Hiyas~ I decided to start a new story~

I hope you guys enjoy~

In the world, there are humans known as 'kings' only they are able to forge contracts with the supernatural and superior beings that live in the world side by side them. The contract will enable both sides to benefit from it, for example if a king is strong the contracted beings can feed on their innate 'mana' which expands their powers further. As such, the royalties who are kings use this for friendly sport or battle. The current 'emperor' who has grown old and weary has decided to hold a tournament to crown a successor…

In a castle, a red head is reading a book, heterochromatic eyes scan across line after line. A knock is heard, a servant soon enters giving a kurt bow "Akashi-sama, the lord calls for you." Akashi nods his head, closing the book, before exiting the room.

Akashi soon reaches a room and enters it to see his father whose back was turned away from him. "You've called father?" "Yes, I have. I'm sure you've heard, the grand tournament for the crown of emperor is coming in a few months time. I've consulted with your mother with this and seeing as you're able to, we're about to enter you in the tournament. But first, have you not contracted with anyone?"

"I'm afraid not father. The insignificant fleas that flock to me for my innate mana is not strong enough for me." The older Akashi soon turned to him, contemplating something. "Its true that this is a problem…but hastily getting weak contracts will not assist this matter at all. What would you like to do Seijuro?" Akashi smirked, one of the reasons that he is fond of his father is that the older man will not hesitate to ask for his opinion, seeing his own son as an equal.

"If you would permit father, I've been thinking of traveling for a month or so to find people I would like to contract with." Akashi replied swiftly. "Hmmm, very well….I'm fairly certain that you can defend yourself on your own. And you've mastered our family's sacred technique as well…Alright, you have my permission." "I will make preparations and leave in an hours time." Akashi gave a curt bow before leaving.

Akashi since birth had strong mana. Hence, why other beings became attracted to him, to counteract this, his strict family raised him to be able to control his mana, or release the excess as spells.

Soon in an hours time, the red head was riding a horse away, in search of suitable partners.