Hello everyone ^_^ This is a new story in a new fandom for me, please be kind XD. This is sort of a side-fic, something I'm going to add to when I need a bit of a break from my main Doctor Who story, so it will be updated as often as I can, but not on any schedule like my other fic. But as a way of procrastinating from writing what I'm supposed to, I tend to write other unrelated things so it could be updated often. Who knows, eh?

Just be kind XD

And enjoy.

And review.

But mainly enjoy XD


Mary Hudson pulled her back up onto her shoulder, it catching on her blazer in a fight of friction. Her school uniform was a horrific pleated calf-long skirt with blazer and white blouse, her backpack filled with too many books for anyone to ever read in one day. Most of the other students had headed to the dining hall for lunch, but Mary had been to meet with her chemistry teacher for a bit of help on her homework. Her footsteps echoed through the old stone hallway, the occasional person darting out of rooms as she headed towards the stairwell to go to lunch herself.

"Move out of the way!" Someone shouted behind her and she turned at the top of the stairs to see a boy charging at her on a set of wheels, crashing into her ungracefully. She screamed as she stumbled backwards, her body stopping the boy but the force causing her to tumble backwards and fall down, hitting each stair on her way down before coming to a stop at the bottom. Pain blurred her vision as her ankle bent the wrong way underneath her and she immediately began sobbing, clutching her arm to her chest and a trail of blood ran down her forehead. The boy rushed down the stairs, kneeling in front of her and removing her bag from her arm, "Are you all right?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"No, I'm not!" She cried, "My leg hurts!"

"You've broke it." He told her simply, "Mycroft has gone to fetch Dr Simms."

"What the hell were you doing Sherlock?" She sobbed.

"An experiment." He replied simply, "I was bored." She smacked him with her good hand, gasping in pain as her shifting pressed down on her leg.

"I hate you." She sniffled.

"No you don't." He replied with a cocky smirk.


Mary hobbled down the hallway, sporting a fetching pair of crutches, as she headed to lunch once more. She'd taken great care since falling down the stairs to check every shadow before making her way slowly down towards the dining hall. A figure appeared beside her, hands clasped behind him as he walked by her side; Head Boy Mycroft Holmes.

"I believe I should thank you for not telling the Headmaster that it was Sherlock who pushed you down the stairs." He stated stiffly. She would have shrugged if she hadn't had a crutch in each arm, so it came across as more of a muscle spasm.

"He didn't mean to do it." She replied, "Why get him into trouble for an accident? He can do that easily enough on his own."

"Still, it would be gentlemanly to offer my gratitude." He told her, "How is your ankle, by the way?"

"Fine." She said, a slightly surprised look on her face at the fact he did look slightly concerned for her, "Thanks for asking."

"I felt I should. Sherlock wouldn't deem it necessary to check up on the girl he shoved down the stairs."

"Not true." He held the door to the dining room open, the sounds of the students inside intensifying greatly, "He told me I should pull my bag strap up otherwise I'd trip. That's practically a guilt-ridden rant of apology from him." Mycroft smiled slightly, well, grimaced but it was the same for the older boy.

"Quite right. You seem to know my younger brother quite well." She smiled, nodding over to Sherlock who was looking at the pair in disdain, sat on his own in the corner of the room he was forced to stay in over the lunch break. They'd found his transportation device, but she'd sworn blind he hadn't knocked her so all they could do was contain him for creating an unauthorised skateboard.

"Yes, I do." She placed a kiss on his cheek, surprising the Sixth-former as she headed over to Sherlock, sitting in the chair in front of him, "What's wrong with you?" She asked him as he watched his brother join the rest of his little minions. He had quite the gang in their school, keeping his fingers in as many pies as he could.

"Why were you with him?" He snarled, glaring at his brother.

"He was apologising on your behalf. You going to each them?" She motioned to his plate of chips and he shook his head.

"Pompous arse." He snapped and she giggled with a nod, picking up one of his untouched chips and munching on it.

"Yeah, I know." She replied, "Still, was nice of him. Thanked me for not turning your arse in as well."

"As if you would." Sherlock declared confidently, "You'd never do that to me."

"Too right." She picked another chip up, "Who else would I copy off in class?" She pushed the plate closer to him, "Here, eat these."

"I don't eat when I'm bored." He dismissed and she shook her head.

"Eat it, Holmes." She snapped and he sighed like the petulant child he was before picking up a chip, biting off the end dramatically.

"There, happy?" She nodded with a big smile on her face.



"Why do you hang out with him?" James Shearsmith taunted harshly, "He's a freak." His cronies laughed as they surrounded Mary and Sherlock in the yard outside the front doors of the main school building, heading home to study for their final exams before leaving the school forever.

"No, he's not." She snapped back, knowing that she had to defend him because Sherlock would never stand up for himself. Mainly because he didn't care what people thought, but she did, "Piss off, Shearsmith."

"Oooo." The group called before cackling once more.

"He doesn't fancy you, you know?" James told her, nodding to Sherlock, "Probably doesn't know the difference between a girl and boy."

"He's seen more of a girl than you ever will." She retorted, "Piss off before I kick your arse, again." She could as well, she'd done it before. One smack and he'd be down. He always was.

"Shut it, you skanky whore." He threw his new insult at her and Sherlock seemed to tense beside her, as if he'd just finally joined their conversation.

"No, that's your mother." Sherlock stated simply, "Although, if one is to be a 'whore' then that would involve the trade of sexual activities for money, rather than the scholarship that she had to fight for you to have after your father gambled all your family's riches on the horses." Mary laughed heartily at the outraged look on James' face. Oh, when had Sherlock found that out? She needed details.

"Take that back." James snarled.

"And," Sherlock continued, as if the boy hadn't interrupted him, "Whilst her jawline is slightly too chunky, her hair frizzy at the best of times and her eyes too dull a brown to be considered conventionally attractive, at least she hadn't followed in the family trait of large flat foreheads and, quite frankly, wing-like ears of yours, Shearsmith. Goodbye." He turned and walked off, dragging Mary with him who reached up to her hair, feeling the small hairs sticking up in her apparently frizzy hair.

"Dull brown?" She asked Sherlock as they headed out of the school grounds.

"I believe bright blue is considered more attractive when paired with blonde hair." He explained, "Although, with your hair being more of a brown-blonde maybe you can get away with it more."


Mary stood on the small step stool she needed to get a full torso view of herself in her bathroom mirror over the sink. She ran the cold tap, dampening her fingers to try and calm down her hair.

Her hair frizzy at the best of times.

She hadn't thought her hair too frizzy, it had been windy that day after all, but maybe she should take care of her appearance more.

Jawline is slightly too chunky.

She tilted her head, pulling her hair out of the way and grimaced at they way her chin and jaw stuck out. God, she looked like that guy out of the Beano, Dangerous... no Desperate Dan. How had she never noticed that before?! Oh god, she needed to get a new haircut to hide her cheeks. She sucked them in, but it didn't help, it just highlighted her jawbone. She let her cheeks out, but when she did that she looked like a hamster.

To be considered conventionally attractive.

James had hit a nerve, taunting her about fancying Sherlock, although thankfully the boy always seemed blissfully unaware of the attention she craved from him. She'd been happy about that, he never showed interest in anyone, but to know he'd looked at her and dismissed her really hurt. Even the boy who didn't find anyone attractive found her hideous.

She tilted her head again, her eyes catching a glistening piece of metal that seemed to reflect in the tears in her eyes. Maybe she should do something about it. If only she had a thinner jawline, then she could sort everything else out. She'd dissected loads of different animals in Biology, how would this be any different?