Yay, new chapter time!

Updated: 03/28/2014

Casey hadn't left Derek's side since he had been put in the hospital; he should've gone home a day or two ago, but they kept telling him he needed a few more tests run on him each day.

And so, Casey stayed; her mom dropped off clothes for her and Emily brought her her homework so she could stay caught up in classes, and everyone came to visit Derek – friends, family, even people she didn't know by name but recognized by face.

They all seemed surprised to see her there, but didn't question it when Derek gave them all a stern look that plainly said 'she's here, deal with it'; and made Casey's heart warm when he would smile at her afterwards.

People stopped questioning it then.

She was walking towards the cafeteria when Romero came up to her; she had managed to avoid him so far, but she also knew this wasn't going to last forever – he did volunteer here after all.

"Casey, how's he doing?"

"He's fine," she said, moving to get in line; he just followed her. "He'll be released tomorrow morning and we can go home."

"That's good." Casey was stiff around him, and he didn't like that – he raised an arm to put around her, and she flinched away.

"Romero what do you want?"

"I want another chance." Casey shook her head and went to order her food. Once it was in some to-go containers, she made her way back towards Derek's room, the Italian on her heels. "Come on Casey, why not?"

"Because I don't feel like getting another bruised cheek!" she whispered angrily to him, making him step back.

"So you're dumping me for him? Your brother?!"

"Step-brother. And… possibly."

"That's just-"

"No. Shut up." Romero looked at her, surprised to see the dark, hard anger in her eyes. "You have hurt me too much. I really thought I could love you, but you just fucking ruined it."


"No." He snarled a bit and lurched towards her, his hand closing around her throat as he pushed her into a utility closet. The food in her hands fell to the floor as she struggled to get out of his grip. He just rolled his eyes and laughed at her.

"You don't say no to me," he muttered, his grip tighter. She gasped, hoping to get some breath in her dry aching throat. "You and I are supposed to be together, and I will make sure of it."

"N…o." The word was a struggle for her to get out, but he didn't care. His eyes were dark as he kept her still, his hand leaving bruises against her pale skin.

"You don't deny me!" he cried out, raising his hand towards her. She closed her eyes, but didn't feel any pain connecting with her face.

Instead, she saw a flash behind her closed eyelids and the grip on her windpipe letting up.

"What the fuck are you doing Venturi?!"

"Getting proof that you were harassing her is all," he said, pocketing his phone as he leaned against his cane; he had to use it until his ribs were completely healed. "Oh, and there's one other thing. Casey, duck." Casey slid down the wall as Derek's cane came up, hitting Romero across the head, knocking him out. "I was defending you, wasn't I?"

"Yes," she said, wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you."

Two Months Later:

Casey let out a relieved sigh as she left the court office to Derek waiting for her.

"So, how'd it go?" he asked as he slung an arm over her shoulder.

"It went fine," she said as they began to walk out to his car. "It's all taken care of. The restraining order is filed and legal, and he's locked up. I never have to see him again."

"I'm glad," he said, squeezing her arm comfortingly. "Took him choking you to make you see some sense, but hey, better late than never."

"Agreed," she said as they got in the car. "I'm ready to go home though."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised?"

"No reason."

"Der-ek!" He chuckled and glanced at her as they continued the drive back.

"I was thinking maybe we could go out, celebrate?"

"No. I just want to relax after all of this."

"Right. Well… how's watching a cheesy movie at home sound?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Good. George and Nora took Edwin, Lizzie, and Marti out for the night anyway." She looked at him in surprise and caught his self-satisfied smirk. She shook her head and leaned her back.

"Just take me home Derek."

"Gladly Space Case."


So yeah… it's over!

Thanks for reading & hope ya'll liked it!
