Hello Everyone!

I wanted to say Thank you so much to "acciojd" and "thenerdist2000" They both have helped me so much with this story. With out them this story would be more humorous then angst due to my errors lol. So Thank you both so much.

Next I hope you all enjoy, it follows parts of the movie word for word, has a song in it from the book, then it is also AU i think. I hope you all enjoy. Please Review! Reviews fuel me and inspire me.

~Chapter 1: Into the Darkness~

Never in all his life had Kili been as terrified as when he heard Thorin yell Fili's name and thought the rock giant had crushed his brother.

Never had he been so serious. His brother meant more to him than anything in the world, so the very thought of losing him was enough to make Kili sick.

Outside it sounded of thunder and great crashes Whether it was from the sky or the Stone giants wasn't for sure but the dwarves were now safe and warm and that is all that mattered right then.

Most the company was fast asleep with their blankets spread out across different parts of the cave, but all pretty close together to stay safe.

They slept soundly besides a few snores from being worn out.

Bofur make a point to stay awake due to he was keeping first watch over the company.

He sat over by the entrance to the cave as he allowed himself to rest a little while he was keeping careful watch, enjoying his pip weed.

Kili and Fili sat at the far side of the cave; besides Bofur they were closest to the cave entrance. They whispered back and forth to each other in hushed voices

"You had me worried brother, I thought that rock had crushed you" Kili whispered to his elder brother, his voice a little shaken.

Fili let out a slightly nervous laugh "I had thought it was going to too," he said seeing blood on Kili's right hand. Fili reached out for Kili's hand to take a look at the cause of the blood.

Kili pulled his hand back out of reflex "it's nothing" he smiled warmly at his brother just glad to see him alive.

Fili raised a brow reaching out once more grabbing his younger brothers hand pulling it to him looking it over, once he was satisfied he smiled "just scrapes, You know it worries me more when you try to hide things," he said not letting go yet

Kili grinned sheepishly "worry wart, it really is nothing." he picked at his older sibling.

"I can see that now" Fili half smirked and flicked Kili's knuckles once playfully letting go of his hand "you know, you can be a jerk at times, Kee"

"Owe!" Kili slightly over reacted before smiling laughing with his brother.

Thorin's walked over by the boys, he looked to be glancing over everyone to make sure they were okay before taking his own bed "Fili, Kili,.. are you alright?" he asked looking down at the boys from his standing position, both them sat on their bed bundles.

Though he would not admit it, Thorin had not been so afraid of losing some one as he was tonight in over 75 years. He was so scared as when he thought the stone giant had crushed Fili.

He practically raised these boys, they were the closest thing to children he had, not to mention they were the light of his sister's life.

Fili gave a nod as a greeting to his uncle "we are fine" then offered a warm smile at his uncle

Thorin gave a nod then seeing the red on Kili's hand he looked to Kili asking the unspoken question. Thorin kept his face composed as usual, for all Kili knew he could have asked only out of politeness.

Then Kili remembered his uncle was not known for being polite and it made him feel better to know his battle hardened uncle took notice of something as small as a scratch on him.

Kili smiled warmly as well "I'm fine uncle, just a scratch"

Thorin seemed satisfied with their answers then spoke "Others are trying to sleep, I suggest you do the same," then he walked off to his bundle and laid down to sleep, he was tired from the worry of the day on top of the weight he carried, not a physical weight but a mental weight...

Each and every dwarf here he felt responsible for. It was his place to get them their home back, to give them a place to belong to.

It was his place to return them to Erebor safely. He questioned his decision to bring the boys along, questioned if he should have left them in the safety of the Blue Mountains.

Fili looked to Kili about to say something when Kili's smile faded and he laid down his pipe which he had been preparing to light.

Kili seeing some blood on Fili's shoulder reached out to touch but then pulled his fingers back slightly not wanting to hurt his brother "Fee?"

Fili looked to Kili then down to where Kili was looking to, he reached up with his own hand placing his fingers to it then pulled back rubbing the crimson between his fingers then looked to his shoulder where the Tunic was ripped, he used his fingers to spread the ripped fabric and looked in it "just a scratch" he answered

Kili narrowed his eyes "let me see!" the younger sibling ordered, wanting visual confirmation.

Fili gave him the hush sign "Don't let them hear you, Thorin will get mad"

"Then show me" he attempted to use a hush tone but his voice still carried across the cave

"FILI! KILI! What does sleep mean to you?!" Thorin barked from across the cave his voice rumbling through the cave in its noble tone irritated at the boys keeping the others from resting.

The boys winced at the yell looking to each other nervous to continue, Fili called out "Sorry uncle" only to hear a snort in reply and a mumble he then looked back to Kili "Really Kili,. My arm is fine, just scraped it on a rock" Fili whispered as low as he could.

Kili gave a slow nod looking a little worried now, his big brown eyes dropping to his brothers shoulder one more time as his brother laid down to sleep.

Kili, finally decided seeing that Fili's arm didn't seem to bother him any, He could relax as well. He laid down and closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep as he was mentally and physically exhausted.

Fili was the first to awake from Thorin's yells "Wake up! WAKE UP!" as he opened his eyes and sat up the horrible sensation of falling took over Fili's body as he flailed his arms trying to grab onto something, anything in this darkness but there was nothing there to grab onto.

Well that was chapter one everyone=) It is slow but if you read the next chapter I think you will be drawn in more. Chapter 2 is already written but I was going to post them at different times in hopes of more people seeing it lol.

Reviews make me happy and fuel me. Comments, suggestions, concerns, please review=)

Thank you so much for reading!
