On the island of Ninjago, there are four people who must protect Prince Lloyd Garmadon: Kai, son of the Southern realm's Lord, Zane of the Northern realm, Jay Walker, a criminal being hunted by the law, and Sir Cole, the servant of the Overlord, who has been trying to take over Ninjago for many years.

These five have been chosen to protect the island of Ninjago, but how can they do that if they cannot even get along? They are an unlikely bunch, prone to discord and contempt. To defeat the enemies on all sides, they must learn to work as a team...

Note: I've decided to go through these chapters and fix them up. So pardon my dust as I fix a few plot holes, formatting and grammatical errors, and typos. :) It may take until late October, 2016, to complete this task.

I hope you enjoy the story!


Heart pounding, adrenaline rushing, coursing through Kai's veins, fighting with his head, trying to make him lose his focus. He took a well-balanced step toward his opponent and continued a series of counter-attacks, warding off the blade of his opponent, who seemed intent on making sure his dark blade stuck home.

The two blades were shining brightly as they clashed in the light of the shining sun. Their weapons eventually drew apart and they circled each other once again, treading lightly on the soft, well-kept grass that seemed to be waiting patiently for the two adversaries to leave so the courtyard would once again be peaceful and full of birdsong.

Kai stared into his opponent's eyes. Deep brown, gold-flecked eyes, eyes that shone with a light and wisdom that told his young opponent to watch his step. Eyes that seemed to say: One wrong move, and you will be dead.

Kai held up his sword and continued circling the man whose graying brown hair dripped with sweat from exertion and the heat of the noonday sun. The younger man waited for an opening, slowly losing his patience as they continued breathing heavily, watching each other, and waiting for the opening in the other's defenses that was sure to come...

Kai finally found one and struck with the speed of a panther, using a deadly combination of strikes as he was met, to his dismay, with the all-to-familiar sound of metal crashing upon metal. His opponent had anticipated his next move and had immediately brought his own sword up to block. The man got Kai's sword in a lock at the hilt and jerked it out of his fiery-eyed opponent's hand, the strength and momentum of his arm throwing the sword through the air and into the dirt a ways off in the courtyard.

Kai knelt breathlessly and bowed his head in defeat. "Well done, Father," he panted. He licked his dry, cracked lips and breathed deeply, forcing his breathing to slow.

The older man smiled and helped Kai to his feet. "You have gotten better, Kai," he said, returning Kai's sword to him.

Kai took it with a nod and sheathed it. "Thank you." He was pleased with the results of his training over the last few years. When he had first lifted his sword against his father in this courtyard he could hardly hold it upright because it was so heavy. But now the sword was a part of him. It was an extension of his arm, doing the will of his mind without hesitation or question. The problem was that his mind had a will outside of Kaytake's teachings. He had some habits that mere training could not break.

"You must learn to control your impatience, Kai." Kaytake led his son to the well and they took a long drink. He wiped his face and continued. "One day, you will be a Lord. And when that time comes, you must be ready to defend king Garmadon and all of Ninjago with your life." He sighed. "You cannot do that when you are so impatient that your sword moves without a thought. Impatience makes many otherwise avoidable errors."

Kai nodded and leaned against the well, to relieve the pressure of standing for hours during the many duels. "I understand," he said as he took another deep breath, calming his heart a little more, and helping circulate the adrenaline out of his pulsing veins. "Are we done for the day?"

Kaytake nodded, smiling kindly. "Yes, Kai. You may go."

Kai nodded and slowly administered the weight back onto his feet. "Yes sir." He walked leisurely down the cobblestone garden path. He took in a deep breath, his senses enjoying what his mother would call a perfect day. He looked over a variety of flowers in all different hues, shapes, and sizes. The aroma that they let off melded into a harmonious smell that left the mind of any mortal man sharp and clear, and yet distant and dreamy, all at once in sharp juxtaposition.

There seemed to be something almost magical about his mother's garden. He listened to the sound of his sister's birds, some of which flew around the heads of any who passed by, competing over who's tune was the most melodious. Kai breathed deeply and contentedly as his ears picked up the distant sounds of the fountain in the middle of the garden.

Kai reached down and picked a berry off of a bush on the side of the path, looking in all directions to make sure Nya was not nearby to see it. He popped it into his mouth quickly and began to hum with the chorus of birds as his tongue broke the delicate skin of the tiny fruit.

"What are you eating?" a pleasant voice spoke up behind him, making him inhale sharply in surprise and get the berry lodged in his throat. He braced his legs and coughed loudly until the snitched snack fell down his throat.

He turned and glared at his sister, red in the face from frustration, minor asphyxiation, and embarrassment. "Food, you sneak," he growled, though he was smiling. He felt a tickling sensation in his hair and held up his hand. A tiny bird, no larger than his thumb, seized his skin with tiny claws and let out a chirp as the young man lowered his hand and held the bird in front of him. He observed the unique creature for a moment. With sharp black, nacreous feathers and deep black, it eyes looked at Kai inquiringly, as if wondering what had made its friend cry out and choke.

Nya let out a laugh. "No, really?" She began strolling down the cobblestone casually, beckoning her brother to follow. "I was almost certain you were eating rocks."

Kai chuckled and strolled beside her, stroking the bird with a light finger. "You got me," he said. "But Cheeks here gets away with it all the time." The little bird let out a sharp chirp of protest and hopped frenetically up and down Kai's finger. Kai let out a laugh and held up his hand, so that the bird was eye to eye with him. "You're supposed to be on my side, Cheeks." He reprimanded the tiny pet. He was not sure what had given him the idea for the bird's name. Most definitely not its narrow, streamlined face. Perhaps it was the bird's saucy sense of humor.

Cheeks nipped at his nose and let out a trill. Kai rolled his eyes and used his thumb to pry the bird's tiny black claws off of his skin. "Get out of here." The bird spread its wings, a span of about five inches, and shot into the air, gliding over to the berry bush and landing there, staring at its masters momentarily before grabbing a tiny berry in its beak and swallowing it whole. It did this several times before Kai and Nya finally looked at each other and let out a laugh.

"I swear that bird seems to know exactly what we were saying." Nya giggled and punched her brother's arm. "Let's go for a ride."

Kai smirked at Nya and nodded. "Okay," he dashed off down the path toward the stable. He looked over his shoulder and shouted, "I'll race you to the beach!"

Nya heard his voice and scoffed, leaning on one foot and counting to ten before dashing off after him. Her boots hit the stones in rapid motions, sure-footed and swift. She flew into the stable and saddled the horse quickly, leaping onto the mount's back before Kai had even put the bit in his horse's mouth. She trotted easily out of the barn and shouted behind her, "I'll beat you to the beach!" She flashed him a grin and urged the horse to go faster, leaning forward in the saddle and guiding the horse down the well-worn path into the trees.

She heard a sound behind her and looked back, suppressing a giggle when she saw Kai barreling after her. She kicked the horse and squeezed her legs in the saddle, easily keeping her balance.

Kai suddenly appeared next to her, waving. He surged ahead.

As hard as Nya tried, she could not quite beat her older brother. The ocean was about ten miles from the mansion. Kai came to a stop at the sandy shoreline and hopped off of his horse, patting its brown, sweaty hide fondly before turning to his sister, who was still dismounting.

They were in a large cove surrounded on both sides by hundred-foot cliffs. Small, tranquil waves crashed against the shore, curling daintily and wetting the fine sand that made the border between land and sea.

Nya dropped her reins, trusting the trained horse to not run, and tackled her brother to the ground with a loud laugh that echoed off the rocky walls. "No fair, Kai!" She tried to pin his arms to the ground and sit on his chest.

Kai rolled his eyes at her futile attempts to keep him grounded, and wrapped his arms around her and stood up, keeping her arms uselessly pinned next to her body. "That was plenty fair," he stated, letting her wiggle free. "You gave me a head start."

Nya sighed and shook the sand off of her clothing. "Fine." She sat down in the sand and messed with her boots. "Why did you want to come out here, anyways?"

"To race, of course," Kai said with an impish grin.

"Uh-huh," said Nya skeptically. "And..."

Kai sighed tiredly, looking up the beach at the expansive, cyan-blue waters. "And...it's textbook day with Channing."

"Knew it," Nya said, shaking her head disapprovingly. "Kai, you can't continue skipping your studies like this! You're going to be the Southern Lord one day-"

"I would love to go one Host-cursed day without being reminded of that," Kai grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"And it does not help your case any that it's Raid Day," Nya scolded him. "Chances are slim that the Dark Knight would come here, but..."

A faint rumble in the distance distracted him, and the pair looked up at the cliffs on the left. Kai's heart jolted.


...Oh, no. And right as she said his name.

"Run, Nya," Kai said urgently, pushing her toward her horse. "Ride! Now!"

Nya did not resist: there was only one object in all of Ninjago that made a noise like that, and anyone with even a small a sense of self-preservation knew to steer clear of it.

"Run, Nya!" Kai pushed her again, becoming frantic. The sound was drawing nearer. "We need to hide before they see us." He got onto his own horse and urged it forward, knowing in the pit of his stomach that they were too late.

He just prayed that the Dark Knight and his crew of stone warriors weren't in a pillaging mood.

The ground started rumbling beneath them, and a moment later a shadow darkened their path.

"Run, Nya!" Kai shouted one last time, dismounting and drawing his sword as the Black Bounty's anchor dropped between them and the safety of the trees. "Get out of here, and don't look back."

Nya stopped her horse stubbornly and dismounted as well, drawing her own sword. "I don't think so."

Kai glared at his sister and shook his head. "The Dark Knight's warriors are invincible. One of us needs to get out of this alive." He gripped his sword tighter and stood between her and the anchor chain, which landed right in their path of escape. The ship lowered itself to the ground between them and the sheltering forest.

Kai's heart raced in his chest as he unwillingly recalled all of the rumors he had heard about these people. If people they could be called, as the only known human on the ship would be Sir Cole, the Dark Knight. The others would be stone warriors, who were as fearless as they were vicious. No one knew much about them, except that they came from the Dark Island and had been created by the Overlord, who had taken control of their sister isle in the West fifteen winters ago, murdering all that were of no use to him as slaves.

The first face to appear on the deck was squared and firm as stone, with green, deep-set eyes. The man jumped to the ground, his long black cloak half-obscuring his white tunic and black pants, tucked neatly into knee-high, black leather boots. His lips were pulled in a thin line that suggested disapproval, and his skin was tanned from months of being out in the weather aboard his ship, doing raids in Ninjago. His eyebrows were thick, of the same color as his hair, and were so close to his eyes that Kai had a had time telling whether or not he was angry or his face just always had that natural glower.

The Dark Knight held up a hand, silently ordering his army of stone warriors to stay back. He strode forward, glaring into the young man's eyes as he walked. His hair, long and black, was held back with a ribbon proudly displaying the Overlord's colors with red, black, and crimson beads and clicked as he walked.

"Well then," Cole's voice was loud enough for all to hear, up on the ship and on the ground. "What a surprise. I'd planned to follow that path-" He gestured with a hand- "to where I would take you in the Sheshin mansion. But instead, you came to me." His smile held no humor.

Kai swallowed hard, acutely aware of his dangerous predicament.

The mercenary Cole took another step forward. "I have orders from my master take you, Kai. But now the girl is here... It would please Overlord, I think, to take her, too." His eyes regarded Nya with interest.

Kai stepped between the Dark Knight and his sister, holding up his sword. "You'll have to kill me first, bastard," he growled.

Sir Cole shrugged and took a step back. "She's hardly worth the trouble. I have no use for a girl like her." He looked at his opponent's sword. "Drop the sword and come easily, Kai. Or else I will do something we will both regret."

Kai held up his sword shakily. "No."

Cole rolled his eyes and held up his own sword. "My orders are to get you to the Dark Island unharmed, but..." He paused, mostly for dramatic effect, before he lashed his sword out and hit a very unsuspecting Nya in the stomach with it, lodging it just a few inches before pulling it out. "...I was given no specific orders about hurting the girl."

"Nya!" Kai exclaimed as Nya collapsed in the sand, holding her bleeding middle.

"What will it be, Kai?" the Dark Knight asked, still sporting that tight-lipped smile as he prodded her neck with his sword. "I could kill her now. Or you could come with me."

Kai's insides felt like fire as he shouted, charging the Dark Knight.

Seeming nonchalant, Cole flicked his sword up, disarming the nobleman. Kai's sword landed a ways off, and he clenched his fists, feeling an acute sense of deja vu.

"K-Kai," Nya gasped, holding her bleeding middle, with shaking fingers. "Don't.

Moons, Kai swore in his mind. He considered diving for his sword, but the Dark Knight returned his blade to Nya's throat. It cut her skin a bit, drawing a thin trickle of blood that dripped into the sand.

"You think I will hesitate to kill her?" the Dark Knight asked coolly. As he spoke, the sword bit deeper, and Nya's cry of pain was cut short.

"All right!" Kai said. "Stop! Stop! I'll come."

Sir Cole retracted his weapon, leaving the woman wheezing at his feet. He held up his hand and jerked his wrist, pointing at his new captive. A stone warrior jumped from the Black Bounty with a rope and bound Kai's wrists tightly.

"Let's start our journey," the Dark Knight said, and prodded Kai's back with his sword to push him toward the ship.

Kai looked back once at his sister, tears pricking his eyes. This was the last time he would see his sister, and the way she gaped helplessly at him indicated that she knew it, too. Little was known about what Overlord did with the Ninjagians his mercenary captured, but there was one thing that all agreed on:

Once taken to the West, no one ever came back.

Jay heard a distant rumble, and he leaped to his feet, smiling despite himself: it had been many months since one of his patrols had been near the site of the Dark Knight's landing. Heart racing, the auburn-haired man closed his book and shoved it into a pocket of his vest. He slung his pack over one shoulder and bounded over a fallen tree, toward the nearby rumble of the Black Bounty. He assumed the Dark Knight was going to make his landing in the cove about a mile west of here.

It took a few minutes to reach the cove. Catching sight of the white sails of the Black Bounty, Jay nearly laughed out loud at his luck. The Dark Knight's monthly landing. And so close to him, too!

Moons, he didn't get to do this half as often as he liked.

Jay waited impatiently for a few minutes, listening to shouts, and then the clanging of what Jay could only assume was swords. Poor souls. What an unfortunate time to be at the cove... Jay closed his blue eyes and set his jaw, sighing softly. It hurt, knowing that Ninjagians were being carried off to slavery just on the other side of his rock, and being unable to do anything about it. Just be patient, Jay. One day Overlord'll be gone. Then you can finally go home.

His eyes opened as the motors of the Black Bounty rumbled to life, and the air grew turbulent, blowing early-autumn leaves from the trees. Jay waited until the ship had risen into the air and disappeared

But until then, I'll busy myself with what I do best.

He waited patiently for a few minutes, when the ship took off again, going parallel to the shore, toward the Northern realm. Jay moved toward the beach quietly, in case the Dark Knight had dropped off a few stone warriors along with his regular goods.

He perked his ears at a new noise in the distance and brought his hand to his sword, in flee-or-fight mode as his eyes darted around for the source of the sound.

A grey horse nickered quietly nearby, and Jay relaxed slightly. He let out a relieved chuckle and tiptoed toward the horse, the scant underbrush rustling beneath his boots.

"Where's your rider?" he murmured, touching the horse's face. The mare's nostrils flared and pulled away, but did not run.

Jay shook his head sadly. The poor rider was probably now a prisoner on the Black Bounty.

It was not until he'd led the horse onto the beach that he noticed the bleeding, unconscious girl in the sand.