Hello there! It is me, babyangelholic again! Well, this idea of mine was suddenly popped in my mind! I just couldn't let myself to not write it. The majority of this fic would be ANGST and DRAMA. but dont worry, I am not someone who would make a sad ending. I guarantee you I would give you the happy ending which I would make in my way. And I am really sorry if you find any error spelling and grammar, because I was writing this fic on my phone. lol. I hope you enjoy it! I would be so happy if you give me reviews, because I would feel appreciated if you do so. thanks!

Happy reading!

Disclaimer : Vampire Knight does not belong to me, if I did, then Yuki would never find her way to Kaname and Zero. LOL and this story is indeed mine!

Warning! Mpreg for future chapters, because the plot will be done well with Mpreg, and yes, not a very famous character would be used here! thankssss!

Chapter 1. The lies you tell

"Kaname..." He uttered the name of his beloved one under his breath as he watched him in misery.

The said guy just glanced at him in return while carrying his suitcase, showing that he was one of that important person that got respects as one of the youngest businessman in the whole world. "Whats wrong?" He asked coldly sending shiver through the silver beauty who just kept staring at him painfully.

"Where're you going? Are you going to meet her again?" The beauty finally became dare to ask his supposed-to- be-husband the questions that actually he had been holding on for the meantime.

"Whats wrong with meeting my little sister, Zero? She is now in her worst condition. As his brother I should be the one who will be there for her. Is that my fault if I go to meet her? Is that a sin?" Kaname answered, raising his eyebrow in questioned. Zero just stayed silent, he wished to say it out loud that he minded it. He wanted Kaname to stay with him, because Zero knew... He knew exactly where Kaname would stay, he knew exactly what Kaname really wanted to.

"No... It's okay..." Zero forced a smile as he waved his hands to Kaname, "Hope to see you again.." He muttered.

Kaname just took a glance at him one more time before taking his leave, leaving his spouse at this quiet mansion that belongs to 'them'.

There were only a butler called Tanaka and a maid called Kasumi. Both of them were old, and they were a married couple. Even though they had no child, and always consider Zero as their child. Sometimes it was hard for them because they had always known that Zero was their master. However Zero had always treated them well. Even since Zero got married to Kaname, they started to grow closer.

Zero just closed his eyes after he was sure Kaname was out of his sight. The silver-haired beauty knew that Kaname wouldn't go home tonight. He knew Kaname would choose Yuki, his beloved sister rather than him.

How long had Kanamed and Zero been married? It was almost for 3 years. 2 years had gone well and after that everything was just like a hell for Zero. Because Yuki had ruined everything. His happiness, his love... Even his marriage.

It was all started because of that... Zero remembered exactly what thing that had made them grow apart.


It was at the middle of night for vampires, when everyone was supposed to be sleeping. But, a phone in Kuran Mansion was ringing out loud, forcing Zero to be awake.

As he woke up from his bed towards the phone which was in their room, he glanced a little while at a sleeping figure next to him. His husband looked tired, and Zero understood it. He had always understood Kaname well, and it brought Kaname at ease whenever Kaname with him.

Zero walked slowly to make sure his footsteps did not sound too loud to make Kaname awake. He picked up the call lazily.


"Zero!" He heard his named was called from the other side, and Zero could wonder who the caller was. "What's wrong Yuki?" He asked, not very interested with this phone call. He just thought Yuki was playing on a prank. However he was surprised to hear Yuki was crying on the other side.

"What's wrong Yuki? Why are you crying? What happened?" He asked worriedly. Yuki just kept crying as if she was a lot in pain.

All of a sudden Zero had lost the phone from his hold, he looked at a brunet that looked so worried handling the phone call. "Yuki? It is me...Okay... Okay... Stop crying... I'll be there..." Kaname responded.

Zero just stared at Kaname in confusion, he knew Kaname was Yuki's big brother. However, Kaname was actually not really her real big brother. And Kaname was known to be Yuki's first love, and so did Yuki.

The silver-haired guy suddenly felt his heart beating faster, he was not feeling like he was in love. It was more like Zero was getting worried. Kaname had always put Yuki upon everything. Even though he knew that Kaname was his now, he didn't feel right about it.

"Zero, sorry... It seems like I need to go to meet Yuki. She has a problem, and I think I need to be there for her." Kaname gave an excuse. Zero was not able to say anything, with that pleading look on his husband's face. How could he ignore it?

He just needed to put aside his negative thought and gave a permission to Kaname to go and meet Yuki. After all both of them were siblings. How cruel Zero was, if he separated them.

Zero finally nodded his head in agreement while smilling softly. "Make sure you be careful on the way to Yuki's apartment. And remember send my love to Yuki. I hope she is fine.."

Kaname smiled in return, changing his pyjama in a minute to his casual outfit, with a black shirt and a blue jean, he was already looked so handsome, so heart-breaking. "I am going to miss you." Kaname kissed Zero on the lips lightly. "Good nite Zero... See you soon my love."


Zero was too naïve, he thought everything would be fine, would be perfect. He though everything would be as well as he imagined, but what did he get? His faithfulness, his love, his trust, his pride were broken into pieces the moment he saw 'that' thing by himself.

The Kaname he had know was no longer the Kaname he loved. Kaname slowly changed into someone else that Zero didn't recognize him anymore. Where was his Kaname? Where was the love of his life? Where was his partner for life?

Because of his stupid action, because of his naïve side... Kaname that was his, started to become someone else's. Zero felt like crying every time he remembered that.

At first he thought Yuki would get better in no time, but after that phone call accident, Kaname had always spent his free time with Yuki. Leaving Zero all alone without no one to accompany him. Zero felt lost, he felt as if he was being unwanted by his own husband.

At first, Zero kept putting positive thoughts in his brain, however months had passed, it got worse. And slowly, there were a lot of rumours about Kaname and Yuki were 'playing' behind his back. Even Takuma, Kaname's faithful right man had asked the same questions all times, "Where is Kaname? With Yuki? Zero, you better watch out!"

And all Zero can do was putting his trust on the top of everything. He believed Kaname, he trusted him. He had promised in front of God that he would devote his life to Kaname. To be his rightful spouse, to be by his side in whatever conditions they might face.

But what did he receive? Why did God need to give him this kind of pain? Did he deserve it?

Everything was ruined by that thing. At first he refused to listen to what his friend kept saying to him, the rumors about Kaname and Yuki.

However at the end, his heart was shattered as if it was such a cheap glass. Kaname had succesfully broken it into smallest pieces that it was hard for Zero to collect it.

Because with his own eyes Zero saw everything... Because Zero knew that thing was not a dream...

*end of Flashback*

Zero was taken aback by the voice that had been calling out his name, there he was, standing beautifully with a worried look on his face. Ichiru! His only family that he had now.

"Zero..." Ichiru kneed down as he looked at his twin who was hugging his knees in agony. "It is okay Zero... It is okay... I am here for you.." He reassured him gently.

Zero just cried on his twin's shoulder as if there was no tomorrow. He was not a crybaby, and everyone knew him as a sadist prefect back then in High School Era. Now, he was crying out loud for his used to be enemy.

His husband, his love, his life... Kuran Kaname...

The older twin's cries soon faded away as he stared at his younger twin. "Ichiru... How am I supposed to face it? I have always trusted him, I have always believed him... But, what do I get now?" He started.

Ichiru just stared sadly at his big brother while rubbing circles on his back.

As Zero, he was just staring at his ring finger. There was his wedding ring laying around his finger.

"Why Kaname? Why do you have to do this to me?"


"Kaname-niisama..." A seductive tone could be heard from a certain brunette's voice as she wrapped her hands around his 'brother'.

"Yuki... I am happy to see you.." Kaname admitted honestly, he wrapped his hands around Yuki's waist tightly, never let it go.

Yuki just smiled widely before Kaname took her lips into a passionate kiss.

"Mmmm..." Yuki moaned.

"Oniisama... How about Zero?" She suddenly asked after Kaname broke their kiss. There was a guilt in that voice, but she should care less because she knew she had won Kaname over Zero.

"Don't worry, my princess..." Kaname smiled lovingly. "Because, soon... I am going to marry you for life and send him away from our life..." He whispered to her ear.

Yuki couldn't feel more happy than this. She smirked in Kaname's arms, realezing that she was the winner.

However... She would never know how's life going to be... Because true love would find its way to be with their destiny one.

How was that? Review please~ Tell me what you think!