocket the picture and turn to leave the depressing bedroom, stopping at the door as a thought crosses my mind.

Hey inner, am I able to use fire jutsu? Even though this place is so empty I don't feel like leaving anything behind.

Hahaha I never thought you would ask. Grinning like a complete idiot, inner showed me a couple hand signs. There use those and take a deep breath, release it when you finish the signs. Your body and chakra already know what to do. And I wager after time, you will remember everything you can do.

Following inner's directions, I perform all of the hand signs perfectly while sucking in a deep breath. Once I finish the signs, I release my breath straight at the apartment. Feeling a strange power surge up through my lungs and out my mouth, becoming a massive ball of fire. Devouring the apartment building in one hit. Turning on my heel, I face the massive gates, and subconsciously push chakra into the soles of my feet. Crouching down, I feel my muscles coil and release as I spring forward appearing at the gates in a flash. Slowing, I take a deep breath and take that final step through, leaving Konoha behind me. Flashes of my past flip through my mind, showing me the life I have replaced. Determination courses through my body as Sakura's memories of Naruto begin to surface. I promise you Sakura, where ever you are. We will avenge Naruto. I think as memories of jutsu and training appear, re-engraving themselves in my mind. As if she was accepting me and my resolve, giving to me everything she knows and has learned, to help in my quest for revenge. "Thank you." I whisper as I think to myself. You and I are one now, Sakura. You are me, and I am you. You will not be forgotten as I take my role in becoming you.