Ok, so I got this idea while watching videos last night on YouTube of soliders coming home and surprising their families. So I thought I would do a Klaine story about it. This will probably on be 2 maybe 3 chapters. So I hope you enjoy it. Please review, follow and favorite. Thanks so much.

Being married to someone in the army is never easy. But for Kurt Hummel-Anderson, it's 10 times harder because now, now he had to explain that papa would be coming home soon, to his kids, every night. Although his son and daughter were only five, they still didn't fully understand.

Unfortunately, Kurt had gotten used to saying goodbye to Blaine every few months and waiting nervously by the phone, months on end for that worst phone call, that luckily never came.

But for Elizabeth and Devon, they hated saying goodbye to Blaine. When they went to the airport to say goodbye, Elizabeth and Devon wouldn't let Blaine go. Kurt and his dad and to pry them off. It was so heartbreaking. The first few days without Blaine, they slept in Kurt's bed and cried themselves to sleep.

After the first few weeks without Blaine, Kurt had come up with a routine for him and the kids. During the week he would get up, take his shower and do his moisturizing routine, get dressed and make his coffee. While the coffee was brewing, he would wake the kids up and help them get dressed and then they would meet down in the kitchen for breakfast. After breakfast, they left for school and work.

After work, he picked the kids up from school and the kids would have a healthy snack and get started on homework while Kurt got started on dinner. After dinner, it was bath, sometimes a story or a song, then bed. Yep, that was Kurt's daily routine.

Sometimes during the week, Blaine would surprise his family with a Skype session. They would take advantage of every minute they had with their brave solider, because they never knew when he would be able to call again.

"He guys!" said Blaine, with a wave.

"Hi papa!" said Devon and Elizabeth in unison.

"I miss you." said Elizabeth.

"Aww. I miss you too." cooed Blaine. "But hopefully I'll be home soon."

Kurt wiped away a few tears.

"Why are you crying honey?" Blaine asked, noticing that Kurt had started to cry.

Elizabeth and Devon turned around in Kurt's lap. Kurt shook his head.

"No, it's nothing. I'm fine." he lied.

"Kurt, I know you better then anyone." Blaine admitted. "You're crying."

Kurt laughed slightly. "It's just that I miss you so much."

Blaine nodded. "I know. I miss you too. All three of you."

"When are you coming home papa?" Devon asked.

Blaine and Kurt laughed.

"I don't know buddy. Hopefully really soon." admitted Blaine.

Blaine turned his head. Someone was calling his name.

"Oh, look guys, I really hate to cut this short, but I have to go." Blaine said sadly.

"No!" Elizabeth and Devon whined.

"I know. But I'll try to call you again next week." Blaine added. "Be good for daddy. Love you guys!"

"We love you too." said Kurt.

"Bye papa!" the kids said, waving.

"Bye. Love you." replied Blaine with a wave.

Soon the screen went black and Blaine was gone.

"I miss papa." Elizabeth said softly.

Kurt hugged her and Devon tightly.

"I know. I do too." Kurt admitted.

I know this was short, and there wasn't much talking, but don't worry, there is a method to my madness. LOL. Stay tuned.

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