Title: Enemy

Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan or Magic Kaito.

Pairing: KaitoxShinichi

Notes: Italics = Past / memory.

Cover Art: By Me

It was raining.

When it had started Kaito did not know but things like that tended to go unnoticed when one wasn't paying attention. Like for example... time. How long had he been standing here? That was something else Kaito didn't know.

Not that it mattered. Nothing mattered much anymore. Not since that night on the roof top... The night before everything had happened.


"I am offering you my help."

"Thanks, but I don't need help from a thief."

KID's lips pressed into a thin line at the statement, indigo eyes studying the man before him.

It had been months since he had seen his favorite critic, Conan Edogawa. He had often wondered what had come of the boy, keeping an eye on both the Mouri Detective Agency and that abandoned mansion in Beika Town, District 2, Block 21.

Tonight he had gotten his answer. It was just after his latest heist when the thief had taken shelter on an old abandoned roof top a few blocks away. But almost as soon as his feet touched the roof did he receive a surprise in the form of echoing footsteps.

Kaito tensed before turning to look, only to have his jaw drop to the floor. Or at least it would have if he didn't have his poker face on.

Kudou Shinichi was standing before him, dressed casually in a suit and dress shirt, the top button open and revealing just enough of the smooth skin.

Kaito had been delighted to see the child had finally returned to his normal body and if he didn't fear the idea of a painful soccer ball to the face Kaito would have tackled the man in a huge hug right then and there.

Instead they had settled for standing side by side on the roof, looking out over the light filled city.

"Thieves have skill sets that you detectives lack. Admit it, you need my help." Kaito said pointedly

"Really KID. I appreciate the offer, but this is something I need to do by myself." Came the reply.

Now Kaito knew Shinichi was stubborn and hard to stop when it came to chasing criminals but this was just crazy. The sleuth wanted to take down the organization that had shrunk him in the first place and he was denying the help KID was willingly offering.

As his mouth opened to object once more Shinichi raised a placating hand and smiled. It was a smile that had a hint of something that Kaito couldn't place. It looked... almost sad but also thankful.

"Trust me, Kaito. I promise to be careful." A slight smirk, "Besides, I have yet to put you behind bars. You'll see me again."

Shinichi then stepped forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. It lasted a second, maybe two. Kaito should have been excited about it. He had wanted to kiss the detective for almost a year now but rather than elation, he felt nothing but frustration and a touch of dread.

He had not realized it then but now he knew. It had not been just any kiss. It had been a good bye kiss.

Kaito was angry and stressed like a thin sheet of paper and he absolutely hated it. That night, and for several weeks afterwards, Kaito had pulled as many strings as he could to find and locate his missing detective. Unfortunately everything was slowly turning up as a dead-end and it was almost as if Shinichi had disappeared off the face of the earth.

At a loss of much else to do Kaito ultimately decided to take Shinichi's words to heart and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

The days turned into weeks and weeks became months.

During that time Kaito couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and it's supposed implications, which he refused to believe. It was just a simple kiss, designed to placate the upset thief. With a huff Kaito knew he would have to make the detective spill everything once he returned and show him just how a proper kiss should be given.

Now that he thought about it, Kaito had been so foolish. He should have tried harder to find Shinichi. There was so much more he could have done. He should have done. He knew that Shinichi had known just how upset Kaito had been with him that night.

It pained him to think that petty argument was the last thing Shinichi had to remember the magician by.

It also pained him to think that Shinichi would never know just how much he had actually loved the stupid detective. Not him, Kaitou KID, but the real him. Unfortunately Kaito had never had the chance to introduce himself to that sleuth. Shinichi didn't know and never would know Kuroba Kaito.

That fact stung more than anything else.

Except for when he had first received the news.


"You are lying!"

Kaito was pissed. A joke like this wasn't funny. He was fine with Hakuba being stupid and accusing him of being KID. It came with the territory but saying Kudou Shinichi was dead just to get a rise from Kaito was nothing except sick, revolting and crossing the line.

"Kudou Shinichi is not DEAD! He isn't!"

As vehement as Kaito sounded he was seriously starting to doubt his own words. Mostly because of the way Hakuba was reacting.

He was doing nothing to stop the shorter teen, his back pressed against the wall as Kaito had him pinned by the front of his shirt. Brown eyes were downcast, blonde hair shadowing his face.

"I'm sorry Kaito."

The words were soft and barely palpable to the brunette's ears. They sounded pained and so full of regret that Kaito released his shirt and stumbled back. He then turned in an attempt to flee but Hakuba suddenly had him in a hug, pressing the shorter teens face into his shoulder. Kaito struggled briefly and started to pound against the detectives chest with his fists in some sort of childish fit.

"You're lying..."

It was one more vain attempt to deny the fact before he slumped against the blonde, hands fisted into his shirt once more, using the fabric to muffle his crying.

Kudou Shinichi had in fact died just a couple days before Hakuba had given him the news.

A couple days before Kaito had received the letter in the mail.

The teenager dropped to his knees on the wet grass. A small sob choked the back of his throat as he looked down at the unopened envelope in his hands, cradling it close so the rain wouldn't damage two words written in perfect scrawl across the front: Kuroba Kaito.

Kaito could recognize Shinichi's hand writing anywhere.

Did that mean Shinichi had actually known the face behind the top hat and monocle? If he did, why had he not said anything?

Kaito suspected that the letter would explain why but the teen didn't have the heart to open the envelope. The fact that it came to him after the detective's death meant that had probably been set up to be delivered after he died.

Shinichi's last words that were meant for Kaito and Kaito alone.

Words the magician wasn't willing to read just yet...


The teen lifted his head to stare at the grey and all to shiny slab across from him, ignoring the all to fresh upturned earth that sat between him and the stone.

Kudou Shinichi.

Loving Son and Detective.

There was more written along the bottom but Kaito couldn't see anything past the name. The name of his beloved detective. The tears he had been holding back finally started to spill down his already wet and cold face.

Why had Shinichi not seen how much he meant to Kaito?! He had been willing to help and because the man had chosen to deny him, another wall had appeared between them. One that Kaito could never break down no matter how much he wanted to.

Had the detective been so blind that he had not been able to see how much he needed Kaito... and how much Kaito had needed him? The magician did not want to be Shinichi's rival and enemy anymore. He had wanted to be his friend and perhaps something more.

Shinichi had failed to see that and now... it was no longer possible.

Much like a mirror Kaito had seen the future he would give anything to own, only to have it shatter into a million pieces.


Lips quirked in a sad smile as Kaito tucked the still unopened envelope into his jacket and pushed himself to his feet. His tears, along with the rain, had stopped a few minutes ago and he ran his hands through his wet hair before sighing tiredly, feeling both emotionally and physically exhausted.

Indigo eyes looked once more at the gravestone as he walked up to it and placed a hand on the edge, thumb caressing the polished stone with silent longing.

"Hi, Shinichi. You don't exactly know who I am even if you know my name but I've known you for a long time. My name is Kuroba Kaito and..." A choked pause, "... and I love you."

Author's Notes: Whew, now that is over.. -Blows nose into tissue- I just want to said it probably hurt me just as much to write this as it probably hurt you guys to read it. I really don't like being mean to Kaito or Shinichi but there are times where I just can't help myself. I mean, I actually had started crying before I finished the stupid thing.

This was originally a song fic having been inspired and slightly built around the lyrics to Enemy by Simon Curtis. It loses a bit of it's impact with the lyrics having been removed so I suggest listening to it after the read up to fully get the intended mood.

Working on a place to post the lyric version for those who are interested.

Now I have to go sew my heart back together.

As for the letter... I won't leave you guys hanging without knowing what Shinichi had wrote to Kaito.

You can expect a chapter two coming once my heart had be decently repaired. I don't think it can handle any more breaking tonight.