Ash Potter, Harry Ketchum?

By: Enja

Ages: Ash: 11, Misty: 12, Brock: 15

Chapters are switched on and off from Ash and Harry. Harry = even # chapters, Ash = odd # chapters.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Harry Potter. This disclaimer goes through the whole story.

Ash's P.O.V.

I was going to win this battle for Misty! Pikachu was up against a Piloswine. This had been an easy battle until this Piloswine came out. It was very well tranied and was at least 10 levels above Pikachu. It had more experience, but I was sure I could beat it.

"Pikachu! THUNDER!" I called out to my yellow rodent. He nodded as his cheeks started to crakle with electricity.

"PIK...KA....CHUUUUUUU!!!" He squeaked at the top as his voice. Thunder came thrashing out of his cheeks. It headed toward the Piloswine. It tried to escape the power of my Pikachu, it didn't escape in time. It was too slow. The lightning swirled around him as he collapsed to the ground in agony. I guess my Pikachu really was speacil. He came running up to me and jumped into my arms.

"Great job, buddy!" I compliment him on his victory. "Pika pi!"

Misty and Brock walk up to my side. "Good job, Ash."

"Thanks Misty!" I say. Brock looks up and frowns. "What's up Brock?"

His face started to turn down more. "The pretty girl that was battling you left already..." Brock says sadly. Misty, Pikachu, and I sweatdrop. "Come on lover boy!" Misty pulled Brock away by the ear and headed in the direction we were headed.

The road seemed to go on and on. Same kind of tree's, same dirt path, same blue sky with a few clouds, and the same bushes and shrubs at the side of the road. The only thing that was somewhat interesting beside watching Brock go crazy over the thought of Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny, was Misty. I had recently grown a liking for Misty. I had no intentions of telling her soon. It would be soon enough. I was too young to start a serious relationship right now.

"I'm tired..." Misty groaned almost collapsing to the ground. I quickly ran to her side and helped her up. I was trying to be caring for once. We walked to the side of the road where there was some grass. I fell to the ground with her, also being tired. Brock was still walking down the road, daydreaming.

"BROCK!!!" I yell. No response, he was still in lala land. Pikachu grinned and clinged to his leg. "Pik." Pikachu whispered while smirking evilly. All of the sudden Brock was surrounded by Pikachu's thundershock. A loud 'thud' had been heard a second ago as Brock lay twitching slightly as electricity ran through him.

"Ow." Brock said emotionless. I slightly giggled as did Misty. Brock soon came to his full sense's and came over to us and sat down still flinching a bit.

I sat against a rock and looked up at the clouds drift by. "There's a Magicarp, and a Victoribell." I say as more and more pass by in the shape of Pokemon. I layed back for a rest. Everybody else was already sleeping except Pikachu and I. I reached for my pokeballs to let all my Pokemon out, before I could, my world blacked out all of the sudden. I felt nothing except cold and dark.

A/n- How do ya like it? The first two chapters are always the shortest. The rest will be longer! I promise.