Disclaimer: I Own Nothing Of This, Except The Following Characters: April So Don't Sue Me, Lawyer Peoples, I Make No Money Out Of This, Though You Can Send Donations To This Address...... lol only joking

Harry Potter Falls in Love

Harry Potter was no ordinary boy, infact he was far from normal, because he was a wizard, a wizard who survived Avada Kedavra from the most evil Lord who ever existed, Lord Voldemort, Harry had survived from every attack Lord Voldemort threw at him. Harry was special because he was The Boy Who Lived.

Exactly 15 years ago Harry's parents were killed by Lord Voldemort, and that is why he has to live with the Dursley's, Harry's only living relatives.

Harry awoke with a heavy pounding on his door and Aunt Petunia shouting "GET UP ,BOY!" so Harry got up and quickly got dressed, he went down and scoffed down his food and got up to leave,

"Where do you think your going?" Aunt Petunia asked.

"My room" he replied.

"No, your going to weed the garden and wash the car" said Aunt Petunia nastily.

So Harry trudged outside, he looked up saw a girl walk past wearing a sky- blue cloak, obviously a witch. He walked up to her and said


"Hello"she replied

"My name is April by the way" she said

"Mine is Harry, Harry Potter" he said

She gawked at him, scanning his fringe for his lightning bolt scar.

"See" he said showing April his scar.

"O-Oh my god it really is you" she stammered

"Anyway, what school do you go to?"he asked

"Um, I'm going to Hogwarts at the start of the term, I'll be in the 5th Year"she replied.

"Same!"he said excitedly

"Oh My God, are you serious!?" she said ecstaticly

"Yes, I'm in Gyrffindor"he said proudly

They talked for another a hour, when Aunt Petunia walked out and saw Harry talking to April.

"GET IN THE HOUSE, BOY!" she bellowed, trembling with rage.

"see ya at school" he said gloomily

"okay, bye" she said sadly

On August 20th Harry and the Dursley's drove to London, so Harry could get his supplies and to stay at the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of the holidays. They practically kicked him out of the car and threw his trunk and other accessories on to the road, right in front of the Leaky Cauldron. He gathered his stuff and walked inside, he walked up to Tom the owner of the Leaky Cauldron and said

"Hello Tom, do you have any spare rooms?"

"Hello Mr. Potter, yes I think I do, Number 7"he replied cheerfully, handing Harry the keys to Room 7.


So Harry with the help of Tom got his stuff into his room. He then went outside and into the Courtyard. He tapped the brick three up and two across from above the bin three times and the brick started to quiver until there was an entrance to Diagon Alley.

He pulled an envelope from his pocket that contained everything he needed for his 5th year at Hogwarts, which he received 2 weeks ago.

Harry read it in his mind

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry