This has got to be the weirdest crossover in the history of weird crossovers. My Little Pony and Holes? You're probably thinking, "This author is CRAZY!" Well, I am! But you know, I just felt like this needed to be written. This story happens about one week after Stanley comes to Camp Green Lake. And I'm making 6 vacancies open in Cabin D just for the sake of the story. Just go with it. :)

Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack, in human form, stood in front of the judge. Everyone was solemn, minus Pinkie, who still was bouncing around, like usual.

"Please rise!" The judge said. The six pony-girls stood, and Pinkie, for about the thousandth time, waved excitedly to the judge, who just sighed. 'I have got to get a new job,' he thought. 'One where I don't meet so many weirdos!' "You six may go to jail, or you may go to Camp Green Lake, where there are six vacancies. Hurry with your decision; vacancies don't last long at Camp Green Lake."

The girls looked to each other. Quietly, they discussed.

"Oooh! I wanna go to Camp!" Pinkie almost yelled. The other girls shushed her.

"Well, camp would probably be better than jail, Twi," Applejack commented. Twilight shook her head.

"If they offered a camp to us, it's probably not a nice one," Twilight said logically. The other girls nodded, but Pinkie shook her head.

"Okay, guys, I know that the Camp probably isn't nice, but we'd be able to see each other more! I mean, if we choose jail, we'd be in different cells, but camps have cabins, and there's a chance we could be placed in the same cabin." The other pony-girl-things stared in astonishment; Pinkie had actually said something as logical as Twilight the Alicorn!

"Well, I have to say, I am siding with Pinkie Pie," Rarity agreed. Rainbow and Applejack nodded, leaving just Fluttershy and Twilight left.

"Oh, gosh, peer pressure, I''m going with Pinkie!" Fluttershy quickly decided. Twilight sighed, then went up to the podium. The judge looked up from his papers.

"What is your decision, Miss Sparkle, Miss Pie, Miss Dash, Miss Jack, Miss Shy, and Miss Rarity?" He asked politely through gritted teeth. It had taken a long time for the girls to decide, and he had a date with his wife soon.

"Well, we've never been to camp before," Twilight unknowingly repeated what Stanley Yelnats the Fourth had said not a week earlier.

"10 months at Camp Green Lake!" The judge swung his gavel. The noise resounded across the large courtroom. The girls were led to a bus, where they were, unbeknownst to them, being driven to a place far worse than jail.