A\N: Hello to everyone. I'm introducing one of my craziest ideas so far. It's not about demigods, monsters and gods. Sorry if I'm disappointing you. It's basically a multi-chaptered story which contains fluff, romance, tragedy and mystery. The idea came up to me while I was finishing a book, a good book may I add.

So read if you want, but please no flamers. If you don't like it don't read. But if you like it and have some suggestions to me-review!

Chapter 1: When he met her

Jason was crossing the street when a bright yellow Porsche almost turned him into a bloody puddle on the street. He was with his earbuds again, something that was necessary for him to stay sane, and hadn't heard the beeping of the car. He didn't pay attention to the angry driver but continued his walk to school.

Maybe someone else would have freaked out after the near-deadly experience but Jason had seen worse. He had been closer to death than everyone else he knew, maybe the closest one alive. And after passing through it, he wasn't afraid.

Half a year ago Jason woke up in a hospital bed, his body bandaged. The last thing he remembered was his mother's face as she was picking him up from school in her old silvery car.

A nurse had entered then and explained that he and his mother got involved in a car crash. Apparently he had been in coma for a little while, three weeks to be exact. His mother hadn't had the same luck. She hadn't made it.

He felt crushed then. Since he was little Jason was living alone with his mother. She loved him but had trouble with alcohol. That caused his father to divorce her when he was only five years old. Jason had seen him just four or five times since then. And now he was the only family he had.

But the surprises weren't over yet. When the nurse had first entered the room everything was normal. That changed when the nice looking middle aged woman touched his hand in sympathy while telling him about his mother. After that second, that simple contact, Jason heard loud and clear the words:

''Poor boy, to live through this at this age…some parents really don't know their limits.''

''You have no right to talk about my mother like that.'' Jason had snapped at her.

The nurse had looked in his eyes with concern.

''What do you mean dear? I haven't spoken a word.'' The nurse had answered with wide eyes.

Jason had then realized that she hadn't moved her mouth. He had actually heard the woman's thoughts. The things went worse with time.

In the beginning he was seriously freaked out but soon understood that it was for the best if nobody else knew about this. After all, they would think that he had gone nuts after the 'traumatic event'. He was assigned from the hospital to go to a therapist but quit it after the second session. The only effect it had on him was to drive him mad or extremely sad. He didn't need other people's pity and all the 'sympathy'. He was sixteen, not six.

After he got out of the hospital, Jason moved away from San Francisco to live with his father in New York. His father was Zeus Grace, a famous lawyer. Jason actually had a sister who he hadn't seen since two years ago. She was only two years older than him and used to spend a lot of time together but then the divorce came and they were separated by the whole country.

It turned out that his sister cared about him the most. Jason had forgotten what it felt to be taken care of. However, he couldn't tell her about his abilities: she would think that he is insane and sent him to a mental hospital. She was cool, yes, but nobody was that cool.

He had been living in New York for two months now. He was inseparable with his I-pod in attempt to shut the voices in his head up. It was like being in a big room full with people. When Jason touched someone, the voice became clear and he was hearing his thoughts like he was talking to Jason directly. That's why he avoided touching others; touching things that others were touching at the same time…all this showed him the personal life of a stranger. And it was overwhelming, considering the fact that Jason had enough problems already and didn't want to know about the others' problems. All he wanted was to be normal again; to have actual friends and to not act like some emo guy with earbuds and dangerous looks all the time. He wanted to be like his old self: cheerful, confident, optimistic…alive. But after the car crash his whole life had changed and there was no turning back. He sometimes couldn't understand his previous self, it seemed so long ago. Like in another life time.

Jason arrived at school fifteen minutes before the bell rang. The school was packed with people, as usual, and it was a mission impossible to not bump into someone. Pure torture.

''Hey bro, how was your walk to here?'' his sister Thalia greeted him. She had arrived with her own car. To be sincere Jason's father had gotten a car to him too. He just preferred to walk to school from time to time.

''Nothing new under the New York sky.'' was his answer. Thalia looked at him with narrowed eyes, trying to see if he was lying or not but she then spotted a boy with jet black hair and a blonde girl.

''Are you sure you don't want to join me, Annabeth and Percy?'' his sister asked him for a millionth time.

''I'm waiting for Leo sis. Don't worry about me.'' Jason reassured her trying and failing to smile.

''Okay, but if you need something…''

''Yeah, yeah, I'll find you. Seriously Thals, I'm not little.''

''You'll forever remain my baby brother.'' She said and smiled mischievously at him and tried to ruffle his hair but he got away fast enough. She then joined her best friend and her boyfriend.

Jason leaned on his locker while waiting for Leo Valdez-his best friend. Honestly, he didn't know how he even found a friend since he avoided people so much. But then again, Leo wasn't like most people. The annoying Latino would never give up. Jason was thankful for that.

He looked around and spotted the last person he wanted to see. Unfortunately, the boy had spotted him too and was walking towards him now.

''Hey Grace, why don't you move out of my way for once?'' the guy named Dylan asked.

He was one of those boys who think that the sun rises every morning just to admire their awesomeness. Jason hated his guts and the feeling was mutual. Dylan hated both Jason and Thalia because they were well-known in the school. No one dared to mess up with both of them. Thalia was known as a dangerous enemy. She always wore black clothes with signs like 'Death to Barbie' and 'Come if you Dare'. She would kill anyone who said that she is Goth though. She had been in a few fights and detentions. All in all, she was a rebel.

On the other hand, Jason was the dark, mysterious newcomer who was avoiding people. No one dared to try him, scared that he could be even worse than his sister. Dylan was the only stupid enough to bug them both.

''Don't you get tired of this?'' Jason retorted dryly, trying to not get mad. He understood from the other boy's thoughts that Thalia had pissed him off at the parking lot earlier and he was going to take his revenge on the brother.

''Be careful how you talk to me.'' Dylan threatened with an evil glint.

''Or what?'' Jason said picking himself up from the lockers and standing straight in front of his opponent. He was trying to restrain himself from punching the dimwit right then and there.

Before he could do anything one of Dylan's friends nudged him with the words:

''Dude, she is here!''

Dylan quickly looked up and smiled brightly. His friends stayed around Jason.

''Hey Piper, how have you been?'' Dylan said stopping a brown-haired girl.

The girl sighed and looked around, trying to find an escape. She then noticed Jason who was again leaning on the lockers and the other three boys around him. Her eyes narrowed and she turned to Dylan.

''Better since you weren't around. What is going on here actually?''

''Ah, nothing important, just dealing with the dork here.'' The boy waved off and tried to catch Piper's hand. She quickly yanked it away before he could even touch her. He didn't seem offended though.

''Come with me at lunch and leave those stupid friends of yours, will ya?'' he offered.

''No. Can I go now? I prefer maths than hanging around with you.'' She snapped and made a step forward but Dylan sidestepped and Piper lost her balance.

Jason acted on instinct and caught her before she could break her head on the ground. It passed his mind that after the contact with her skin he would be able to hear everything in her mind but that didn't sound like a good enough reason for him to let her fall. She didn't deserve it.

However, when Jason's hand caught Piper's something unusual happened. In that second everything went silent. The voices in his head stopped flowing. He couldn't hear anyone's thoughts anymore and that made his eyes wide.

He looked down at the girl beside him but she looked puzzled. He then realized that her mind was also silent. The feeling was…wonderful! He felt almost normal again. Piper's touch was calming him down, making his inner world fade away in an instant. He could easily get used to this.

He would have hold her hand forever just to prevent the chaos in his head from coming back but the girl got up very fast and slipped her hand out of his. The voices of thousand teenagers' minds almost brought Jason to his knees but thankfully the wall was near enough so he just leaned on it and made it look like he was cool with the situation. On the inside he was thinking hard. What was all that? How did she do it? How haven't I seen her before around?

His train of thoughts was cut off by a loud slap and Jason turned to see Dylan's shocked face, which was getting red. Piper was already gone away. Jason spotted something shiny and picked it up. It was a necklace with a silver feather on it. It had probably unclasped when she fell.

''You are going to pay for this Grace.'' Dylan threatened them but was once again cut short by non other than Jason's only friend in this school: Leo Valdez.

''I'm late with just five minutes and you have already started the fun without me? Jason, this is so unfair!'' the boy whined in his usual perky mood.

Leo looked like Latino elf from Santa's workshop. He was very good with his hands, also a happy person who pulled up random jokes and made fun of almost everything. He was a master in getting in trouble though. And getting others in trouble for that matter. He, along with the Stoll brothers was master of the pranks in school.

Leo smiled mischievously at Dylan and then turned to Jason.

''Come on man, we'll be late for English and I don't need anymore detentions. Oh, and Mr. Brilliant smile,'' he turned to the group behind them again. ''You might want to check your locker, I think it needs a cleaning.''

With that, the two boys hurried to their English class.

''What was it with you and that chick Mclean?'' his friend asked suddenly while waiting in front of the room to get in.

The next question was unneeded since Jason could hear Leo's thoughts but he decided to at least act normal.

''What do you mean?''

''You never touch anybody bro, even your own sister. And now you stare at a random girl and hold on her like a life saviour. How this girl is any different?'' he asked curiously.

Jason could see that his friend wasn't too deep into the topic but he was curious; he had noticed Jason's strange behavior. It was time for the damage to be covered up.

''What was I supposed to do, let her fall flat in my feet? A caught her on instinct.'' Jason shrugged it off as it was nothing.

Leo wasn't fully convinced but the door was finally free of students so they entered. Jason sighed in relief and put in his ear buds again; it was going to be crowded in his head even without the others' thoughts.

A\N: So this is the first chapter. What do you guys think? Does it have any potential hidden in it? Is it hidden too deep for ever coming out? Review and let me know.

Also, updates won't come as fast as they did with my other stories (once a week). I'm a senior and the second term just started and I'm studying to be accepted in college for medicine so please be nice! Only five months and it will be over! Thanks guys! Love you! :))