Authors Note-

I'm not asking for a certain number of reviews anymore cause I figured if you guys love it/hate it/wanna punch me in the face because of what I've written you will write a review anyways! Thanks for sticking by my fanfic through my little faze of inactiveness! Since my little break I've thought up of many more twists and turns to come, so stay tuned tributes! And thanks for all your lovely reviews!

Chapter 32

Peeta P.O.V

I wake, only a couple of hours later, to the sound of screaming. My eyes jolt open and I throw the blankets off my body and look around. The scream rings from underneath Katniss's door. I push the door open in a flurry of worry and burst inside the room to find Katniss tossing wildly in her blankets. Her eyes are squeezed shut and her fists clench the pillows tightly.

She suddenly sits up, her eyes now open, she pants and I see sweat trickle down the side of her face, she looks ghostly white. Her grey eyes find mine and I feel my heart throb for her. Her mascara is running from tears and I watch as she wipes them away with irritated flicks of her wrist.

"Don't worry," she says. "It was just a dream."

I nod, clinging to the doorway, not sure whether to go in, or out. "I get them too."

Her eyes drift to the floor, I swallow hard. "Goodnight Katniss," I say softly as I turn to the exit. I go to walk out when her voice stops me.

"Peeta?" she asks with a sweet ring to her voice that makes my body tingle.

I turn to her, "yes Katniss?"

She swallows hard, her expression unreadable, "will you stay with me?"

I cannot help but smile as I nod and make my way towards the bed, she moves over, making room for me. I place myself next to her and relax as she moves over and places her head on top of my chest. Her body right next to mine.

After a long moment of silence she shifts her head so she is looking up at me. I run my fingers through her wavy mahogany hair. "I'm scared," she whispers, as her eyes drift to my chest, she is obviously ashamed of admitting it.

"I know," I say softly as I place my palm on her cheek and force her to look up into my eyes. "But we will make it through, and it will be okay."

She nods and leans forward, kissing me softly, my hands slide through her hair and entangle themselves. When she pulls away and places her head back onto my chest I cannot help but smile. I play with her hair long after she goes to sleep. And I keep doing it until I eventually drift off too.

Katniss P.O.V

I wake feeling better rested than I have in days. Peeta still sleeps beneath me so I carefully slide from the covers, being sure not to wake him. Then I tip toe into the bathroom and take a shower before dressing into a pair of jeans and a forest green tank top.

When I leave the bathroom I realise that Peeta is already awake as the bed is empty. So I make my way out of the room and down the stairs. I find Peeta in the kitchen. When I enter the smell of it overwhelms me with a sudden hunger which makes my stomach grumble.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Cheese Rolls," Peeta says simply as he reaches over to the plate which is full of them. "Want one?"

I nod eagerly as he passes me one. I take it an sink my teeth into the roll and moan deeply with pleasure. Peeta smiles slightly but I can see concern building behind his eyes. I finish the roll quickly and look at him carefully. Studying him.

"What is it?" I ask.

Her clamps his hands together. "We've got ourselves a problem."

I feel myself tense. "What kind of problem?" I ask slowly.

"Since my little… outburst, at the party last night someone has gone and told the media," he cannot help but look away.

"And?" I ask, knowing that there is more that he is yet to tell me.

"And, now it's all over the news, magazines, everything. And they are also looking for a statement from us, a confirmation of the rumours… which aren't quite rumours…" he trails off.

I nod. I knew this was going to happen eventually, I've prepared myself for it. But what I didn't know is that it was going to happen this soon.

"Okay," I say slowly.

He looks at me, "so, what?"

"Okay," I answer again.

"Your- you're not… mad?" he asks carefully.

I shake my head, "it was going to happen eventually."

He sighs with relief, "so what do we do now?"

"Well first I think we better find out who the rat is," I say coldly.

He nods in agreement, "it could only be the people who were there last night. Who were, Haymitch, Finnick, Annie, Rue, Prim and my family."

I chew the inside of my mouth in thought. "We will find out who it is, in the meantime we are to handle the media and the speculation."

"How?" Peeta asks with a quizzical look on his face.

"There is only one way, and that is to not tell them anything. Not yet anyway. Not until we find out who told them. Use that as a leverage, tell them you will confirm or deny if, and only if, they exchange the information of who told them," I say.

"And what if they don't?" he asks.

"Tell them you have nothing to say, simple," I say with a sweet smile full of venom.

Peeta frowns, "I can't believe that someone would tell them something like this. Especially someone close. Everyone here last night is close."

"Everything isn't always the way it seems. Even your closest can turn around and stab you in the back," I say sadly.

"I guess we've just got to figure out who we can trust with valuable information," Peeta says.

I nod.

"So what do we do now?" he ask.

"Face the media, of course," I say.

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Then we tell everyone there different, and untrue, things about us and see which rumours get into the media," I say.

"You've got this all planned out," Peeta says, obviously impressed.

"Yes, because if I'm bringing up a child in this world, I need to know who I can trust and who I cannot. Now go and get ready, we've got a big day ahead of us," I say with smile as I turn and dash up the stairs.

Authors Note-

So, who will the story teller be? Finnick? Annie? Prim? Well, I guess we will find out in the next chapter or two, won't we? (God I've been watching too much gossip girl!) Well! Thanks for reading and please review! Wether you love it, hate it or anything I want to know what you think!

Keep reviewing my loyal tributes!

Thanks again!

xoxo gossip girl (lol jks)
