Alright, This Is The Last Chapter For Tamaki and Kyoya. I'm sorry to inform you that this had no smut in it. I just couldn't get it into a smutty feel. So, it's basically a fluff. There's Tamaki X Kyoya, some Hikaru X Haruhi. And if you read correctly, there's a little Honey X Kaoru in there as well. Anyhow Enjoy!

Kyoya ran his hands gently along Tamaki's slender hips while devouring the blonde's lips in a passionate kiss. Tamaki felt the warm in his pants begin to grow, and he pushed against Kyoya's chest, unwillingly.

"Tamaki, what's wrong?" Kyoya asked, as Tamaki crawled from beneath him and Tamaki sighed. He wasn't allowed to have people over for long, because his house was strict. Also, he was told to lay off the anal until he healed from being brutally forced by the boy in front of him.

"You have to go, I honestly don't want you to, but my guardian might come to check on us soon. And, I can't have sex until I heal," Tamaki sighed, and Kyoya nodded, rubbing his hands together in an awkward way. The two sat in silence, and Kyoya was the first to break the silence by standing up, and sighing.

"Well, I better leave instead of getting kicked out. Will you come to the club tomorrow? We are losing profiting since you haven't come in quite a while. Also, you are the one who started this all, you can't possibly be the first to abandon it?" Kyoya questioned, hoping that the Prince will put aside what has happened and go back.

"I'll have to see Kyoya, I'm still not sure, since the club room brings back bad memories. Every time I step in there, I think about what we did, what you did. How can I face them with such thoughts Kyo? I don't know if I can," Tamaki said, using the nickname he rarely uses anymore. Kyoya sighed, nodded before heading to the door.

"Please consider coming back as an option at least," Kyoya said, before leaving. Tamaki was hopelessly confused at that point in time. He knew that he and Kyoya were now in love, but how was he going to keep this away from his friends, and his father? His father wanted him to the new head of Ouran Academy, and though he was against Tamaki creating the Host Club, he made it an acceptation, because it made the young boy happy.How am I supposed to tell him I'm in love with Kyoya without him being angry? Tamaki thought, knowing how other people reacted to his attraction towards other men, and it wasn't in a positive or even neutral way. Tamaki felt the tears start to flow again, knowing that it was a hard decision to make, now that he was thinking of the other obstacles in the way of his complete happiness. Why couldn't I just be born normal…? Why did I have to make the difficult choices? There was a heavy knock on his room door, that startled him and he sat up, wiping his eyes before trying to make himself presentable.

"C-Come in," Tamaki muttered, knowing that his eyes were puffy and swollen and that he wasn't wearing anything but his pajamas.

"Tamaki, how are you feeling? Lunch is ready if you're willing to eat," his father said, and Tamaki looked up at him, with a light smile. It was the first time in a while, that his father was able to actually spend time with him, but Tamaki didn't fret over it, because he knew that he was disliked by his father's side of the family. Especially by his grandmother. He looked at him father, wondering why he was now wanting to talk to him. When they told him that he was injured, his father worried about him more, wanting to know what the cause of his son's depression was. Tamaki didn't like worrying his father, in case that it interfered with his work.

"I'm not hungry," Tamaki muttered his voice hoarse from his crying that had been occurring just a while ago.

"You haven't eaten for quite a while. You didn't eat breakfast or dinner. Are you feeling alright? What's been bothering you lately? You've sheltered yourself in your room and haven't gone to that club of yours either." His father had great concern in his voice, and Tamaki could hear it, and every sentence that he heard his father utter; it sent a pain of guilt into his chest.

"I-I can't tell you, you'll hate me if I do. Just like grandma and the rest of them do," Tamaki said, and his father looked at him, looking very hurt.

"Tamaki, I would never hate you. Is it because I want you to take over for me? Do you think that the only reason that I kept you with me was because I needed an heir? That's not true, none of it. I do indeed love you, and I wish I could spend more time with you. I want to, but it's just that work is also piling up now. When summer comes, we go to many places as well, and even during Christmas break…" Tamaki interrupted his father by bursting into tears.

"T-That's not what I want dad, I want you to accept me for who I am! I never told you in fear that you may not love me anymore. I never told you that I was attracted to men, because everyone who knew, or found out treated it like a sickness! It hurts… to live with constant fear of keeping a secret from your friends and family because you're afraid they may leave you behind! I'm always scared… that you all will just leave me behind," His father looked at him, not with shock, but with worry. Now that he knew what was troubling his son, he was confused.

"Tamaki, if they're really your friends, they wouldn't mind it. I've met you're friends, and they are nice children, and I doubt because of one little thing, that they'd want to leave you behind. Talk to them, tell them how you feel just like you talked to me, and I bet they'd understand," he said, looking into Tamaki's violet eyes which were still shedding tears.

"And what if you're wrong? What if they all leave?"

"Then, you'll always have me, and the one you love most." He said, gently placing his hand on his sons head before hearing his phone ring.

"That's the office, I have to go. How about you leave your room for today, take a walk, and maybe even visit your friends for once. Invite them over if you will," he said, and Tamaki looked at him, confused.

"B-but, Aikawa-san said that you didn't want my friends visiting, that it interfered with your work and you didn't need any distractions," Tamaki mumbled, and his father looked at him, almost confused.

"I never said anything like that. I'll have to talk to her about this. The woman misunderstands everything!" his father sighed, before leaving Tamaki's presence. Makes sense why she would do this. He has always hated me, and maybe thought if I found a way to hate my father, I would go and find my mother eventually. He said, sighing before standing up and starting to get dressed, taking his father's advice to take a walk.

"I might as well visit the club; they all should be there by now. The meeting starts in 10 minutes."

"Kyoya, did Tamaki say he was going to come back?" Kaoru asked, looking at the older boy hopingly while he held onto his brother's shoulders tightly. Kyoya paused, afraid to tell them that he didn't think so, but he didn't want to discourage the teens.

"Well, he may come back. He's thinking about it at the moment. Knowing Tamaki, he'll eventually come running back if he knows that leaving Haruhi alone with you means that either of you will date her." Kyoya said, and Haruhi groaned, stuffing a mouthful of cake into her mouth.

"Haru-chan, that's not very ladylike to shove food into your mouth like that!" Honey exclaimed, pushing a handful of napkins in her face. Tamaki watched his friends laugh as Honey wiped Haruhi's face and a faint smile grew on her face. How could I ever think about leaving this behind? Behind all the bad memories bring back absolutely wonderful ones. I think I'm ready to return home. Tamaki thought, opening the door revealing himself to his friends.

"Tama-chan, you're back!" Honey exclaimed, his blonde head turning towards the boy who just entered the room.

"Tamaki…" the rest muttered, staring at him as if they had just seen a ghost.

"Hi everyone, I'm sorry for worrying you. I've just had a lot on my mind. I came here to tell you something, and I'm sorry if this upsets you, but I need you to hear me out." Tamaki said, and Hikaru and Kaoru were the first to react.

"You can't leave the club!" Kaoru cried, and Hikaru glared at him, shaking with rage.

"Weren't you the one who tried so hard to tell us apart to get us here? Why… why are you leaving before we graduate? You promised to wait until we all graduated, that the host club wouldn't retire, until we all left… are you going to break that promise?"

"Hikaru, Kaoru, please let him finish, you aren't sure if that's what he wanted to say," Kyoya said, knowing exactly what Tamaki was going to announce.

"I'm not leaving… but I wanted to tell you, that I'm gay," he said, looking at them, hoping that their reaction was positive. For a while, no one said anything, they just stared at him, and Tamaki started growing frightful.

"W-Well, say something," Tamaki pleaded and Hikaru was the first to speak.

"We know," he said, and Tamaki looked at him, very confused.


"Tamaki, you and Kyoya weren't very good at hiding the fact that you were having some kind of relationship. We knew since you guys started calling each other Mommy and Daddy," Kaoru said, and Honey stood up, walking over to Tamaki with a smile on his face.

"Also, you and Kyo-chan kissed that time when we were all at the festival! Taka-chan made me promise not to say anything, so I didn't," he said, and he looked at Haruhi, who was the only one who didn't say anything as well.

"Haruhi, did you know as well, or were you oblivious to this whole situation?" he asked, and Haruhi sighed, leaving her elbow on the table.

"I knew when I saw you and Kyoya about to go at it that once time after the tropical theme. I had walked in, looking for my wallet and Kyoya was undressing you…" she said, frowning and Tamaki's face turned a bright red.

"A-ah, and knowing this, why didn't any of you tell me!?" Tamaki yelled, and the all smiled at him,

"Because, we wanted you to tell us first," he said, and Tamaki looked at him, before smiling. He felt a wave of relief over rush him, and he sighed, looking over at Kyoya who was smiling at him.

"And, are you and Kyoya dating or what?" Kaoru asked, and Tamaki looked at him, before nodding.

"Yeah, yeah we are."

After a few weeks, the drama quickly subsided and the Host Club was now back to normal. Tamaki was now back to his normal self, yelling at the twins from getting too close to his "daughter" be even so, he allowed Hikaru to flirt with her, and soon they began going out. Kyoya was able to bring in more profits by have a "Boy Love Thursday" and watching all the girls fan girl while he and Tamaki showed how much they loved each other.

"So, this is it huh? Now that Tamaki and Kyoya are going out, and even Haruhi and Hikaru, what's going to happen to us?" Kaoru asked Mori and Honey who were sitting with him, eating cake.

"Who knows Kao-chan, maybe you'll find your lover soon enough," Honey said, smiling at him, and Kaoru smiled back, blushing a little.

"Yeah, maybe I will." He replied back, and the two sat talking to each other about future plans. Tamaki looked around while who was snuggling in Kyoya's arms, which were wrapped protectively around him and smiled.

"I'm glad, that this was the outcome of starting the host club," Tamaki said, and Kyoya kissed his head gently, muttered a soft, "Yeah, I love you" into his ear before placing a kiss gently onto his lips. Haruhi and Hikaru were looking out the window, playing "I spy" until Haruhi gave up, since Hikaru just didn't get the concept of the game.

"I love you too," Tamaki said back, holding Kyoya's hand tight, never wanting his to break the embrace. The love was undying. The days passed, and not once had the boys gotten into a disagreement big enough to end their relationship.

"I'll always love you Mommy, no matter what," Tamaki said with a smirk as the fireworks started blasting off. Kyoya let out a low chuckle before kissing his; he sparks between the locking of their lips brighter than the fire in the sky.

"I will never stop loving you, Daddy."

I know it's a disappoint since I left out the "entertaining part" but I just couldn't get the inspiration for it. I was too busy writing the next two chapters for The Way To Love and there isn't very much love in there besides the wedding so, there's a bit of a sneak peak of what's happening the next two chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I will be updating. If any of you are wondering why I keep starting new stories, these are for my friend, so I used to write her these, but she transferred so I no longer see her, even if we live close. So, I hope this clears it up. Thanks for reading and please review! Bye!