Mike and Brittany were finally found when the janitor had called in the help of the basketball team to move the locker obstructing the supply closet's way hours later. The two teenagers were leaning against each other in the cramped room, curled up and sharing a jacket to keep warm.

The two dancers were quickly brought to the infirmary and bundled up. Mike was still reeling from his recent panic attack, trying to reorganize his thoughts and calmed his nerves by concentrating on the lively timbre of Brittany's voice.

He was in the middle of reacquainting himself with reality when New Directions suddenly barged in.

"Who do I need to kill?" Puck demanded, striding over to the two of them. He studied the two intensely, as if searching for bruises.

"Mike!" Tina gasped, running to her boyfriend's side. Her cheeks were flushed and she was panting slightly, her forehead sheening with sweat. He hugged her back, breathing in her lilac perfume. Miraculously, it worked to calm him down faster than his own methods.

"Britt baby, what the hell happened?" Santana demanded.

"The hockey players slushied us but Mike protected me so I wasn't hurt. Then they tossed us into the supply closet and locked us in there." The blonde explained dutifully.

"How long were you guys in there?" Kurt asked angrily. He slinked into the room with Blaine by his side. The both of them were also sweating slightly. Mike wondered what everyone was doing before to make them so knackered.

Brittany frowned, "Um, it was just after Physics, I think."

"That's nearly six hours!" Rachel cried out in an aghast tone.

"Oh, I was fine, just a little bored in there. But Mike started freaking out halfway and it was really, really scary!" Brittany peeked at the Asian couple, lowering the volume of her voice in exaggeration, as if Mike couldn't hear her in the next bed. "He was shaking so hard and he looked really frightened. Santana, I promised him that you and Tina will find us. And I had to sing to him the whole time to keep him calm and happy so my throat is a little sore now."

Tina was looking at him in horror. "You never told me you are claustrophobic!"

"I wasn't." he denied, flushing and shrinking into himself as everyone's eyes turned to him. "I don't even – it never happens before. I was accidentally locked up in a cupboard once when I was a kid, and I guess it sort of reminds me of back then."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Rachel said earnestly. "Claustrophobia is an illness, and generally a result of a traumatic experience in an enclosed space. Like you said, you were once locked in a cupboard when you were a child, and being trapped in the supply closest might have triggered a flashback and caused you to start panicking. So don't worry, Mike, loads of people have it. The ones who ought to be ashamed are those hockey players. They have gone too far this time."

"Um," he blinked, overwhelmed by the sudden speech. "Thank you?"

He ducked his head in embarrassment. It was a little unnerving to have everyone paying attention to him, especially when he wasn't dancing or attempting to teach anyone a move.

"Oh, Mike..." Tina pressed a kiss to his forehead tenderly.

Brittany beamed at them, looking really pleased. "I took care of Mike for you, Tina."

"Yes, you did." Santana smiled, reaching out to tuck a blond strand behind her ear. She glanced at Mike, whose complexion looked too pale and wan to be healthy. She could imagine the terror he had felt in that tiny, stuffy closet and felt a surge of anger at the hockey team.

No one was allowed to make either of her Asian Fusion upset. And to think they had dragged in Brittany as well. That was unforgivable. She stood up abruptly, startling everyone.

"Where are you going?" Blaine asked in surprise, dodging to avoid being hit by her arm.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of some assholes." She said with a vicious smile. "No one touches my Britt and dancing ninja and thinks he can get away with it."

"I'm going with you." Tina growled. She could not begin to understand how anyone could hurt her Mike and Brittany. Mike was the kindest, nicest boy she ever known. And Brittany? She was like a kicked puppy. It's almost a sacrilege to make her upset.

The two girls linked arms and stalked out of the infirmary, leaving everyone staring after them in stunned silence in their wake.

"Whoa," Mike squawked, scrambling to follow. His legs refused to obey him, muscles still weak. He nearly face-planted into the floor, if Blaine hadn't caught him. "Tina, don't do anything stupid!"

The others were murmuring in agreement, standing up to follow after the two girls. Every time one of them looked at him or Brittany, their rage soared in potency. He knew that they weren't angry at them, but more to the fact that he and Brittany was a living reminder of what the hockey team had done to their own.

"Guys," he implored. But they had stopped listening, incited by the two girls' fury. Half of them had streamed out of the door to follow Santana and Tina, brimming with anger and indignation that there were people stupid enough to actually try to hurt and upset their friends.

"Blaine, stop them!" Mike clutched the shorter boy's arm. Blaine stared at him in hesitation, and then turned to gaze after his boyfriend, who was stomping out of the room with all the ferocity of one whose friends had just been hurt.

"They are going to do something they'll regret." He pleaded.

Blaine grimaced apologetically at him. "Sorry, Mike, you're my best friend, but I doubt I can stop Kurt when he's like this. Do you know everyone has been worried sick and searching for the both of you since class ended? You have to understand how they – I feel when we couldn't find you two for the entire day. Besides, you didn't deserve to go through that at all."

He squeezed Mike's shoulder and dashed after Kurt, but not before making sure he wouldn't fall of course. Mike wanted to roll his eyes at Blaine's chivalry, but settled for groaning in exasperation instead.

"Where are they going?" Brittany exclaimed in bewilderment.

"They are going to find Hooper and his team." He sighed.

Brittany twirled a lock of hair around her finger, frowning. "Are they going to fight?"

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." He shrugged, attempting to stand again. He was still slightly dizzy, but he could feel his strength returning. "Help me up, Britt. We have to stop them."

They bumped into Will who had been on his way to the infirmary. After explaining everything to their teacher, the three of them rushed towards the field where the hockey team were having their practice.

It was a nightmare.

He could barely made sense of what was happening, except that everyone was shouting and shrieking and throwing punches at each other. Brittany had fled his side the moment she spotted Santana, sprinting into the fray to rescue the dark-haired Latina. He found Tina struggling with Hooper, cursing and clawing at his face like a spiteful cat.

"Alright, guys, enough!" Will yelled angrily. It would be a miracle if anyone actually listened to him.

Mike tore through the brawl to drag his girlfriend off Hooper. If his hand accidentally slipped and hit the hockey player in the face... well, nobody but him has to know.

When the fighting finally settled, the Glee Club members all looked the worse for wear. The only ones that came out unscathed were Artie, Rachel, Blaine, Quinn and Sam and it was because they were trying to stop the fight instead of joining in.

"What is going on here?!" The worst person ever to find them suddenly appeared behind them.

Sue Sylvester stomped angrily towards Will, poking him in the chest. "Are you leading your students to fights now, William?"

"I was trying to stop them." Will growled at her in irritation.

She eyed the darkening bruise on his chin. "An unlikely tale. Next, you're going to tell me your face punched a kid's fist accidentally."

The two of them started bickering, trading insults and sniping at each other and completely ignoring everyone else.

"Getting into a fight with the hockey team?" Mike sighed, pushing Tina's hair out of her face and combing through them with his fingers. "Really?"

"You know that if we had left it to Figgins to deal with these bastards, they will probably just get away with detention and suspension." She said haughtily. "I'm not going to regret whatever punishment that's going to come my way."

"My heroine," He said dryly, nuzzling her neck.

She giggled, nosing his cheek affectionately. "Come on, let's go. It's late, and I'm exhausted. Let's leave Mr Schue to deal with this. I'll handle whatever punishment they throw my way tomorrow."

Before they could leave though, Santana accosted them. Other than a cut on her cheek, not a hair was out of place. She looked like she had just finished Cheerios practice, not walked out of a brawl with barely a scratch.

"Boy Chang, Girl Chang, you two are coming over my place." She commanded, daring them to object. "Just in case these suckers want to take revenge."

"I think they've learned their lesson." Mike noted, a small smile growing on his face.

Santana snorted, flipping her ponytail. She walked off, Brittany clinging to her like a limpet. "Whatever. If you two are not inside my car in five minutes, I'm hunting you down."

Tina watched her sauntered away from them. She laughed and glanced up at him. "We're lucky."

"Yeah, we are." He agreed, entwining his fingers with hers.

The New Directions were crazy, melodramatic and full of issues that could make a sane man screamed in fear. If it wasn't someone cheating with another person, then a couple was breaking up or getting together. Everyone was gossiping or backstabbing or trying to sabotage each other every other day, but when it came to outsiders trying to hurt their own, they were a family.

"Let's go before Santana comes after us and drag us back to her car by our hair." He grinned.

"How terrifying." She murmured into his mouth. "It has been a very eventful day today." He hummed an agreement. "Don't scare me like this again."

"I can't promise that." He said quietly.

"Then I'll just have to collar and leash you, so you'll never get out of my sight again." She shrugged, as if the answer was just this simple.

"I can accept that." He chuckled.