Disclaimer:I sure don't own DBZ and One Piece.

A/N: Thank you very much for so many positive reviews. And I am definitely going to continue with the story. The main reason being, I myself enjoy writing the chapters about how much mayhem, the two superheroes can cause. So, on you go.


"He's going to blow up the whole island." Someone cried.


"Seriously, this is some pretty overpowered shit." Someone else yelled.


"The whole island is vibrating already. If it wasn't for the strong igneous base the island is supported on, it would have exploded already." Came another miserable voice.


"Stop this madness before the whole planet is destroyed." Was the plea of another person aboard.


The blue energy shot like a beam, travelling at speeds thought to be unreal under ordinary circumstances. It seemed like there was nothing in the universe it couldn't tear apart. The power and momentum it carried was immense but the counter wasn't a weak one itself. The assailant who was at the receiving end fired a yellow Ki beam of his own. The crash between the two was anything but realistic. The shockwave produced from the impact created huge Tsunamis that could tear apart an island on its own.

That was the power of two of the mightiest warriors in the universe. That was the power of Goku and Vegeta.

"So, what do you think Pops?" Marco asked. It was a question that was loaded with sarcasm. It was the question that proved that there wouldn't even have been a situation where the question should have been asked. It just proved that no matter what the answer is, the conclusion will remain the same.

"I think I aggravated the wrong guys this time." Whitebeard answered. He was solemnly sorry for the situation they were in. If it wasn't for the debate he got into with the alien duo, they would have been celebrating aboard the Moby Dick, instead of witnessing a 'man-made natural disaster'. If only...

(Earlier that day)

It was a pleasant morning. The winds were flowing at a steady pace. Calm and serene, though powerful at the same time. Their constant impact with the mast of the huge ship, Moby Dick, was the driving force for taking the ship away at uniform velocity. Goku and Vegeta were standing aboard the upper deck. Enjoying the morning breeze without even a hint of quarrelling for once.

"Do you miss them?" was the first question asked in the day. Courtesy of Goku.

"Miss who?" replied Vegeta with another question. There was a momentary, faraway look in Vegeta's eyes but he set it aside quickly. Goku merely smiled at the antics. Vegeta may look and act tough from the outside but he was a total softie from the inside.

"You know whom I am talking about, your family. Bulma, Trunks, Bulla and the other lot. It's been a month since we arrived here, hasn't it. I too miss ChiChi and my sons." Goku admitted. Maybe that will get something out of Vegeta too.

"I have lost and found families many number of times. I have killed my own temporary families on few occasions. What makes you think that I will miss them? I am beyond all this emotional drama." Vegeta replied grumpily. Though the first few lines were the evidence that Vegeta did dive into his emotions. Admitting that he had a family and lost it a number of times is a benchmark he hadn't achieve as of yet.

"And besides, you have a family here too." Came a voice from behind them. They spun around only to come face to face with the huge guy, Whitebeard. Frankly speaking, the guy was a total badass in Goku's opinion. Being the strongest in this world since a couple of decades and still not chasing after materialistic treasure takes an extremely pure heart. Not only that, the man's greatest treasure is his family, which thankfully Goku and Vegeta were a part of.

Then there was his crew, they were a lively bunch. They were unarguably the strongest pirate crew around and yet, didn't go around dominating others with their strength. They were so much like the Z-Fighters back at their home planet.

"That we do." Goku admitted.

"So, what were you two doing alone up here when a feast is going on at the lower deck." Ace and Marco joined in along with Whitebeard and Ace asked the question.

"Another feast? Man I love this ship." Goku replied and started walking towards the down-flight stairs.

"Just a moment of serenity between rivals. It's a record when Kakarot kept his mouth shut for the longest amount of time. Otherwise it would always be open, either to speak or to eat." Vegeta muttered.

"That's a nice way of bonding. It reminds me of me and Roger back in my days, when we used to sit down at a quite island for some sake. And the marines thought that we were always at each other's throats when in reality, our companionship was somewhat unbreakable." Whitebeard said, feeling the nostalgia that came with those words.

"But we are always at each other's throat, yet our team is the best this universe has ever seen." Vegeta replied, boasting about their team spirit. Seeing that this discussion was going somewhere, Goku disappeared and reappeared at the upper deck with a chunk of meat in his hands with the help of instant transmission.

"Gurararara… You two brats have no idea how good me and Roger were as a team. Sometimes, we did wonder, what would have happened if we ended up in the same pirate crew? A few times we did thought of forming an alliance. But, before we could put the ideas into reality, Roger let himself get caught." Whitebeard explained. He wouldn't let the legendary camaraderie being shown down by a couple of brats.

"When your ideas hung in the middle of expectations and reality, we did form a team together to eradicate a threat named Buu. And mind you, we proved to be nigh unbeatable against the godly entity. Our battles are known to be the stuff of legends in the universe." Goku argued about the dominance of their team this time and bit of a chunk of meat after the reply. He would be damned if he were to lose, even though it was a battle of words, when he had his favorite weapon in his hands, food.

"If only you two were to witness a warm-up battle between me and Roger, there wouldn't even be an argument about which rivalry is more legendary." Whitebeard replied. This was onto his pride now, he wouldn't go down no matter what.

"That's like giving excuses when you're running out of valid arguments. If only there was a way…" Goku muttered the last line under his breath. He looked down on the ground trying to think of a way to prove their point. Nothing. He looked at Vegeta for ideas, something, somehow… and then it clicked him. From the way Vegeta smirked, it seemed that he was on the same boat here.

"What say Vegeta?" Goku asked amusedly, He knew that this was something Vegeta will never decline.

"You're on. Always!" Vegeta replied with an evil grin of his own.

"What are you two babbling about?" Whitebeard asked, getting pretty irritated by the lack of information. Ace and Marco looked equally confused.

"Say, we two are still alive and well. Let the crew witness a battle between the two of us and decide which rivalry prevails." Vegeta asked. The thrill of a battle was clearly reflecting on his face.

"That, I would like to witness as well." Whitebeard replied.

"Location of the battle?" Ace asked, hoping that he would get a front seat in the show.

"Moby Dick seems just fine, it's the most durable ship I have seen." Marco suggested.

"NO!" Goku and Vegeta replied in chorus. They wouldn't want to sink their own ship now would they?

"It's your word then, what do you suggest?" Whitebeard asked

"Now, ordinarily, anything less than a deserted planet wouldn't do justice to our battle. But seeing that it obviously can't be arranged, we will be able to put on a trailer at a deserted island too." Vegeta replied. Hoping that the deserted island will be few thousands of in terms of size.

The three humans shared a laugh, assuming that the earlier statement was only an exaggeration. If only they knew that it was an understatement instead.


After a clash which promised to destroy their whole world if it wasn't stopped soon enough, the calamity died down for a moment when the two warriors stopped to take a breath or two. When the debris and the smoke cloud accompanying the battle died down a bit, one could clearly conclude that the whole island was tore apart from the base. Let alone the island, the nearby sea cover, at least for a few 100 kms was thoroughly disturbed. The shockwaves from the battle created Tsunamis of magnitude that will be felt all over the New World.

Whitebeard and his whole crew, finally managed to take a breath of relief. Whitebeard himself was in no better state of mind. Right in front of him were warriors that could tear apart the whole of the red line and combine the Paradise and the New world with few blasts. These were people who could change the whole map with their own accordance. Of course the topic has been mentioned numerous times by the familiar aliens but this was the first time they actually witnessed the much awaited demonstration. To say that he was thrilled, seeing the extreme battle was an understatement. But, at the same time, he was glad that these two were on their side.

Whitebeard knew that as long as these two are still on the planet, the future of this world will be shaped through their approval. Or these two can make sure that there will be no future to this world.

On the two extreme edges of the now destroyed planet, stood the mighty prince of all Saiyans and the strongest warrior to ever grace the universe. For the spectators, this was the climax of the battle. For them, it was not even a warm-up.

"Say Vegeta, I am getting bored now. Let's take it up a notch?" Goku asked loudly. His proclamation got a common response from every spectator. The response was a high pitched 'What?' followed by loud groans.

"There still is an upper notch?" Ace asked surprisingly. Marco agreed without a doubt, with his comrade. They looked towards their supreme commander, hoping to put an end to this insanity they call a battle.

Far away at one of the extreme edges, Vegeta heard Goku's proclamation. This was getting exciting for him.

"Thought you would never ask." Vegeta replied and got into the stance for their legendary transformation. It was time they would stop kidding and go Super Saiyan.

Seeing that things were going to get ugly soon enough, Whitebeard stood up from his position and bellowed with the most dominating voice he could muster.

"Goku, you are suggested to stop this madness right now or you will be barred from eating for a week." He roared.

He knew that this was the best possible way to stop the battle. Bribe one of them into opting out and Goku was the easiest to manipulate this way, through food that is.

"Oh man. Sorry Vegeta, if it was anything but food, I would have continued, but you know how it is with my diet. So, until next time." Goku said and dropped his stance.

Vegeta was disappointed but he too knew that these humans wouldn't be able to hold their shit together if this went any further.

And that's how a pleasant evening ended for the Whitebeard pirates and two of their newest family members.

"So, Ace, you haven't really talked about yourself in general. Where did you come from, why did you become a pirate, how did you end up in this crew, your previous family, etc." Goku asked.

It had been a week since, well since the epic battle that shook the world from its foundations. Things were quite calm and peaceful for quite some time after that. There were various stories roaming around about the event that produced huge Tsunamis and destroyed an entire island. Few rumors regarded it as nothing but one of the natural wonders you wouldn't want to be near, at a place like Grandline. Few others claimed that it was the deed of few giant sea kings. Some others also assumed the possibility of a battle between a couple of infamous pirate groups. Even though this one was close, it was far away from the spot on reason.

The world government was a bit vary about the situation and didn't release the official statement yet. What went on through those corrupt minds will always be a mystery. Even the Marine was yet to comment anything on the whole debacle. Although they did hold a meeting about the possibilities…


"Impossible!" yelled the person of the highest stature within the marines, the Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

"NO, it's not. I am telling you, it has to be a sea king." The legend of the previous generation, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp replied in an attempt to reason with his long time comrade.

"Arararara, I agree with Sengoku-san on this. Sea kings are peaceful creatures. A sea king going on a rampage, for no reason, is farfetched. Besides, if this did happen, then it's a much bigger issue as compared to the recent debacle. If they could go on a rampage once, what's stopping them now?" Aokiji exclaimed. He just wished that he wouldn't have to get in the middle of the troublesome situation.

"Then it has to be a clash between pirates. Those scum always cause trouble for everyone." Akainu said in a low growl. His hatred for the pirates being as strong as ever.

"Have you gone nuts? THAT much damage done by mere pirates. We are talking about mountain sized Tsunamis here, who could have such power?" Sengoku asked incredulously. Seriously, even the thought was insane.

"There is only one person to have such power. And you all know whom I am talking about." Akainu replied figuratively.

"Ooo, Whitebeard does have power to cause such destruction, interesting." Kizaru said, supporting his fellow admiral this time.

"And since the island was inhabitant, it just might be possible that Whitebeard is the cause by some fluke." Garp said, still unhappy about straight forward defiance of his theory.

"Garp, you are to investigate the sea of the nearby area and report to me about any possible disturbances, including the possibility of a sea king being involved." Sengoku declared.

Garp fervently nodded, at least his theory was being considered.

"Aokiji, you will be following a certain pirate crew for a while and get to know if they have anything to do with the event." Sengoku declared again.

Aokiji groaned loudly.

"But it wasn't me who suggested the possibility. Why not send Akainu himself?" he tried to get the job off the hook.

"Let's just say, I trust you more to take a calculative decision about the situation and stay peaceful throughout the mission." Sengoku replied and Aokiji agreed however, reluctantly.

(Flashback end)

Ultimately everybody is still waiting about a valid explanation to the fiasco but those who have previous experience of dealing with these government bodies already know that what they know and what they will let people know is far apart.

With the epic battle ending even before reaching its climax, Goku and Vegeta kept their adrenaline in check to prevent another such incident from happening. They spent most of their time in relaxing onboard the Moby Dick and chatting with the crew when they weren't taking a nap, or eating. It was one such fine morning when Goku asked Ace this question.

If it was anyone else who asked this question, Ace would have just shrugged it off as nothing significant. But, these two guys shared their life's story with them and were still telling the small details, bit by bit. It was only fair that Ace should show the same courtesy.

"This is probably after a long time when I am talking about my past again. My family…" He chuckled briefly and continued.

"I am the son of The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger and his wife Portgas D. Rogue." Ace announced uncaringly.

"Wow, so your dad was a powerful guy. I would have loved to get to know him, maybe have a nice little spar too." Goku replied wholeheartedly.

Ace was taken aback by this proclamation. There were only a few people overall who didn't care about who his father was. And all of them were his precious people. The rest of them, they would just kill him for who he was. He just couldn't help but ask, why Goku thought so.

"Well, when my spaceship came to earth, I too was an evil entity, born to destroy the planet. Piccolo, the one who practically raised my son, was my arch enemy during my entire teenage. Vegeta, who's probably like a first mate to me and I am sure the vice versa is true too, arrived on the planet earth with the sole purpose of killing me and my family. He almost succeeded. What I am trying to convey is, there is an evil within everyone. You can't separate it, you can't dominate it. You have to accept it and move forward with it." Goku preached the last line sagely.

The reply reassured Ace even more that these two were an integral part of his life now. He went on about the rest of his childhood, Luffy, Sabo, Dadan and all those fond memories. Before he knew it, his life was like an open book to Goku, and he didn't mind one bit about that.

It had been three months since Goku and Vegeta started their journey on the new planet. It had been anything but disappointing. They met new people, formed new bonds, ate new stuff, saw new places but most of the time, it was with or around the Whitebeards pirate crew. It wasn't that they weren't happy with the journey till now, it's just that, they wanted to explore a bit more, a lot more. And that's why they decided to embark on a journey of their own together from the next island onwards.

This next island was one of the biggest markets of the new world. It was a pretty populated and commercial island overall and a fitting destination to the end of a memorable journey together. Although, they didn't discuss this with Whitebeard yet, they knew he would understand the repercussions. After all, they knew enough of this world by now to survive without causing much trouble, hopefully.

"Target Island up ahead, put down the mast. All aboard, get ready to leave." Someone yelled from the crow's nest. With that being said, he jumped down on a rope and slid through to the bottom. Life would have been so different if they didn't have the ability to fly, Vegeta thought. It's such a pain in the ass when something as trivial as gravity is holding you down. Not diving too much into his musings, he decided to catch up with Goku who already went on to wander around the island.

It didn't take him long to catch up with Kakarot since he was walking down the lane instead of their usual mode of transportation. They were advised not to showcase their ability to fly in public view. That will grab just too much of attention from civilians, pirates and marines alike.

"What are you up to Kakarot?" He asked just to make a conversation. That was a change he noticed about himself, he had been a bit more extrovert since he arrived here.

"Oh hey Vegeta. I was looking for this bar Marco told me about. He said it had the finest sake in the new world, wanna join." Goku asked cheerfully.

This was another noticeable change about the two. They were drinking the drink of the Gods a bit too much these days. But they weren't really drunkards just because of that. Whenever they got high, they had an ace up their sleeve.

"Not that I have anything better to do. I might as well join in. " Vegeta replied in monotonic voice. Their accent and way of speaking was 180® apart from each other.

They quickly found a bar which had a rather large crowd, indicating that the place was famous. Assuming that it has to be good, they entered in.

"Two scotch, large serving each." Vegeta ordered what they usually drank.

"That would be extremely idiotic sir." The bartender replied. The nerve! Vegeta was about to grab the bartender's collar and drag his ass back to hell when he hastily added.

"Not wanting to insult you or anything sir, I just wanted to warn you that the guy over there, did you see him? He just beat up everyone whoever drank a scotch today. Apparently he's a famous pirate." The bartender said in a low voice, not to raise suspicion, in case, the pirate decided to attack him for badmouthing about him. The said pirate was sitting with a bunch of other pirates, possibly of the same crew.

That got Goku's attention as well. This was like imposing yourself on others. But he decided to stay quiet and not act at all. Instead just order the drink and see what happens later. Goku and Vegeta looked towards each other and decided what to do in a moment.

"I don't care, give me scotch and now!" Vegeta almost yelled at the bartender. The bartender just sighed and went on to prepare a drink. His helper dialed a number on the Den Den Mushi and said something about needing a couple more stretches for the goons. Neglecting the last part, he hoped that they had enough stretchers to lift the entire crew when the two would be done with them.

A stranger with a hat and a big ass sword hanging on his back was watching all this carefully. He noticed something about the two guys who were about to order a drink and thought that it will make things interesting in the future.

As soon as the drink came and Vegeta as well as Goku lifted their glasses to take a sip, a hand stopped each of them.

"That wasn't very clever thing to do. I hope the bartender did warn you about what will happen?" the person whom the hand belonged, asked the question and looked towards the poor bartender. The bartender was nodding frantically, not wanting to get in the midst of chaos.

"Well, it seems that you two will need to learn a lesson or two today." The pirate said again.

With the statement being declared, he lifted his hands off the two guys' wrist. He expected the two to run away in fear, but what happened next shocked him to no end. The two instead took a sip from their respective glasses.

"Hmm, that does tastes good." Goku said enthusiastically. Partly due to the taste of the drink and partly due to the anticipated fight.

The pirate was beyond furious, "You're dead. The both of you." He declared. That did nothing to stop Vegeta and Goku gulped down the whole drink at once from their glasses and lifted a barrel each of the same drink from the bar. Seeing the bartender's expression, Goku put some money on the table as the payment too.

The pirate was getting madder and madder with every antic of the two. Not only they drank the scotch, they also carried a barrel each and were continuously drinking even now.

"Before I kick your ass, let me know the names of the buffoons, about to tremble in front of me." The pirate asked.

"In that case, you should be the one to introduce yourself first." Vegeta said, taking a gulp from the barrel in his hands.

"Why you little punk! I am not going to tell you my name, but know and take pride in the fact that you are about to get your ass handed over to one of Kaido's pirate crew members." The Pirate said with a lot of inflated pride.

Kaido, huh? One of the Yonkou. That does sound interesting, Vegeta thought.

"Hey Kakarot, wanna have a drinking competition?" Vegeta said, completely ignoring the pirate and drinking endlessly. The crowd gaped at the fact that these two were willing to go against the crewmember of one of the Yonkous.

"Anytime Vegeta. You're just a couple of litres down right now, almost same as me. Let's see how much more you can hold." Goku declared and proceeded to take a big gulp out of his drink. Vegeta showed the same courtesy.

"That does it." The pirate yelled and went on to attack Goku.

The first attack was a simple hook from the left hand. It did have power, which was evident from the shelf that was destroyed as a result. But why did it destroy a shelf? Why not the face of the target, the pirate wondered. Because it was dodged effortlessly by Goku, who was not even fazed by the attempted attack on him.

Not wanting to give up, the pirate attack the two of them again. A hook to the left, a jab to the right, a roundhouse kick and few slashes from a broken glass bottle. Nothing connected even a single tissue of the skin. Each of the move dodged! And the supposed victims didn't give one flying fuck to the pathetic attempts.

Just when another attack was about to reach Vegeta, he dropped on the ground from drinking too much alcohol. Noticing that now he had the chance to causse some damage, the pirate attacked Vegeta again with a stomp, but it didn't connect either.

It was blocked by a sword!

Seeing that the fun part was over and there was another unknown in the equation, Vegeta and Goku looked towards each other and decided to end the competition before it reached the climax. For a split second, their hairs turned blonde and eyes green and bam! They were standing straight with not even a hint of alcohol consumption in their posture.

"I could have dodged the move." Vegeta said. His pride holding him from thanking the stranger.

"I know, but it was getting annoying." The stranger replied.

"You're right about that. So Vegeta, let's just end the useless skirmish. And I thank you sir for helping my comrade here. Though he would have seriously dodged it." Goku said, knowing that going Super Saiyan was all it needed for Vegeta to get rid of the alcohol in their veins.

"Anyways, I am Goku." Goku said

"That's a small and really simple name, though your comrade seems to call you by another one. I am Dracule Mihawk, better known as Hawkeyes Mihawk."

A/N: Well, that's it for this chapter. From here onwards, the story is going to follow a proper storyline and a twisted plot. Plus, it will catch up with the cannon. So, stay put.