
Chapter 1

By: Harold Finch and Grace Luvr

Author's Note: Hey everybody! This is my first C.S.I. Miami fanfic. So this is set in the present, and I've made Ray Jr. 6 years old. I hope you enjoy, and reviews are greatly appreciated.

Ray Jr. was staring at his mother with his pleading light brown eyes.

"Please mom! Pleaseeeeeeee!?"

"Alright, alright Ray. You can play outside for one more hour, then you have to come in for dinner."


Ray ran over and hugged his mother at her waist. It was as high as he could reach.

"Thanks mom!"

Ray bolted out the front door and back into the front yard.

*10 minutes later*

Ray was kicking his soccer ball around the front yard, when a black car pulled up in front of the house. An Israeli man dressed all in black emerged from the car. Ray was completely unaware of the man until he was directly in front of him. The man put on a fake smile and bent down in front of Ray Jr.

*The little bastard resembles him more than I expected! No worries, once I've got my hands on him he won't resemble a damned thing!*

The man began to speak, with a thick middle eastern accent.

"Hi there."

Ray looked up at the man and smiled shyly.


"Have you seen a cute little white dog run through here?"

Ray Jr.'s smile immediately widened.

"You have a dog!?"

"Yes. I have two actually."


"You know you look like a very smart boy. How old are you?"


"You do good in school don't you?"

"Yes. I'm in the first grade."

"First grade huh. I could use someone as smart as you to help me find my dog. Would you like to help me?"

Ray's face brightened, but then he thought about what his mother always told him.

"My mommy tells me that I shouldn't get in cars with strangers."

"Well, my name is Yosef. What's your name?"


"Well see. Now we are not strangers anymore Ray. Now would you like to come with me?"

Ray didn't waste a moment to answer.


"Great let's go."

Yosef led Ray Jr. to his car and opened the passenger door. He waited until Ray was in before shutting it behind him.

*Now I have got you, you little shit!*

Yosef opened the driver's door, got in, shut the door, started the engine, and took off.


About half and hour later, A large black hummer pulled into the driveway of the Salas residence. Horatio emerged from the hummer and immediately placed his sunglasses over his cobalt blue eyes. He slowly walked over to the front door and rang it. As soon as the beautiful Columbian opened the door he felt himself go slightly red and looked down shyly.

*God! What is it about this woman. I can't get her out of my mind. She's so beautiful. This is wrong! For god's sake she was married to my brother! Besides, she's to good for me. Look at her beauty and look at me. She would probably laugh in my face.*

"Hey!" she smiled at him brightly.

He smiled and looked up at her.


"You know you're just in time for dinner Horatio, would you like to join us?"

"Umm…. That sounds great actually. Thanks."

"Come on in."

Yelina moved over to the side and let Horatio in. Once he was in she closed the door. Horatio took off his sunglasses and slid them into his pocket.

"So where's Ray?"

Yelina looked at Horatio with a confused look on her face.

"Ray's outside playing in the front yard. You should've walked right by him."

Now it was Horatio who had a look of confusion written all over his face.

"I didn't see Ray when I pulled up, or when I walked to the door."

Yelina immediately felt concern starting to take over her body. She quickly walked over to the door and ran outside. She spotted his ball, but no sign of Ray Jr.

"I don't see him!"

"Check the back yard. I'll check upstairs and see if he slid by you while you were in the kitchen."

Yelina nodded and ran around to the back yard while Horatio went upstairs. He checked his bedroom, the bathroom, Yelina's bedroom, and the guest bedroom. Horatio ran downstairs and checked the living room, kitchen, and ran over to the basement door. He opened it and shouted downstairs.

"Ray!? Ray are you down there buddy!? Ray!?"

No answer. Horatio shut the door and saw Yelina running back in the house.

"Was he outside!?"

"No! He wasn't upstairs!?"

Horatio shook his head.

"Or downstairs."

Yelina was now hysterical. She began to sob loudly and fell forward. Horatio ran forward and caught her just in time. They both sunk down onto the floor and Horatio held Yelina in his arms as she sobbed. He decided to try and comfort her.

"It'll be alright Yelina."

"No it won't! I should have been watching him! He's only six years old! My little boy is out there somewhere, probably frightened to death! What if someone came and took him!? I'm a horrible mother!"

Horatio turned Yelina's head towards him.

"You listen to me. Yelina Salas you are the best mother I know. You love and care for that little boy. You teach him right from wrong. You would die for Ray. And if that's not being a good mother… then I don't know what is."

Yelina looked up at Horatio with a sad smile and red puffy eyes. He pulled Yelina closer to him.

"We'll get him back. I swear to you, I'll find him or die trying."

Horatio gently kissed the top of her head and held her tighter.

Author's Note 2: So let me know what you guys think! :D