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'...I sense sons are up to something.'Splinter thought while meditating. He got up and made his way to the place he felt the disturbance was coming from, the living room. He sighed when he was only a few feet away from entering.'Please let there not be any fighting this time...'

He entered the room and immediately regretted thinking that. What he saw was something he did not see everything, his oldest sons smiling and hugging his youngest. Now, under normal circumstances, that would have been a beautiful sight worth watching for a few minutes. It wasn't, though, it was quite confusing to him actually. Why?

His youngest was sniffling and whining. On the ground was what appears to be a broken video game of some sort with weapons surrounding it. Furthermore, his oldest sons were grinning in a way that was beginning to disturb him. He kept hearing Mikey whimpering something about a princess and the others were just chuckling and laughing almost evilly. This was all just...too much for the old rat to comprehend.

Now he wished they were fighting. It would have been easier in his opinion. This was not the case, however, it was completely different. He didn't know what to do about this, what to think, or even say in a situation like this. He watched his sons a little bit more until he sighed again and made up his mind.

'I don't want to know.'He thought as he walked away from the scene, but not before hearing a whimpering sound coming from his youngest.

"I never got to save the princess..."

'...I seriously do not want to know.'