Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC

This is just the intro there will be a real plotline starting next chapter! ^.^

As I trudged down the halls, my mind was running wild. Why would my dad act so strangely? He was being so overly protective and it was strikingly… queer.

Normally, my club takes a trip to Okinawa around this time of year, with the permission of the principal of course, and he normally approves it, no issues. But this time he flat-out refused our annual trip. Now, that leaves me with a few questions, why would he do that? What could have possibly come up to make his snap so fast?

I put a hand to my face tiredly. It was going to be painful telling this to the other guys. But, perhaps even more excruciatingly, the ones most going to be crushed by this news, are the girls.

We are Ouran High School's Host Club. This is a school, with the principal as none other than my very own father, of kids from supreme families and exceptional kids. Our club is a group of young men with too much time on their hands, who entertain girls also with too much time on their hands. I, Tamaki Suoh, am the prince, leader, and the one who originally put this group together.

We consist of seven boys, each with their own type; the little devils, the cool type, the boy Lolita, the strong-and-silent type, the natural, and lastly, me, the prince-charming type.

I arrived at the broad doors of the third music room. I smiled as I delayed my entrance, distractedly taking in the polished wood that stood several feet above my own head. Despite its massive and overpoweringly tall structure, the doors looked inviting and secure enough. And I now wonder if that's why we've had so many customers. I thought a moment longer than I should have and then came up with an answer to that thought.

Nah, it's definitely us hosts, I countered as I placed an amused hand to my jaw in a thinkers pose. But these certainly must have helped.

I laid my hand lightly on the wood frame in front of me. I really don't want to deliver this bad news. I placed myself in the future, standing before the girls, the guys, all either waiting for my presence or the news I brought. I opened my mouth to speak of the news and my voice hitched, for I could already imagine some girls crying. The thought nearly brought tears to my eyes. In fact, that's not a half bad idea. I let a small drop of tears fill the corner of my eyes.

I huffed slightly, taking a deep breath in preparation.

And I pushed the door open.

I laughed as my brother whispered some words in my ear. The joke was at the girls' expense, but that only meant more fun for us. I leaned down and in her face, dangerously close to her lips, and our breath mixed seductively. Her lashes fluttered and her cheeks blossomed a bright pink as I spoke softly.

"Which is Hikaru?" I glanced at my brother. Looking at him was no different than looking in a mirror— we were identical after all. Kaoru raised his eyebrow at me. I grinned mischievously and his golden eyes lit up in matched excitement. I pulled my face away from hers abruptly and my brother and I automatically threw our arms around the other's neck in a relaxed manner, facing the girls on the couch. Standing before them was a game, there was no way they would even make an educated guess, and none of them knew the difference no matter what we did to their advantage.

"Time to guess." We said at the exactly the same time, our voices low. So why would we try to make it easier if they wouldn't catch the hints? It's easier this way for us anyway.

Many girls died at this gesture, but one managed to gather enough courage to point one of us. It was probably a random guess because she started to squeal right after, joining her compadres in their metaphorical death. We looked at each other, grinned, and slunk up to her.

We put our mouths to each of her ears and whispered a single word before she lost it.

"Wrong." After all…

We're the little devils for a reason.

I glanced at the twins. Morons.

"Haruhi, what do you plan to do when you get home?" One girl asked curiously.

I flashed a kind smile to her. "I'm going to do some housework then wash some clothes, it seems my dad left some food in the pocket of his jeans and the birds made a mess of them while they were hanging out to dry."

Unlike the twins, or Tamaki, I enjoy civilized conversations with the girls. May it be noted that I'm also the only one of them that isn't loaded down in riches. I'm a regular ol' middle class student on a scholarship to this ideal school. The only part I actually despise is the fact that I was forced to join this Host club… As a Host! But, I suppose, it's not that bad. I've made irreplaceable friends with everyone in it and it's a wonderful experience to get to discover the differences between those in the upper class and myself.

"Haruhi! I brought you some cake, want some? I made it in my culinary arts class!"

I glanced at the cake in her hands— which, might I add, looked delicious. "I would love some. It's so beautifully decorated too!" I paused as she placed it on the table, and pursed my lips in second thought. "Are you sure it's alright for me to have some?"

"Yes!" Her eyes flew wide in panic. "I specifically made it for you!" She seemed horrified at the thought of my not eating it. Whoops.

"Oh. Uhm…" I sweatdropped. "It's fine, I would love some cake!" I attempted to set her at ease once again. Thankfully, my attempt was successful.

She handed me the cake knife and I smiled gratefully to her as I took it. Gently, I took off the lid and sliced into the icing precisely, careful not to tear or crumble it. I cut a single piece and slid it onto a plate. I offered it to her.

"I would be honored to share it with you ladies. Is that fine?" I asked politely.

They all blushed violently.

"I-it would b-be perfect-t." The girl who had brought in the cake stuttered.

I cut them each a reasonable piece and handed them each a plate. I finally cut myself a piece and settled back into my seat. I alone took the first bite, the girls watching my face intently— not that I took much notice. And, as I chewed, I may have blushed a bit.

"I-It's r-really good!"

The girls swooned— which wasn't intentional on my part. I frowned slightly and blinked at them before shrugging it off and going back to the expensive cake.

Well, I suppose that's why they call me the natural.

I looked up from my computer and glanced around the club room. The big windows let in the sunset, setting up the mood nicely. I, however, was thinking about how it would be time to disperse activities before much longer.

Today was one of mediocracy: No costumes or decorations added to the room and everyone wore the usual school uniforms, so it wasn't anything special beyond any other day. The guys wore their black pants and purple jackets while the girls wore the too-bright yellow dresses and they didn't really grab my attention from the rest of the overdone room. The room was set up in a classic tea party way (for a castle) and this seemed to always make the girls comfortable along with gathering their simple interest, so we do it rather often. It's also cheaper and easier, allowing for more money, time, and effort to be put towards the trips, such as the one coming up to Okinawa. We barely have enough money for that at the moment, so I was looking at other ways to raise the funds needed.

I glanced back at the computer blandly. Nothing.

Then, just as I was beginning to get irritated, I interestedly noticed a group of girls walking up to my little table. This might possibly be good news. I corrected my glasses and looked at them, attempting to hide the glint from my eyes. They seemed ecstatic. I smiled at them politely and relaxed a bit further as I felt my excitement also build up at the prospect of the possibilities for the connection to this and money.

"Hey-y, K-Kyoya." One of them muttered shyly. That took lots of courage I'm sure, for I've been told— insistently from the other guys— that I'm one of the hard-to-approach Hosts.

"Hello ladies." I spoke courteously and nodded my head in acknowledgement. "What can I help you with today?"

"We would like to know what kinds of merchandise you have on the Hosts right now." Another spoke this time, her cheeks blossoming bright.

"Oh. Well," I turned and reached into my bag. "I have these." I pulled out books with each club member on the front, one for each Host.

The girls lost it. Their nervousness dispersed completely as the immersed themselves into the books. So I decided to take advantage of the situation. "You can even purchase them all as a collection." I smiled at them.

You could say it was a manipulative smile— but, for me anyways, it was pretty close to genuine.

"I'll take them all!" One girl cried as she rummaged through her purse instantaneously.

"No! I want the Tamaki one!" another started as she glared at the first.

"Uh, Kyoya?" The one in the corner spoke up timidly.

My eyes softened, no need to scare a valued customer, right? "Yes?"

"Isn't there one of you?" She asked. The other two stopped their glares at each other long enough to look at the books in my hands again in realization.

"Huh? Seems there isn't." I said as I looked at the books in my hands as well, observantly correcting my glasses. "I must have been too busy to make that book. I'll make one and be sure to get back to you Miss-?"

"Rose, Rose Albar."

I wrote the name down as the other girls pulled out their money to complete the transaction. I complied by giving the books to them and stashing the cash in my bag, listening halfheartedly as the two once again fought over who would get which book.

"Anything else ladies?" I broke their bicker with a smile.

The other two nodded and turned to walk back to the other hosts. Rose alone remained and bowed, mumbling "Thank you very much" before turning and running back to the others.

I smiled at her back as she walked away, the glint slowly returning to my eyes. I then turned back to my computer where I typed up a note to self.

Make scrapbook of the cool type for Miss Rose Albar.

Then I continued, some more ideas forming for raising funds.

Cool type… is that really me?

I suppose so.

I widened my eyes at the lady that looked down at me. She squealed.

There's one thing I think you should understand before I go any further, I'm not like the other hosts.

For one thing, I'm one of the oldest. Another, I don't age. Alright, I don't mean that literally, but it's a pretty slow process and not very evident apparently. (I've even been accused of steroids! Hmph!) Many refer to me as "Looking like an elementary school kid." I also have big brown eyes and blonde hair that play nicely for me for me in the long run.

"Where did Usa-chan go?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Here he is, Honey!" One girl cried as she handed me my pink stuffed bunny. I lit up instantly as the little bunny entered my line of sight.

I took him joyfully and squeezed the life out of him. Then I plopped down on the couch and made a pass at my cake.

"Awwww!" Many of the girls cried. I don't entirely understand why they do that so often. This is how I act normally. I shrugged it off as per usual and I looked towards the girls once again.

"How many of you ladies are going to the Okinawa trip?" I put on a cute face as I asked and they swoon much harder than usual.

"I am, Honey!"

"Me too!"

"That's great!" I smiled and the girls squealed once again.

I turned to Takashi, I call him Takashi but everyone else calls him Mori, he is a Host you know. The same goes for me, my name is Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but he calls me Mitsukuni and everyone else calls me Honey or Hani. Our families are extremely close (The two of us are even cousins!) and we are also the two oldest of the Hosts, the third years; then it's Tamaki and Kyoya, the second years; and finally it's Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi, as the first years.

"Takashi, I'm tired."

He nodded and then, surprisingly, spoke. "It's almost time to go. We will be dismissed as soon as Tamaki gets back."

His face remained stone hard and his voice was deep as he spoke. He's very tall and strong, his features are dark and defined— this is the reason for the title he's earned as the strong-and-silent type.

"Really? That's good…" I spoke as I yawned, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

The girls swooned once again. Honestly, I think they think that I'm more of a baby than a high school student.

Eh, I am the boy Lolita type.

It's to be expected.

They all stopped their acts once they saw that I had entered. Their expressions were positive until they saw my own. Their faces fell and a couple girls asked "What's wrong, Tamaki?"

I swallowed hard, getting the lump to go away.

"I would like to make an announcement."

The ones who weren't looking up at me did so.

"I have bad news."

And I took a deep breath.

Review! Here I was just testing my ability to write in the perspectives of the already existing characters before I go and add my own.


Hey, this has been edited and so will the rest from here on out. Then I'll post the new one after they've all been... fixed.

Thanks for the support!