Hey guys! It's Brittany! This is a little solo story I'm doing on my own! Which is of course going to be my favorite, Dramione! Hope you enjoy! And please review!

Title for the story comes from the All Time Low song A love Like War.


The dark halls of the Ministry had kept everyone who worked there in a miserable, hopeless mood. Candles were kept as dim as possible, flickering and casting dark shadows all along the walls. Anybody who had anything to hide would stick out like a first year among seventh years. Which in reality, was the point. Because anybody who had anything to hide didn't belong there. They belonged underground. Dead.

At least, that's what the Dark Lord believed.

He had taken over the Ministry in a little over a month. Some people fought, the ones who didn't know any better. Most ended up dead under the curse of an unforgivable. Some, the cowards, ended up turning sides in order to save their skins. But only purebloods lucked out when it came to that. Muggleborns and halfbloods never made it out alive.

Mostly everyone was in hiding now. Some even went to such extremes to hide in the woods or up in the mountains where they believed snatchers couldn't find them. And most were right.

But the truth was, snatchers were becoming smarter. Most were people with their families being threatened. Don't meet your mudblood quota and you would be held down as your children or parents were tortured before you. People were scared. And most had lost all hope.

Harry Potter hadn't been seen in over three months. Most believed he was dead. But not all did. And they would be the ones who were right. There logic behind their belief was that if Harry Potter had been captured and killed, Voldemort would make sure to flaunt it to the world. And they were right.

Draco Malfoy knew that better than anyone. Harry Potter was hiding in plain sight. He was amongst the Death Eaters and snatchers more than anyone knew.

Draco was quickly becoming the right hand man to Voldemort. He had over passed his father, and even his Aunt. After not being able to kill Dumbledore, Draco spent months upon months of torturous training. It started with fear at a wand being pointed at him, but that quickly turned to anger. He couldn't take it anymore. The pain, torture, and pleads ended late in July. Voldemort was angry, killing for the hell of it, after having allowed Potter to slip from his fingers.

Draco was lying, facedown, on the ground in the sitting room of Malfoy Manor. His breaths were heavy and he could barely stand. About twenty Death Eaters surrounded him, Voldemort seated behind them on his usual throne. One of the Death Eaters who went by the name of Collins, stepped forward, wand pointing at the blonde before him. "Get up, Malfoy!"

Draco tried his best to stand up, but only fell back down to the ground. The crowd surrounding him laughed. Collins turned and looked at Voldemort, who nodded. The cruciatus curse ran through Draco's body, and he screamed. For a good 30 seconds, Draco lay there in pure torture and pain. When it was pulled off him, he looked up, eyes glaring at Collins.

That was the moment Draco lost it. The moment his anger replaced his fear. It was the moment he would become more important than all the men who tortured him for months now.

Collins continued to laugh, turning and laughing along with everyone else. He was so preoccupied he didn't see Draco manage to get to his feet, strength coming from his anger, and tackle him to the ground. Collins let out a cry of surprise as Draco straddled him. Collins tried to get his wand out and point it at Draco, but the young seventeen year old had snatched it away, chucking it to the side. His hands wrapped around the Death Eaters throat, and squeezed. He felt the light leave the man under him, and when he stopped moving, Draco released him.

But he was soon being charged at. Two Death Eaters came at him at once. Draco leaped back, grabbing the wand that belonged to Collins and gripping it tightly. He threw a spell at the first Death Eater, sending him flying across the room and out of a nearby window. The second managed to get a hold of Draco around his shirt collar, making him drop the wand. He attempted to throw Draco to the ground, but Draco was faster. His hands reached up, grabbing the Death Eaters face and pressing his fingers into his eyes until he was released.

Draco shoved the man to the ground. He reached down and held the wand he had just dropped in his hands. He spun around several times, staring at all the Death eaters, waiting for someone else to come after him. Sweat covered his forehead from the struggle, and his chest was rising and falling heavily as he breathed in the sweet relief of his torment being over.

Both men Draco had attacked laid on the ground, one not moving and the other holding his eyes, crying in pain. Clapping came from behind the blonde, and he slowly turned around to face Voldemort as Nagini slithered over his feet. He slowly glanced down at his legs, calmly stepping away from the snake, who stopped and was staring up at Draco as well. "Young Mister Malfoy." Voldemort hissed, approaching him. Draco stared at him, blinking and still breathing heavy. He was in shock from it all. "You have finally… impressed me." The Dark Lord stopped when he was standing next to the man still crying on the floor, his eyes darkening. "Unlike some." He whipped his wand out, and a flash of green light brought Draco from his reserve.

He immediately fell down on his knees, the dead man's wand clattering on the stone floor. "My Lord." Draco spoke finally, head low and eyes on the ground.

Voldemort approached Draco. "Rise, boy." His voice was stern, but not dangerous. Draco knew all too well what that voice sounded like. He slowly got to his feet, eyes not daring to meet his masters. "Come with me. You are finally ready."

That was the moment Draco became Voldemort's right hand man. That was the moment Draco became everything he didn't want to be. And six months later, he still remained the same, still loyal. Or so… everyone thought.

Draco had a secret, one he had shared with only three people, two of which were dead. The other, well… they didn't speak. But Draco knew he wouldn't tell. Truth was, he had nobody to tell.

It was almost one in the afternoon as Draco made his way down the dark hall of the ministry, robes billowing behind him. Most people he passed by sulked against the wall, staring at the ground. Scared he would kill them like the dozens he had killed in the past.

If only they knew the truth.

Draco reached the end of the hall in what used to be the Magical Games and Sports Department, and walked into the last door on the right. He looked left and right, making sure nobody was watching him before entering. He shut the door and pulled out his wand, locking it and putting a silencing spell on the room.

He sighed, his face relaxing slightly, knowing he was out of sight from watchful eyes. Pretending to be someone you're not was exhausting.

"You're late." A voice came behind Draco.

He already knew who it belonged to. He turned around and faced him, only seeing the back of his robes as the stranger stared at the freshly lit fireplace. "When you're the Dark Lord's go to man, it's hard to get away."

The robed man ignored his comment. "You remember the terms of this arrangement?" Draco stared at his wand before putting it on the table, staring at the man.

"Did you bring it?"

The stranger finally turned around and looked at Draco. Jet black hair hidden by his hood, but bright green eyes shined through is circular glasses. The hope and light Draco was used to seeing was gone. But Draco couldn't blame him. Both his best friends were dead. What did anyone expect? "Maybe…." Harry Potter said cautiously.

Draco stared at him. "Maybe? What does that mean?" He snapped.

"How do I know if I can trust you?" Harry questioned.

Draco scoffed. "After everything, how can you ask me that?" He was approaching Harry.

With a flick of his wand, Harry had Draco's wand clasped tightly in his free hand, his own now pointing at the blonde. "You're his right hand man, Malfoy."

"He tortured me! If you think I'm loyal to him-!"

"He killed my best friends!"

"He killed mine too, Potter! He killed the woman I loved! You think her memory doesn't haunt me every day!? You think I don't blame myself?!"

Harry's face softened at hearing his confession, his wand slowly lowering. "… That's why you want it?"

Draco's chest rose and fell quickly as he stared back at the boy who lived. "Did you bring it or not?"

Harry reached into his pocket and pulled a chain out, a large hourglass hanging at the end. A time turner. "This is dangerous, Malfoy."

"I know. And if I succeed, we won't even have this conversation." Draco held his arm out. "Give it here, Potter."

Harry stared at him. "This isn't right. You're not supposed to change the past."

"And them dying was?" Draco sighed. "I can do this. I've been planning it for months. I… I can save her."

Harry stared into Draco's eyes, seeing his best friend reflected in them. She really had changed him, had proved them all wrong. "It was real, wasn't it? The two of you?" Draco said nothing, but the pain showed in his eyes. "Where will you go?"

"March 24th, 1998." Like he said, he had it planned out for months now. "Replace my younger self with who I am now. Save you and Weasley first, then… her. Then Shell Cottage."

Harry nodded, then handed over the time turner. "They won't believe you. They hate you."

"You believed me once. You'll believe me again." Draco stuffed the time turner in his pocket.

"Draco…." Harry sighed, staring at the blonde.

Draco slowly looked up at Harry. "Potter?"

"Don't fall for her again." Harry's voice held sadness. "She can't die again."

Draco stared at him. Neither said anything. Both knew it wasn't possible. Draco extended his hand. "My wand?" Harry nodded, reaching into his cloak and pulling it out. Draco grabbed it, but Harry didn't let go. Both held onto one end of the Slytherin's wand. "Potter."

Harry's eyes met his, and he let go. "It's scary to think everything might change."

"No, Potter. Everything will change. You'll never lose them. I promise." Draco stuffed his wand away, ready to leave.

"Before you go," Harry reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of parchment, handing it over to Draco. "Give this to me when you get there. I should believe you after reading this." Draco stored it away with a nod. "And, Malfoy… when you meet me there, don't tell me I'm a horcrux."

"But, Potter, that's how-"

"I know." Harry cut him off. "I can't think about dying. It'll ruin me."

"Alright." Draco nodded. "I promise.

Draco sat up in his bed, legs spread out before him, time turner held in his hands as he stared at it. He contemplated what he was doing. Betraying Voldemort was a death sentence. But was serving him really living, anyway? Then his thoughts moved to Hermione. Without her, he was dead on the inside already. He had told Harry he would save her and Ron, but Weasley wasn't his main priority. He'd let Weasley die before Hermione. He was still selfish in that sense.

He turned the time turner over in his hand. These were all believed to be destroyed. But it was a lie, kept secret by The Ministry. One remained. And it was in his hands. Nobody knew he had it but Potter. If he died, it would die with him, in the past.

He stood up from the bed, going to his closet and throwing his pre-packed bag over his shoulder. His situation was perfect. He was already where he needed to be. Malfoy Manor. All he had to do was turn the dial and go to the dungeons. Nobody would be any wiser. It was time for him to change the past he had helped destroy. He had a chance now to start all over. And this time, he knew all the right answers.

He threw the time turner over his neck, turning the dial. The world started spinning around him, and before Draco could think twice, he was moving into the past.

The world stopped spinning around him, and when it did, Draco pulled the time turner off his neck and stuffed it into his pocket. He was still in his room. Nothing seemed different, that was, until he heard a scream. He knew that scream.


His instincts had him grabbing his wand and charging for the door. But then he stopped. He had to stick to the plan.

"You stole this!" Bellatrix's voice echoed throughout the Manor, sending chills down his spine. He eased his way down the stairs, passing the dawning room where Hermione was being tortured. He hid in the shadows by the dungeon, knowing what was coming next. "Draco, get the goblin!"

He watched a scared, sixteen year old past version of himself walk past him and come back a couple minutes later with the goblin in tow. If there was a time to go, it was now. He sprinted for the dungeon door as Hermione screamed again. "Harry we have to do something!" Ron's entire voice was filled with terror.

With a flick of his wand, he opened the cell door, and shut it behind him. He had to make sure they'd listen. Just as he shut it, he watched Harry start to pull a piece of mirror from his sock. Hermione had told him numerous times that that's how they'd be saved. But it ended tragically. He was going to make sure it didn't. He was going to save the house elf. "Don't touch that, Potter!"

Harry and Ron immediately looked at Draco, confusion marked their expressions. "Wh- How did you- What do you want this time!?" Ron snapped. Harry was studying him up and down, questioning in his head why he was suddenly dressed differently, and how he'd done it so fast.

Draco completely ignored Ron, addressing Harry. "If you pull that mirror out and call for help, Dobby will come. And because he does, he'll die."

"How did you-?" Harry shook his head. "Are you threatening me, Malfoy?"

"We don't have time. I have to get you guys out of here, before you-know-who comes and me coming here was a waste of time."

"Come here? You already are here." Ron pointed out.

"I'm from the future. Look at me." He pointed to his face. "I'm older."

Ron looked at Harry, then back to Draco, glaring. "Don't believe him, Harry. It's a trap."

Draco finally looked at Ron. "Trap, yeah? You think I'm here to trap you? Newsflash, Weaselbee, you are trapped! You're in my dungeons!"

"Yeah, but Dobby can save us. You said so yourself." Harry argued.

"Do you want him to die?"

This made them both shut up for a few seconds. "Prove it. Prove you're 'from the future'." Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out the time turner. They both gaped at him. "But those-."

"We're destroyed?" Draco cut him off. "The Ministry lied. There was one left."

Harry still stared. "I don't trust you."

"You don't have a choice."

Hermione screamed again, and it made up Harry's mind. "What's the plan, Malfoy?"

"Harry, you can't-."

"We have to, Ron!" He turned back to Draco. "The plan?"

Draco nodded. "Alright. You need me to apparate you out of here and since I'm a Malfoy, I can. First I'll take Lovegood, Ollivander, and Weasley to Shell Cottage.-"

"How do you know about Shell Cottage?" Ron was shocked to say the least.

"Need more proof?" Draco snapped at him.

"Then what?" Harry pressed.

"We go up there." He pointed above them, where Hermione was. "Save the goblin, and Hermione." He didn't realize his slip, but Ron and Harry did. "You have to disarm me. Present me. Then we apparate to Shell Cottage."

They both stared at him, then Ron said the obvious. "Malfoy, they'll recognize you." To answer his question, Draco pulled a Death Eater mask from his cloak, putting it on, followed by the hood of his robe.

"They'll just think I'm a traitor. Which I am. They won't know it's me. Any questions?"