Back in my tent, I sat on the floor and concentrated on my inner world. Everything around me went blank as I appeared in front of Hoshiko. He lifted his head but didn't say a word.

"Was everything you told me about my past a lie," I asked angrily. I was more hurt because I thought he was my friend. He was apart of me that was supposed to keep me safe. Yet what happened at the Summit proved otherwise. Hoshiko sighed and looked up.

"Mostly just the spirit part," he admitted. "I was the spirit sealed inside one of the founders of the clan. He was exiled before he could produce offspring so I was freed. Your father made a deal with the other spirits, thinking I was good, and you know the rest. I kind of have split personalities. but that rampage I just went on has never happened before.

I glared at him before sighing in defeat. "Seriously, that's what you're going with? What about Taylor?"

"You two are the prodigy twins and she's completely normal. I just hate that damn bug inside of her!"

"You said you wanted to do more rampaging than last time. You don't mean," I asked before he cut me off.

"Yes. When the mystery fire started years ago, I was to blame. But it wasn't all my fault," he protested. He grabbed the bars of the cage and looked at me pleading. "That masked man had something to do with it but I can't remember much. I may have originally been bred evil but I don't want that anymore. Watching you and your friends has made me realize that there's more than just revenge and anger in the world."

"If only Sasuke could realize that," I mumbled.

"Realize what?" I whirled around to face said Uchiha.

"Sasuke," I asked. "How'd you get in here?"

"I don't know," he said. "Nor do I care."

"Obviously you do care," I snapped. "Otherwise you wouldn't have that little curious glint in your eyes."

His eyes widened before glaring at me. "You don't know anything about me."

"I know more than you think," I said getting in his face.

"You're just some new ninja that showed up out of no where claiming to be this big badass," he growled.

"I am Ashelza Yamada and you will not speak to me that way," I said. "I know more about you and your brother than you ever will. Sasuke, please come home."

"How do you even know anything," he asked completely ignoring my plea. I sighed and replayed flashback of when Taylor and I first met.

Getting up from my seat I went to get the next volume of Naruto when I saw a hirl with silver hair standing in front of my favorite manga.

"You read Naruto too," I asked her. The girl turned to me and smiled.

"Yeah! Personally I think Neji is my favorite," she said.

"How so?"

"I mean, I feel bad for him. He never asked for any of that to happen to him. He doesn't even realize why his dad did what he did," she explained.

"But he's a big jerk to everyone," I said.

"That's only because he doesn't know the full story. If you found out your dad sacrificed his life without knowing the full reaseon, wouldn't you be angry and resentful too?"

"I can see where that's coming from," I admitted after a moment. "But I wouldn't spend my time being angry. I'd grow stronger, to protect my friends and family."

"So who's your favorite," she asked.

"Mine would have to be Kiba, or Sasuke. I get that he doesn't have the whole sob story. I like him because he's always considering others. I feel like, during the Chunin exams, he knew that by teasing Naruto then it would make the boy fight harder. It's like he never cared about advancing. Sasuke on the other hand, is a different story. I don't like him because he's cool or popular. I like him because, even though he never shows it, he cares about his friends and family. When Haku was throwing the needles, he jumped in front of Naruto. He sacrificed himself so Naruto could fulfill his dream. He's constantly saving his team mates and friends, even if he makes up excuses on why he did it. Plus, he's really cute. I just hate that he goes with Orochimaru," I told her. "I'm Ashelza by the way."

"Taylor," she giggled. "And I'd have to say you're in love with Sasuke Uchiha."

"I'd have to say you might be right," I laughed.

"So what Taylor said was true," Sasuke said looking down.

"You know," I started looking at the ground. "Sometimes it takes other people to realize who we are. I know you Sasuke. You want to get stronger to kill your brother. To get revenge for murdering your clan. But did you ever think to wonder what your parents would have wanted? Would they really want you to succumb to evil, like you are? Inside of you is still that sweet little boy that wants to please everyone. Whether you believe it or not, you're just like Naruto. You were both cast out, always alone. You thought he was just a weakling playing around. That he wasn't worth considering at all. He acted like an idiot on purpose so people would pay attention to him. He reminded you of your family. You thought that creating bonds was a weakness so you trained to overcome it. You started to see Team 7 like a second family. To me, and our friends, that's what being a ninja is about. It's not only about the money. It's about protecting those you care about. You fight harder to protect what you care about because you don't want to lose it. Maybe if you tried it, then you'd see."

I felt my head being lifted up to face Sasuke, with tears forming in his eyes. He didn't say anything, just brought his face closer to mine and kissed me. This kiss definitely put Kiba's to shame. That's why I love Sasuke so much. The kiss was gentle but it sent off millions of explosions. We both pulled back a moment later gasping for breath.

"For the record," he whispered leaning his forehead on mine. "I've always had a spy following you to make sure you were safe. Taylor told me much about you when she was with us. She told me all the stories of you two being together and I admit it made me fall in love with you."

But what about Kiba, I thought to myself.

"Stop thinking about the mutt and go for the Uchiha," Hoshiko said. I jumped and whirled around to face the giant wolf. He grinned down at me with a soft look in his eyes.

"Kiba," Sasuke asked.

"I'm sort of dating him," I admitted. "It's not official or anything. Everyone just assumes that since he kissed me that I'm his girlfriend."

"Well then," he smirked. "Would you be my girlfriend, Ash?"

"Since you asked I'd be more than happy to," I laughed kissing him again.

"I'll come back," Sasuke said suddenly. "I'll come back, for you. But I want my team with me."

"I'll see you soon," I said before making my surroundings disappear.

"Damn," I said still sitting on the ground. "How am I going to explain this?"

"You talked to Sasuke," Taylor asked walking in.

"Yeah," I said. "He appeared. We talked. I lectured. He kissed me. I'm his girlfriend. He's coming home with his little team."

"You had a lot going on," Taylor laughed. "Sasuke's the right guy for you anyway."

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. You might be confused on this chapter so I'm going to sum it up. I never really said this was a Kiba and Neji love story so therefore it's not. It's a Sasuke and Neji love story now. Sasuke is with Ash and Neji will be with Taylor. I edited the first chapter to make it seem right and sort of explain. The flashback from this chapter is the same one I added in for the first chapter so you won't have to go back and read it. You might also be angry with me about bringing back Sasuke cuz it ruins the whole plot, well it won't. The war and everything will still go on the way it's supposed to only with Sasuke on the good team.