Castiel leaned back in her seat while messing with the pendent around her neck. She sighed then looked over at her partner Balthazar.

"Anything?" She asked.

"Trust me if the radio went off you would here it too." Balthazar said while filling in what looked like a crossword puzzle. He suddenly put it down and pushed himself up in his seat. "I have an idea let's play 20 questions!" He said excitedly. She raised an eyebrow.

"Hear me out, ok you're new here and we've only been partners for two weeks, we're going to be partners for a while it'll be nice to get to know each other you know." Castiel rolled her eyes but nodded anyway.

"What the hell, why not it'll pass the time." She said turning to face him more.

"Ok I'll go first, where'd you move from?" Balthazar asked.

"I actually originally grew up here, moved away to St. Joseph Missouri then came back. What about you?" She asked.

"Born and raised here never moved." Balthazar said. "What about family?"

"I've got three brothers, two are Doctors at Heartland, and one is a firefighter here in the city. Michael and Gabriel are the Doctors and Nick is on the fire department. I also have two cousins Raphael and Naomi Rapture, but Naomi is married now and goes by Naomi Darshire they're both doctors at the hospital as well." She said thinking about her family and all the reasons she moved, then she looked back over to her partner. "What about you?" She asked

"No siblings, no distant or close relatives, all on my lonesome, parents died when I was young." He said with a shrug. "What about your parents?" He asked.

"My father was a firm spiritual believer, when I was 15 he went on a spiritual sabbatical, never came back. My mother was never quit the same after he left, she passed a year after my 18th birthday."

"Saddle it up boys and girls we got a call to 18th street and Flores, caller states that the patient is having a hard time breathing." Castiel raised an eyebrow and looked over at her partner who shook his head with a smile.

"This is Truck 10 responding, Hey Ash long time no hear, where you been?" Balthazar said over the radio to the dispatcher.

"Oh my good friend Bally, I've been out on my vaca, had to pick them up or loose em. I'll show you en-route at 1302." Balthazar looked over at Castiel who looked back at him with a question.

"Lawrence has some of the best dispatchers around, the few that you'll come to find to like are Pamela Burnes, Charllie Bradbury, Chuck Shurley, and of course Ash, who is who you just heard." Balthazar explained. Pulling up to the address Castiel saw their patient was sitting outside a shop on a stool leaning over trying to catch his breath, first impression, the patient IS struggling. Getting out and making her way over, Castiel crouched down next to him.

"Hello sir?" She asked.

"Hey." He said breathily, on closer inspection his lips where a little blue and skin pale. He seemed to be in his late thirties early forties.

"My name is Castiel I'm with Heartland EMS, I'm a paramedic here to help you. Can you tell me what's going on?" She asked at this time Balthazar had made his way over with the medical bag and oxygen, Castiel started to help Balthazar set up for vitals as she listened to the patient.

"I was helping my brother set up the shop and I had been coughing all morning, but I thought it was no big deal, but it just keeps getting worse and now it's getting really hard to breath." The patient stated while through the whole sentence every two words the patient had to stop and take a few breaths then continue.

"What's your name?" Balthazar asked.

"Rob Devers." He said. Castiel looked down at the o2 reading and saw that it was down to 86, his pulse was 102; she looked over at Balthazar and got his attention.

"Go ahead and get the oxygen set up put him on 15 litters' nonrebreather." Castiel stated.

"Sir do you have any medical conditions that you know of?" Castiel asked him.

"Well I did have bronchitis a bit ago, but I thought I was over that. They gave me an inhaler to use." Castiel sighed.

"Do you have the inhaler on you?" She asked him.

"Yes it's right here." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out said inhaler. Castiel took it and checked the name on the prescription the dose, and also the expiration date. It is still usable.

"Alright give me one second I'm going to call someone then I'm going to help you ok." Rob nodded. Castiel took her radio off her belt and keyed the mike.

"Truck 10 to dispatch."

"Truck 10 this is dispatch go head." Ash's voice came through.

"Can you get me through to medical direction please."

"Roger Truck 10 paging you through to medical direction."

"Truck 10 this is medical direction go head."

"I have a 39 year old male having difficulty breathing, his o2 was sat at 86 without oxygen now at 91 with 15 litters nonrebreather, his pulse is still high at 101, he stated to have had bronchitis and does have an inhaler, it is within date and prescribed to him. Permission to give dose?"

"Truck ten this is medical direction, go head and give two good puffs of the inhaler."

"Roger, two good puffs of the inhaler."

"That is correct truck ten." Castiel then walked back over and talked the guy through administering his inhaler. After that was done vitals where taken again his pulse was now down to a more normal range of 85 and his o2 was up to a 96. They then helped Rob into the ambulance making sure everything was good and strapped down, and then Balthazar took off in the direction of the hospital.

Radioing in the report to the ER nurse and receiving a room number to go to Castiel then set up to start an IV saline lock. Once that was down She then checked his vitals one more time as they were pulling into the ER. Getting out and through the doors they were met by the ER nurses and Doctor.

"Hello my name is Nurse Ruby, I'll be the one taking care of you, this is Doctor Gabriel Gracie one of the ER doctors who will be taking care of you as well, your tech is Becca and she'll help you with anything you need while you're here." Ruby said while she opened up a chart on the computer in the room. Castiel then started to hand off report to the nurse while glancing at her older brother while he did an assessment of the patient. Once she was done giving report to the nurse Castiel left the room and waited out by the nurse's station as Balthazar cleaned the cot, got new sheets, and cleaned the back the ambulance.

"Cassy!" Castiel turned around and smiled at her big brother.

"Hey Gab." She said smiling.

"I thought I heard you moved back and started working here, but I hadn't seen you so I thought it was just a rumor." Gabriel said giving her a hug.

"Nope not a rumor, sorry I hadn't stopped by, been busy with the move and everything." Gabriel nodded.

"Well I got to get back to work but we should seriously go out and catch up sometime?" Gabriel said.

"Yeah I think I'd like that." Castiel said, she really had missed her brother, he was always her favorite and vis-versa. Castiel watched him head back to his computer to start charting on his new patient. She turned around and ran smack into a chest, trying to catch herself she raised her hands up and placed them on the chest, (which by the way hard as a rock). Closing her eyes thinking she is going to fall, she is pleasantly surprised when instead she feels a strong arm go around her middle and hold her up. She looks up into the most greenest eyes she has ever seen.

"Hey." He says with a smile.

"Hey." Castiel says back for lack of something better to say.

"What are, ah, what are you doing here?" Castiel stumbles through the sentence.

"Helped bring in a patient, code." He said nodding his head over to room 3 where she saw that they were still coding the old man, he probably wasn't going to make it. Nine times out of ten when it comes to the point where they are coding them for that long there's nothing more they could do. It's just their time.

"Mines in 6." She said indicating behind him, he turned and looked and saw the guy she brought in was sitting up messing with his sheets.

"Better off than mine." He said.

"Yeah." She agreed.

"So listen, I wanted to apologize, for the way I acted the other day. I'll understand if you still think I'm a douche, but I just uh, wanted to see if you would, um go get a drink with me sometime?" He asked her, smiled at him. So she's already totally forgiven him but some groveling couldn't hurt.

"Going to call me sweetheart?" She said with a glare.

"No, not intentionally." He mumbled, she raised an eyebrow but smiled again. She reached back onto the desk and grabbed a piece of paper and used her pen. Writing down her name and number she gave it to him.

"Maybe I'll consider it, give me a call sometime." She said, her heart beating a mile a minute. She handed him the paper and then headed back out to the ambulance bay. Once she sat back in the truck and put her seat-belt on she looked over at her partner who gave her a curious look.

"What's that smile for?" He asked her.

"Oh nothing." She said still smiling; Balthazar shook his head then put the ambulance in drive and took off.