Yes, I've been absent. I apologize. New semester at school, new classes, less opportunity to jot down chapters for fics during class. Plus, more personal stuff none of you really care about, so I'll stop with the explanations on my own life. Back to the fic.

Yes, this is a one shot for Starkurt/Kelliot. Anyone who LOVES Klaine to the depths of their souls DO NOT READ! Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely in love with Klaine! They're unbelievably cute! But I don't recommend this to highly obsessed Klaine shippers.

If enough of you enjoyed this oneshot and would like me to expand on it, truth is I will only go as far as three to five chapters. My fics go too long and I have enough to work on lately. Can't wait until I can write all day most days in Summer so I can upload a lot faster...

Enough of that. Read. Review. Favorite. Tell me what you think!

Sigh. Finally home.

Despite the wonders of New York and spending time with the band, the ride home wasn't something I enjoyed. Especially at night. I mean Kurt's place was where we usually hung out, or the diner occasionally, which were both pretty far from my place. Plus it's not like I had someone to come home to in the end. I did have a roommate at the start of my living here, but he decided to live in a dorm and ditched. So now it's just me.

It wasn't bad though. I mean I had a good enough job for rent and enough money saved up to decorate the place the way I wanted. Plus, as weird as it may sound, I didn't exactly need to worry about clothes during my down time…

Hey. My house, my rules, my body and I look damn good nude!

Like most days, today I could only spend some of the day with the band before I had to rush to class and then, work. All I really wanted to do was wet my hair down and pass out watching some random movie, happier than anything tomorrow was my day off! Now, first thing's first; shower time.

Shedding my jacket and tossing it to the couch, I walked towards my bedroom, a flashing light from my answering machine catching my eye. Since when did anyone leave voicemails these days…? Nonetheless I clicked the listen button and tugged my shirt off, turning up the volume before going to my room, tossing the shirt to the hamper.

'You have 4 messages.' The automated woman on the machine called, 'Message 1…'

"Elliott! It's Kurt. Are you busy? I was thinking… take out and a movie… if that's okay…? Call me when you get this… Bye."

I raised a brow, pulling my pants free and tossing them as well, boxers with them and, lastly, socks.

'Next message…'

"Hey, Elliott… Starchild… uhmmm, it's Kurt… again… Call me."

I paused momentarily, but soon enough I walked across the living room to the bathroom, slipping the necklace I kept hidden beneath my shirt off and setting it next to the sink.

'Next message…'

"Hey! Sorry to bother you like this. Just wondering if you wanted to hang out, maybe have a guy's night… Call me once you get this… It's Kurt, by the way…"

A smirk pulled at my lips with a chuckle, shaking my head before closing the door, turning the dial on the shower and waiting for the temperature to adjust. Once it had I slipped in, shutting the glass door behind me before dipping my head under the hot stream, almost moaning from the desired warmth. Finally.

A long while I just enjoyed the feel of hot water hitting my shoulders and running down my back, replacing the city's cold with pure bliss. As much as I was in complete heaven right now, I had to admit it ran #2 in my favorite parts of the day. Honestly, I had to say the best part of my day was seeing the band. Seeing Kurt. Since day 1, there was just something about him that… entices me beyond anything. The way he walks, how he speaks, how passionately he feels about music and NYADA! And how strangely intimidating he was at first glance. Then there's his talent, his voice. The way he moves…

I… I had a thing for him. I have a thing for him.

I grabbed the shampoo, squirting some of the contents in my hand before scrubbing it into my hair, tilting my head back.

But, of course, all odds against me. He has a boyfriend. Fiancé, actually! Some guy named… Brian… Bree… B.. Blaine! That's right. Blaine. Must be some hell of a guy, I guess. After all, they did just graduate high school. Or wait. I think Kurt said the guy was still in school…? Whatever. Long story short, I have no chance. It shouldn't bother me, especially as much as it did!

In the background I could hear the last voicemail playing, muffled behind the door, but I wasn't really listening to it. I brought my head back beneath the stream, washing the contents out of my hair, the mouse and gel I'd been wearing washing away with my old spice shampoo. Once it was out I reached for my conditioner and began lathering it into my hair, brushing the strands back with my fingers before going for the bar of soap on the bottom shelf, rubbing it over my skin.

Honestly, I should just feel lucky I get to spend time with him, and I do! Since our first gig at Callbacks, we'd actually gotten pretty close. We've had movie nights with some classic Barbara Streisand works or Rocky Horror. High School Musical even! We've gone on so-called adventures through the city. We've even done karaoke duets at the diner. A few nights he's even crashed at my place or vice versa from time to time.

Once I was finally washed and the water began running cold I turned the dial to off and stepped out, grabbing a towel. I brought it to my eyes, dabbing the moisture from my face before bringing it through my soaked black-dyed hair. Resting it over my head I grabbed my necklace off the counter and walked out, a slight splash of cold air touching my skin. I walked back to my room, setting the necklace on my nightstand before walking back to the bathroom, swiping my palm against the mirror to clear it before dropping the towel to the ground, grabbing the comb to brush my hair back.

There was a knock at the door.

I sighed, setting the comb down and grabbing the towel off the black and white tile floor, wrapping it loosely around my waist before walking out to the living room straight to the door. I gripped the handle, twisting it back and forth a billion times before it finally opened and I momentarily froze at the sight in front of me.

Red-eyed, his slender hands shaking while they held a white paper bag with the diner's label on the front, a faint, forced smile on his lips. But it faded the moment his eyes left mine, staring at my -cough cough- attire…

"I-I'm sorry…" he assured, blinking a handful of times, reverting his eyes to the side, "I called but-"

"It's fine." I smiled, huffing a faint laugh. Silence fell for a while as he stood in the hall, refusing to look at me.

Eventually he looked back to my chest, lifting the bag only slightly. "I… I brought veggie burgers." Then he shrugged, "Figured you didn't have time to cook anything… w-with your schedule and all… and I was on my way from work so…" Knowing I should just let the kid in already I stepped to the side, gesturing to the living room. He did as instructed, walking sideways to avoid touching me at all. I fought the urge to laugh, considering the look of his condition I knew it would be far exceeding inappropriate.

"You can just set it on the coffee table." I called, shutting the door before walking into my bedroom, grabbing a pair of pajama pants and slipping them on, tossing my towel to the hamper. With that I walked back out to the living room, seeing Kurt curled up on my pleather couch, knees pulled to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. My eyes softened at the sight, walking past him to the kitchen, going into the first cabinet I passed, pulling out two clover-green plates and two waters from the fridge, walking back to the couch.

I set them all on the coffee table, looking to him and turning on my side, leaning against the couch. "What happened?" I asked, my voice soft.

His eyes dropped, "Nothing."

I huffed through my nose, reaching for his chin and gripping, turning his eyes to me. "You can't lie to me, even when you bring food." I assured, "Now tell me what happened."

He swatted my hand away, turning to the bag of food, "Look. Can we just eat and watch something?"

I gripped his chin again, pulling him slightly closer, "Why don't you want to tell me?" I asked, eyes softening further, "Did something happen at school? Did you and Rachel fight?"

"No and no." he sneered, "Now can we just eat our burgers and watch a movie?" Again he swatted my hand, moving to the other side of the couch and curling up again. I sighed, faint, knowing I wasn't getting anywhere trying to force him. Kurt wasn't one to admit anything when pestered into it, especially when he was angry. I knew that in the semi-short time knowing him. Plus it had been a really long day and I didn't have the energy to fight. So I grabbed the remote and switched into Netflix, going straight to the 'strong female lead' portion. "How about something scary instead?"

Both brows furrowed to their furthest extent, looking to him in confusion. "You like scary movies…?" He nodded, eyes on the television. "Since when?"

"Does it matter?" he hissed, looking to me finally. That's when I saw it. The pain. The longing. The anger. Every emotion he felt dancing in his eyes. Still, I looked back to the screen, going to the horror section until I landed on some paranormal activity thing and leaned on my side, getting comfortable as I rested my head on my fist.

From time to time I'd take a glance over at Kurt, who at some point moved a little closer. Then a little more. I didn't say anything, didn't react. Not even when he was just a mere inch from me. Then my eyes almost flew wide when he was suddenly reclined comfortably against me, head rested on my arm. At that point I finally looked to him, raising a brow. "Uhmm… Kurt?"

His eyes lifted, something glistening inside, shadowing the other emotions. A long moment I only stared at him, trying to piece together his sudden change in behavior. I didn't understand it. His eyes alternated between mine and my lips, going in almost a triangular motion, sitting up a little to get closer as he started slowly leaning in.

His lips brushed mine, ghosting a kiss and I froze for a second. He leaned further, lips pressing just a little more into mine and my eyes fell shut, starting to move in sync with his. I turned on my back, our kiss deepening only a little, my hand coming to cup his cheek as he slowly began climbing on top of me, straddling my hips. His hands rested on my chest, opening his mouth a little, giving me the opportunity to slip my tongue inside to dance with his. This had to be a dream. It had to be. This wasn't happening. Kurt was…


I pulled away, staring at him in shock, the lingering taste of his lips making mine tingle. He whined from the loss, leaning in again but I backed further, the shaded glisten in his eyes beginning to fade to hurt and confusion. "What's wrong?" he asked.

I sat up, slipping out from under him and grabbing the quilt hanging on the back of the couch, covering my exposed chest. "What do you mean 'what's wrong'?" I hissed, "You have a boyfriend. A fiancé! A fiancé who is coming to our gig in one week!"

"Actually, I don't." he retorted, falling silent as his gaze drifted, sitting back once more, "Not anymore." I could see tears slowly building in his eyes while mine softened, sitting on the couch once more.

"What?" I whispered, scooting a little closer. "What happened? Did you guys fight or something?"

"We did fight." He replied, "And things always end up my fault in the end." I frowned at the allegation, wrapping the quilt over my shoulders and reaching for his hand, resting mine on top. He brought his other hand to his eye, wiping his tears. "I-I was never there for him. I was too busy out here for myself. I.. It's my fault for what he did-"

"Hey." I called gently, cupping his cheek once more, turning him to look at me. "What are you talking about? What did he do?"

"He cheated." He whimpered, "He missed every one of our performances because he was with someone else. He cheated again and again all because I wasn't there. It's my fault! If I'd never come back out here, if I'd stayed back home he wouldn't-" I took his head in both hands, pulling him back to look at me.

"Listen to me, Kurt." I stated, staring deep into his eyes, "None of this is your doing. Do you get that? None of it. It doesn't matter where you were at any time." He stared at me in disbelief, shaking his head in my hands while I fought to keep my voice calm. "He's the one who cheated. He's the one who caused this. Not you. And I bet you anything he's wallowing in his own self-pity because he lost the most wonderful, most talented guy he's ever known." He tried to pull away from me, but I let go of his face and wrapped my arms around him, pulling the grieving boy into my chest.

Eventually his arms snaked around me, curling close as possible into me while tears continuously fell from his eyes, sobbing into my skin. I didn't speak. I only held him, petting his hair while I listened to the almost silent sobs falling off his lips. He lifted his face, tucking it into my neck and wrapping his arms over my shoulders, sobs fading as tears still flowed. When lips pressed to my skin my eyes fell shut and his kisses deepened, climbing on me once more.

"Kurt…" I breathed, biting back a moan as he nipped my neck once, kisses deepening. "What are you…?" He pulled away from my neck, kissing me again. Hard. I growled into his lips, hands gripping at his shirt as he slipped his tongue inside, tangling with mine in a rough, passionate battle for dominance. I didn't matter who was winning though. Neither of us seemed to care who won anyway. And when I felt a hand press over my growing bulge, I couldn't fight any longer.

In a rush I tackled Kurt to the other end of the couch, kissing him hard enough I had to be bruising his lips, hips rolling into his only once. But it brought the most blissful moan from his pulsing lips, arching into me. He lifted his arms as I rushed to pull his shirt off, kissing him again, then his neck, gripping tight on his slender hips. "Please. Elliot, please!" He whined, legs wrapping around me as his hips bucked up, pressing into mine. I hissed from the pressure, nipping harshly on his neck before pulling away again, kissing him again.

I stood to my feet holding him to me with his legs secure around my waist, walking quickly into the bedroom and laying him down on the bed, lips never leaving his. He moaned and whined into my lips, reaching for the waistband of my pants and tugging them down. I impatiently started to undo his belt and pants, roughly pulling them down as fast as I possibly could, cupping over his boxers where a bulge was growing rapidly and rubbing slowly.

He pulled away from my lips in a startled moan, throwing his head back. But before I could ruin the night for both of us I withdrew my hand, gripping his tight white boxers and pulling them down fast, tossing them into the abyss. Then I froze, staring at the beauty beneath me. His eyes cracked open, staring at me in a daze. "What's wrong?" he breathed, reaching a hand into my hair.

My eyes softened, dropping to his chest as I whispered, "Are you sure?" I asked, looking back to him. A long moment he laid in silence staring up at me, but eventually he nodded, gripping my hair and pulling me down, kissing me softly. Sweetly. I moaned into his lips before pulling away, reaching into the drawer of my nightstand for a small tube, looking back to Kurt. "Spread your legs for me." I whispered.

He did as told, biting the corner of his lip while he watched me squirt the clear liquid onto my fingers, dropping my hand between his legs. "What are you..?" He breathed, making me pause at the question, my eyes drifting to meet his once more. Had he never had prep before? Was Mr. Perfect that clueless to bedroom activity? Were they into that kinda stuff or...?

Or was this Blaine not as great as made out to be?

My eyes softened further, cupping his cheek and leaning in, kissing him slow, tender, lingering as long as possible. I felt his knuckles brush my skin as one of his hands rested on my cheek, kissing back just as soft. Pulling away slightly I whispered against his lips, eyes opening halfway, "Do you trust me?" Almost instant he nodded and I kissed him again, rubbing one finger over the tight ring of his entrance.

He gasped against my lips, arching slightly while I teased him, my body hovering over his. Pressing my forehead to his I slipped one finger into him, watching his back arch further into me, his hand moving behind my head and gripping a good handful of my hair, breath fallen heavy. I waited a moment before slowly pulling it out, watching his eyes squeeze shut, grip tightening in my hair as he bit his bottom lip. "It's okay, Kurt." I assured, slowly moving my finger in and out of him, "Just relax."

"I'm sorry." He breathed and I raised a brow. "It's not like I've done this before..."

"Stop apologizing," I said softly, "It's not your fault you've never been prepped before..."

Biting the corner of his lip his eyes drifted, "It's more than that..." He muttered and my finger froze inside him, raising a thick brow as I pulled further away. "I've never..."

"What? Had sex...?" I assumed, staring down at him, watching him scoff as his eyes rolled.

"Of course I've had sex!" He huffed, "I've had sex a few times. Blaine always told me how great I was-" he stopped himself, looking back to me. My expression faded with realization and I froze for a moment.

"You mean...?" He nodded, staring timidly at me. "So he's a..." Again he nodded, fighting at a smile that eventually spread across his face which was turning a dark pink. I followed and suddenly we were in a haze of laughter, my head resting against his shoulder and his arms wrapping around my neck, chests continually brushing each other while we laughed uncontrollably. "I don't understand that. He's so-"

"I know!" He laughed, throwing his head back. But when we finally began to calm down silence fell over us and our smiles faded, laying there.

I pulled away from his neck, staring wearily at him. "You don't want to go through with this… Do you?" I whispered, withdrawing my finger and wiping my hand on the bottom sheet, sitting up.

His eyes widened and he reached for me, sitting halfway up, "No, I want this." He assured, shuffling closer, "Elliott, right now I want this more than anything. I need it!" My jaw clenched and I swallowed, slipping from the bed and grabbing my pajama pants off the floor. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not a substitute for Blaine." I stated, turning back to him, "I'm not the guy who temporarily fixes broken hearts with meaningless sex. I have feelings, human emotions." His eyes widened as I fought back tears. "And I think you should leave now if that's all you want from me, because I can't do this." As I gripped tight on my pants, about to leave the room a hand suddenly grabbed my forearm and I turned, watching tears flow down his cheeks once more. My eyes widened and on instinct I cupped his face in my hands, "No, Kurt. Please don't cry." I pulled him into my arms, holding him close.

Slender arms wrapped around my waist, fingers digging only slightly into my back. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whimpered, "It's not what I meant when I said I wanted this. Please don't hate me. I'm so sorry."

Softly I shushed him, running one hand into his thick brunette locks, "I don't hate you. It's okay. Please stop crying." A long while we were like that, one arm wrapped over his shoulders, the other in his hair with his wrapped around my torso and gripping between my shoulder blades. Eventually I had to speak with only one thing on my mind. "What did you mean?"

He pulled away to stare up at me, my hands moving to cup his face, using my thumbs to wipe beneath his eyes. "You said this wasn't what you meant when you said you wanted this." I whispered, brushing some loose strands from his face, "What did you mean?"

His eyes softened, sitting up on his knees as his hands left my back and one cupped my cheek, the other on my chest. He leaned in, his shaken breath fanning my lips the closer he got. His lips brushed mine and my eyes slipped shut, kissing him softly, slowly. Our kiss deepened and he leaned back, pulling me back on the bed and climbing on top of him once more. "You." He whispered against my lips and I pulled away, his eyes softening, "I want you." My eyes widened. But not in fear or anything like that. More awe than anything.

"You're sure?" I whispered, "It's your first time being taken. I can't take that from you if you're not ready." He nodded, reaching both hands into my hair and tugging me down, kissing me sweetly. "Kurt-" I muttered against his lips before he kissed me again, a little harder. "Kurt, wa-" he kissed me again, harder, moaning needy into my lips. I pressed a hand to his chest, pushing him into the mattress not hard but firm enough to hold him there, pulling away. "I'm going to take this slow. Okay?" Panting heavily he nodded, watching as I spread his legs, trailing my fingers over his inner thighs to calm him. But his breath didn't lighten any. I could understand though. The last time Blaine had been in the city had been.. No less than six months. Maybe more. I could only guess how deprived he had to be.

But I'd take it slow, make it last. This had to be special.

Slicking my fingers again my hand fell between his legs, eyes softening while I stared into his eyes, "Are you ready?" I whispered, waiting until he nodded before slipping two fingers inside this time. His eyes squeezed shut, biting hard on his bottom lip as a faint whimper left his lips, gripping tight on my hair. "Don't hold back." I assured, leaning in and kissing him soft, teasing his lips with my tongue. His lips parted enough for my tongue to slip in, dancing with his, a moan falling off his lips into mine while I pumped my fingers within him, adding a third once I felt necessary.

Suddenly he arched, a loud moan rolling off his lips, tugging roughly on my hair which only brought a growl to roll in my throat, punching my fingers once. He arched further, tugging again.

Knowing I couldn't wait any longer I removed my fingers, hearing him whine at the loss before I kissed him again. I pulled away and reached for the drawer that held my condoms, only to retrieve an empty box. "Shit." I hissed, slipping from the bed to the nightstand, searching but with no avail. I looked through each drawer with panic, then under the bed.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, lifting himself on his forearms and staring down at me.

"I'm out of condoms." I explained, frowning up at him. His eyes drifted a moment before coming back to me.

His voice softened, "Are you... Are you clean?" He asked, making my eyes widen.

"Kurt, I-" I started.

"Answer the question." His voice raised, firm, but demanding. "Are you clean?"

Jaw clenched only a moment, my eyes fell to his elbow, "Yes." I answered, "My last checkup was yesterday. What about you?"

He swallowed, nodding, "Last check was this morning." After a moment he laid back once more, looking to me and reaching a hand. My eyes softened once more, standing to my feet before getting back into bed, kissing him again.

But I pulled away after a quick moment to stare at him again, "Are you sure? I won't push you-"

"I'm sure." He replied, cupping my cheek. "I'm ready." With that he pulled me down, kissing me soft. I kissed back effortlessly as it deepened, my hands leaving soothing strokes to keep him calm, coming to his hips. Then his thighs. He moaned into my lips, both hands reaching into my hair while I spread his legs, shifting so my hips were close to his. I reached for the bottle of lube on the nightstand and squeezed some more of the contents on my hand, lips never breaking from his as I lathered my now throbbing member, hissing into his lips at the touch.

I pulled away again, forehead rested on his as I released myself, breath fallen heavy as my head began to spin. "This is going to hurt." I breathed, heavy eyes opening to stare into his, "A lot." He didn't speak. He only nodded, kissing me again, hard. I positioned myself, hearing a needy moan pass from his lips into mine just before I began to push.

Stars constantly invaded my vision before my eyes squeezed shut while I pushed, almost deaf to anything around me. All I was aware of was the almost impossible tightness surrounding my dick, and the faint, cracked voice of Kurt's cries and whimpers. When I was more than halfway in I stopped, heavy eyes opening once more to look at him and widening once I noticed the single tear falling down the side of his face.

Cupping his face in both hands I leaned close, accidentally pushing just a little further and he threw his head back, voice cracking as he cried out, hands leaving my hair to tug furiously at the sheets. One hand fell to his chest, the other still on his cheek, I froze above him, watching his cries fade while whimpers still fell, his eyes squeezing shut before fluttering. "Kurt?" I whispered, his heavy eyes drifting to meet mine while I brushed his hair from his face, eyes softening, "Baby, are you okay?"

He nodded, panting heavy while his arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me down some. "Keep going." He breathed, his eyes heavy, "I'll be okay, just..." He paused a long moment, pulling me a little closer as he swallowed, "don't stop." I didn't question him further.

I nodded, pulling his arms from my neck and resting them to surround his head on the pillow, my palms trailing down his arms until meeting his own, fingers lacing with his. "I'll go slow." I whispered, "Just relax. It'll hurt a lot more if you don't." He only nodded and I kissed him again, lingering a long while as he somewhat sunk into the sheets, moaning into my lips.

Once he'd relaxed enough I started pushing, his lips tearing from mine as his grip tightened on my hands, arching into me. I didn't stop, as dearly as I wanted to. He told me not to stop. If I kept stopping he'd never get to experience the pleasure of this moment. I couldn't deny him that. I could feel his short nails digging into my knuckles, whimpers leaving his lips with every few heavy breaths.

Once I was, finally, fully sheathed inside him, my hips pressed tight against his backside I stopped, letting out a long breath I'd been holding, my forehead resting on his. I waited there while he adjusted, his muscles tightening and loosening constantly on my shaft like a rhythm, eyes squeezed shut.

When his eyes finally opened he blinked a handful of times, eyes drifting along the ceiling a while before finally coming to meet mine. A long moment of silence lingered and we only stared at one another, heavy breaths falling back and forth between us. "Is that all?" He finally spoke and I raised a brow before smirking, a chuckle falling off my lips.

"You were expecting more...?" I asked, staring wearily at him.

"Very much the opposite, actually." He huffed, "Much... Much less..." I laughed soft, kissing the very tip of his nose. "Answer the question, Gilbert." He chuckled, pecking my chin.

"I think that's all." I assured with a teasing smile, kissing his lips. He moaned, kissing me again just as I went to pull away, deepening soon enough.

"Keep going." He muttered against my lips, my eyes opening to stare into his once more. "Keep going." He repeated, eyes alternating between mine and I nodded, lips moving to his neck. My hips bucked, shoving even further into him and he threw his head back, crying out. I pulled out about half an inch before slowly pushing back in, a soft cry coming from him. I kept a slow pace, pulling out a little further every five or so thrusts.

Then, just once, I thrust fast, deep, hitting a spot that made him arch far into me, a single cry of pleasure rolling off his tongue. Found it.

Again I stopped, watching as his eyes eventually fluttered open to stare wide at me, like he'd never expected the sudden change. I only leaned in again, kissing him hard and thrusting again, his hands squeezing mine. I pulled away and tucked my face in his neck, keeping a slow pace of soft yet deep thrusts, pulling moans and whines from his lips with each thrust.

I sped up only a little, which made his legs wrap tight around my waist, pulling me just a little deeper, making him arch further. Nipping harsh at his skin a low growl rolled in my chest from the tightness, the pleasure, the sounds of Kurt's moans echoing off the walls before coming back to us. That was what hardened me further. The sounds I could pull from my partner. The pleasure I was causing them. The way they clutched to me.

The passion and the love.

Suddenly his muscles constricted around me and he arched painfully, crying out as white splattered both his and my stomach and chest and gripping my hands tight as possible. I pulled away from his neck, staring in pure amazement and awe. His face was written with exhaustion and pleasure, hands eventually loosening on mine as he melted back into the sheets, breathing heavy once more.

His head lolled to the right, eyes fluttering but not quite opening. My eyes softened while I only watched him, hovering while still buried deep within him. "Kurt..." I breathed.

After I spoke his fluttering eyes finally opened, turning his head to look at me. After a moment his heavy eyes widened as he stared up at me, his hands slipping from beneath mine to cup over his face, shaking his head. "Oh god." He whimpered.

My eyes softened and I frowned, my hands coming to rest at his sides. "Kurt?" I whispered, leaning closer "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm so so sorry." He muttered. "I'm so sorry!"

"Baby, what are you sorry for?" I asked, my hands coming up to loosely grip his forearms. "Tell me. Please."

"I came too soon." He replied, his voice only slightly muffled beneath his hands. "I'm so sorry." He repeated.

My frown soon morphed to a smile, chuckling soft as my eyes slipped shut, shaking my head. "You know," I chuckled, eyes opening once more, "you really scared me a moment..."

I watched as his pointer and middle on both hands parted, only slightly revealing his big brown eyes. "You..." His hands parted to reveal his flushed face, hovering. "You're not... You're not mad?" I laughed again, harder, shaking my head as I cupped his face.

"What reason do I have to be mad?" I asked, "It's not exactly uncommon for the bottom to come premature his first time."

"But you..." He tried to protest, "What about you? I ruined..." Immediately I knew what he was trying to say and I leaned in again, kissing him sweetly, lingering a few moments more. When I pulled away, I moved to his jaw, then his neck. "Elliott..." he breathed as I pulled away to look at him.

"I'm not angry." I assured, cupping his cheek, "It's nothing you could control." I kissed him again, briefly, "I'm gonna pull out now, okay? It's gonna hurt a little." I warned. He nodded while I sat up a little, gripping the base of my member with one hand, his hip in the other. As I slowly pulled out my eyes squeezed shut, a low moan falling off my lips from the tight ring of ecstasy, wanting nothing more than to slam back into him over and over again. But he was done for the night. I couldn't force him.

After the head was finally out I kissed him again, moaning into his lips. But I pulled away soon enough and went to slip from the bed before two small hands gripped my wrist and I looked back to him. "Where are you going?" He asked, still laid on his back.

My eyes softened, "I'll be back. You just rest."

"What about... Your...?" He asked, gesturing to the throbbing 'object' between my legs.

"Just rest, baby." I assured, "I'll take care of it." Turning to leave again he tugged at my arm and I looked back to him eyes rolling with a slight smirk. "I'm not going to bed with a fucking boner."

"I know." He whispered, tugging again. Something gleamed in his eyes then, catching me off guard by the familiar look. Nothing I've seen from Kurt before, but other guys. Sometimes girls... "Come here." He whispered. I did as told, still holding my throbbing cock in one hand as I climbed over him, kissing him once more.

I gasped, pressing my forehead to his as a hand wrapped around my shaft, stroking me slow but firm. A moan left my lips, tucking my face into his neck once more and nipping at the skin, supporting myself on my forearms. He moaned tired while I peppered his throat with kisses, stroking me a little faster. I pulled away from his neck and kissed him semi-hard, bucking into his hand and moaning into his lips.

He tried to keep his grip firm, but with exhaustion pulling at him it would loosen after a few seconds. Noticing his fading strength I wrapped my hand over his, tightening a little while I helped him move, continuing to moan into his lips.

After a long moment white flashed my vision and a loud moan fell off my lips as they pulled from his, forehead resting on his while I bucked hard into our hands, releasing onto his stomach and chest, mixing with his own.

Releasing my shaft eventually, I rested comfortably on top of him, his hands falling to his sides. When I lifted myself a little I reached to the nightstand for a couple tissues and used them to wipe him off before myself, tossing it to the trash which missed. I didn't care at this point. "Elliott...?" He breathed and I looked to him, cupping his cheek once more, "How... How many guy have you... You know..." My brow twitched and I leaned in once more, kissing him sweetly.

I climbed off him and laid on my side next to his limp body, kissing his shoulder. "Three." I answered, "But all of those started out as relationships before and only once have I bottomed." He turned his head to me, eyes scanning over my fully exposed body while I reached for the covers, pulling them over us.

"Did you..." He drifted, not meeting my gaze even a moment, "love them?" My eyes softened to an extent, gripping his chin and turning his head.

I leaned in, kissing him soft but deep, pulling close as possible. When I pulled away I was only slightly hovering over him, eyes still as soft, "Yes I loved them." I whispered, "I've never slept with anyone I didn't love." His eyes widened some, but not out of fear or anything. His hand lifted to my face, trying his best to hold it there while he only stared, his entire body ridden with exhaustion, as much as he fought against it. "Go to sleep, baby." I whispered, leaning in once more to kiss the tip of his nose but as soon as I went to pull away both his arms lazily wrapped around my neck and he pulled me further, kissing my lips.

"Okay." He whispered against my lips, loosening his arms until they fell at his sides once more. "Goodnight." He whispered as I slipped off him, laid on my side while he turned to face me, curling close. It didn't take long for him to drift. I, on the other hand, took a little while. Millions of thoughts swam about my head with no answers.

Was this the right thing?

Did Kurt really want me? Or was he using me and I was too foolish to realize it?

What if he makes up with Blaine the next morning?!

Or what if this could really work?

If it did, how would it effect the band?

You know what, fuck it. If it works, it works. Am I right?

But that doesn't solve the fear if I really was just temporary.

Kurt was my friend. One if my closest friends now! He was a good guy. He didn't do things like this!

Finally deciding to ignore my thoughts for the time being, my eyes drifted shut while I held onto his smaller frame, eventually drifting into darkness.

Thoughts?! Love it? Hate me for it? Should I leave as a oneshot or expand a few chapters? Leave a review because those are truly the best parts of my day. Now to wait for Glee's Return...