Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA over the past times. I've been busy w/finals. Although I'm thirteen, I'm in my Junior year of high school (I skipped a lot of grades) and things have been pretty hectic.

Well, someone PMed me with a great idea, and I've been considering it. It's a major change, but I think some people will appreciate it. With some advice from a friend, I decided to do it. I have to make some changes to the first chapter (which I'll do now), but I think this will turn out pretty nicely.

Thanks to Courtney who I couldn't have done it without...And, Holly, I think you'll finally get your happy ending. So, before you read this chapter make sure to go back to the VERY FIRST CHAPTER and see what changed...

P.S. I seriously recommend listening to 'Determinate' from Lemonade Mouth (the movie) and 'You'll be In My Heart' from Tarzan...and if you haven't watched Tarzan you absolutely NEED to.


The next day, the group hung out at the hotel, playing games, and talking. Peeta sat up from where the group lay flopped out on the beds. "I wanna play never have I ever."

Johanna scoffed, "That's only because you've hardly done anything." She leaned back into Peeta's chest.

"Yeah, well, you just don't wanna do it cause you've done almost everything." Peeta mocked back.

"Fine, let's play it!" Johanna was never one to back down from a challenge.

Meanwhile, Gale and Katniss set up their own bets. "I bet that I could last longer than you!" Gale challenged.

"Oh, no way in hell," Katniss smirked. "Besides, most of the things I've done, I've done it with you."

Everyone got into a circle on the floor, and held out their ten fingers. Gale started, "Never have I ever…Darn, there isn't much…" Katniss smirked. "Ok, never have I ever broken my neighbor's window."

Peeta and Katniss put down their fingers. Katniss growled, "Ugh, I can't believe you did that targeting it at ME. Well, you've got it coming tall guy."

Gale smiled innocently, "What is that you say? Me, target you purposely? Oh, never! And, you're just jealous that I'm like a foot taller than you."

"You wish. I'm going next. Erm, never have I ever drunk myself into a stupor." Katniss smirked at Gale, "Whatcha gonna do now, tall guy? This is what happens when you always call me to be your DD."

Gale groaned as he, Johanna, Cato, Thresh, Finnick, Darius, Clove, and Foxy took a finger down.

"Wow, you got a good one." Johanna shrugged. "I'll go next. Never have I ever done a group project without getting angry at my partner."

Gale and Katniss simultaneously put a finger, while the others thought about all their previous projects. Gale explained, "It's because we're usually each other's partners." Slowly, Finnick, Rue, Annie, and Peeta put down their fingers.

Annie softly spoke up, "Never have I ever paid attention in Trinket's classes." Everyone put down a finger.

Rue grinned, "Never have I ever had sex."

"Ooh, you're getting into the deep stuff, huh?" Katniss grinned. "And no, I haven't. So, booyah, Gale, IN YOUR FACE!"

Gale punched her shoulder lightly, as he lowered another finger. "I'm out, all five of my fingers have…died." Gale cried dramatically.

"Suck it up," Katniss replied.

"Oh, how you wound me!"

Clove, Finnick, Cato, Johanna, Rue, Annie, Darius and Foxy all put down their fingers, leaving Katniss and Peeta the only virgins in the group. "Hey, Peeta," Katniss grinned.


"We're the only virgins!"


"We should totally hold this over them! Like for the rest of their lives!"

Gale snorted, "Tough luck with that."

As the game progressed, it came down to only Peeta and Katniss. Never Have I Ever turned into a game of who knew what the other person did best.

They were both down to two fingers when Peeta smirked and said, "Never have I ever sung in front of a crowd."

"Ugh, that's so not fair!" Katniss narrowed her eyes.

"Suck it up!"

"Well fine then! Never have I ever read To Kill a Mockingbird!"

"Ugh, that's so not fair!" Peeta complained.

"Been there, said that!" Katniss taunted.

"You knew that was my favorite book!"


"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping!"

Katniss stuck her tongue out, "I never did that either!"


"Ooh, this is the final jab! I'm gonna win!" Katniss sung.

"Oh not yet you haven't!"

"Fine, never have I ever…" Katniss pondered for a minute. "Kissed a girl!"

"Oh, that is so not far!"

"DOESN'T MATTER I'M THE VICTOR!" Katniss grinned like a Chesire cat.

Suddenly, Peeta tackled her in a bear hug. Katniss made a 'what just happened face'. "Erm, Peeta, not that I'm not liking this but…why the hell are you doing this?"

"I'm just gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too, for the record."

"We should go swimming," Finnick broke the silence.

Katniss shrugged, "I'm good with that. After that though, I think we'd better call it a night. It's almost 11, and you and I have that concert."


"I'll need to borrow one of your swimsuits," Katniss told Johanna. "Is that ok?"

"Yeah, it's fine, Brainless," Johanna dismissively waved a hand. "I packed two. Aren't I the best?"

"Sure," Katniss smiled. "After all, you do call me 'Brainless'."

Johanna protested, "But I say it endearingly." She handed Katniss one of the bikinis.

Katniss cringed, "A string bikini? Really Johanna? You don't have anything more…modest?"

"Nope, the other one's a string bikini too!"

"You sound way too happy about that."

"Whatever, Brainless."

"Aww, love you too Johanna!" Katniss grumbled, "But I can't believe I have to wear a string bikini."

"Don't hate the player hate the game!"


"You know you love it."

Katniss pulled a T-shirt over her swimsuit as they stepped out of Johanna's room. When they finally wandered their place to the fancy swimming pool, the rest of their friends had already gotten there, and were relaxing in the pool.

"Damn, we've got some good eye candy," Johanna muttered to Katniss.

"Yeah, I think I'll just sit down here," Katniss sat down into one of the beach chairs by the edge of the pool.

"What's wrong with her?" Cato asked worriedly. "Do you feel sick or anything? We can go back to the hotel room if you want."

Johanna rolled her eyes and scoffed, "She just doesn't want to take her T-shirt off, cause she's wearing a string bikini underneath."

"Oh, well, if that's the case…" Cato picked the reluctant Katniss up and carried her to the edge of the pool.

"Cato, if you DARE throw me in there you will-" Katniss' protests were cut off by a splash in the pool.

Katniss got out of the pool soaking wet and reluctantly pulled off her T-shirt. As soon as her abdomen came in sight, she caught the attention of other teenagers in the swimming pool. Several whistles of other male teenagers instantly alerted Cato.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for you to take off that T-shirt."

"Suck it up, you were the one who wanted me to take it off!" Katniss swam over to where Cato stood in the pool and kissed him. "You're the one I love anyway."

Cato leaned in for another kiss.

The next day, after lunch they went to the building where the concert was being held. Katniss and Finnick walked onto the center stage, and sung some beginning exercises.

"Wow, this place has some really good acoustics," Finnick admired.

"That they do my friend."

While everyone else went backstage to watch the performance, Finnick and Katniss were whisked into dressing rooms and were prepped.

As they came out (in their regular jeans and t-shirts), a security man came up to them and said, "There's a girl and her friend who claims to know you."


"Katniss Everdeen."

Katniss raised an eyebrow, "Well, if they know me then you should bring them in."

The security gave a quick nod and pressed a button on his earpiece, "Bring them in."

Two girls ran into the room. One had shoulder length brown hair with black rimmed glasses and had a beret on. The other also was a brunette with her hair reaching below her ribcage.

"Courtney!" Katniss exclaimed, and ran to hug the former girl. Then, when Katniss took a step back to examine Courtney's companion, she nearly jumped out of her skin. "Holly?"

"It's me in the flesh," the other girl, or Holly, had a soft voice and a friendly face. "Missed me much?"

"Oh, are you in remission?"

Holly shook her head, "No, but I wanted to see you."

"I was going to see you," Katniss bit her lip guiltily. "but everything got so busy. Oh, I have a boyfriend now!"

"Oh mi gosh, no way! Where is he?"

Katniss let out a hearty laugh. She dragged Cato out of the ring of friends, and introduced them. "Holly, this is Cato, my boyfriend. Cato, this is Holly, she was in the bed next to mine at the hospital for almost 3 years! We're pretty close."

"Nice to meet you," Holly said with a small smile on her face.

"Likewise," Cato acknowledged with a nod of his head. He turned to the other girl, "And you must be Courtney."

"So you're the guy I helped get back together with Katniss." Courtney grinned at him. "I think we're gonna be very good friends."

"I hope we can in the future."


"Finnick and Katniss," Plutarch Heavensbee shouted. "Get your asses over here, you're on in five minutes."

"Gosh, all right already!" Katniss grumbled. "What are you a slave driver? And I can't believe you're making us to a dance routine for 'Determinate'."

"I heard that!"

"You were supposed to," Katniss and Finnick told him in unison.

"Whatever, just get onto the stage."

"Hey everyone!" Finnick shouted into the mic. Screams of, 'I love you Finnick' and 'He winked at me! He did!' echoed through the crowd. "Katniss and I are going to sing two duets tonight, so buckle up!"

"We hope you enjoy," Katniss added. "


Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart (Finnick pulled Katniss into a slow dance and twirled her around)

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart, always

Why can't they understand the way we feel?

They just don't trust what they can't explain

I know we're different but deep inside us

We're not that different at all

And you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Don't listen to them

'Cause what do they know (what do they know)?

We need each other

To have, to hold.

They'll see in time

I know

When destiny calls you

You must be strong (you gotta be strong)

I may not be with you

But you've got to hold on

They'll see in time

I know

We'll show them together

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Believe me, you'll be in my heart (Cato's heart leaped when he saw Katniss looking straight at him)

I'll be there from this day on,

Now and forever more

Oh, you'll be in my heart(you'll be here in my heart)

No matter what they say (I'll be with you)

You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there), always


I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there always.

The crowd erupted into applause in appreciation of simply the two voices mingling with no other sounds in the spacious auditorium. "Thank you!" Katniss shouted. "Now, we're gonna be singing a rather…I guess you could say 'head banging' song, so have fun!"

Trying hard to fight these tears

I'm crazy worried

Messing with my head this fear

I'm so sorry

You know you gotta get it out

I can't take it

That's what being friends about

I, I wanna cry

I can't deny

Tonight I wanna up and hide

And get inside

It isn't right

I gotta live in my life

I know I, I know I

I know I gotta do it

I know I, I know I

I know I gotta do it

Gotta turn the world into your dance floor

Determinate, d-determinate

Push until you can't and then demand more

Determinate, d-determinate

You and me together, we can make it better

Gotta turn the world into your dance floor

Determinate, d-determinate

Hate to feel this way

And waste a day

I gotta get myself

On stage I shouldn't wait or be afraid

The chips will fall where they may

I know I, I know I

I know I gotta do it

I know I, I know I

I know I gotta do it

Gotta turn the world into your dance floor

Determinate, d-determinate

Push until you can't and then demand more

Determinate, d-determinate

You and me together, we can make it better

Gotta turn the world into your dance floor

Determinate, d-determinate

(rap) Okay, It's Finnick and I'm heaven-sent

Music like a veteran

Renegade, lemonade, use it in my medicine

Go ahead and try to name a band we ain't better than

Reason why the whole world's picking us instead of them

People need a breather 'cause they're feeling that adrenaline

Stop! Now hurry up and let us in. Knock!

'Cause we're coming to your house and

People keep on smiling like the lemons in their mouths

We're the real deal, you know how I feel

Why they're in it for a bill

I'm just in it for the thrill

Get down now I ain't playin' around

Get your feet up on the ground

And just make that sound like

(arco) Gotta turn the world into your dance floor

Determinate, d-determinate

Push until you can't and then demand more

Determinate, d-determinate

You and me together, we can make it better

Gotta turn the world into your dance floor

Determinate, d-determinate

Come on and, come on and

Come on and get it going

Come on and, come on and

Come on and get it going

On the dance floor

On the dance floor

D-D-Dance floor


After their performance, Katniss took up the mic again. "Thanks everyone! Finnick and I have some news for you. Um, I don't think I'll be returning to the stage."

Whispers, gasps, murmurs, and 'no!' filled the crowd. "Finnick will be continuing to perform and continue his music career, but I think I'll be leaving all of this.

"Thanks for all the support you have shown me, and I hope that you'll come and see Finnick again! Exits are on either side of the auditiorium. Always hope, guys!"

The lights dimmed out, and Katniss and Finnick left backstage before they were turned back on.

"You guys were awesome!" Holly jumped up and hugged Katniss. She murmured in her ear, "How much longer?"

"Less than two weeks."

"Girl, we have got a LOT to catch up on."

"You can sleep over at our hotel, it'll be fine!" Katniss looped her arm through Holly's. "We've got a sofa couch. It'll be just like the old times."

"What about Courtney?" Holly asked, tilting her head towards her other friend.

Courtney waved a hand dismissively, "I'll be fine. Besides, I think that we'll probably see each other again soon," Courtney directed her second statement towards Katniss and Cato.

"Maybe him, but not me," Katniss bit her lip. "When I…leave, just…find Cato, ok?"


Katniss hugged Courtney, and they exchanged phone numbers before they all piled into their respective cars.

"So, how do you two know each other again?" Clove asked Katniss and Holly.

"Well, we were in the same hospital for 3 years, and after the first year together we shared a room for the last two. We were both released to go home after we took so many operations…"

Katniss rolled her eyes, "I still don't see the point in those. I mean, we're talking chemotherapy, radiation…and it didn't help a bit!"

"You don't know that," Holly pushed Katniss' shoulder. It was obvious they were close. "Anyway, I was released into remission, but Katniss was released so that she could go home after they decided that she couldn't be healed. However, after about a year or two I suppose, I was back in the hospital, I wasn't in remission anymore."

Katniss continued the story, "When I heard, I immediately visited her. I was anxious to get out of my house after all. I decided to room with her again, even though I didn't need to take any operations.

"Eventually, she was released again, but not for remission, and we went back to our homes…We visited each other every once in a while, we lived about an hour or two away, and texted and called frequently. Over the last few months, we haven't been keeping very good touch." Katniss guiltily looked at Holly, but Holly just smiled at Katniss in forgiveness. "And now, here we are."

Thresh whistled, "You two have a lot of history."

Katniss snorted, "Understatement of the year, Thresh. Understatement of the year. Oh, wait I almost forgot to ask, how do you know Courtney?"

"Oh, well, actually we found each other online. Damn, it's so much easier to make friends online."

Katniss snorted again, "Holly here is unafraid to confront anyone on the internet…in the 'real world'…not so much."

"It's true," Holly shrugged. "I usually chose my friends and stick with them. Back to the story, I commented on something she wrote, and after a while we became good friends."

Gale spoke up, "Catnip?"

"Yeah, Gale?"

"My phone died." Gale had a frown on his face.

Katniss snorted, "That always happens. It's not like it's a news flash."

"But, I feel like I'm missing something important. You know how I put notifications on my phone for everything."

Katniss's grin faded. "Um, I'm sure it's nothing. Probably just that you forgot to shave today or something."

Gale pursed his lips. "Alright."

"Oh, Holly, did Courtney tell you what happened at the playground?" Katniss changed the topic.


"So you know?"


"And you're pretty good friends?"


Katniss suspiciously looked at Holly, "What did I just say?"


Katniss sighed, "Holly can…zone out at times. HOLLY!"

Holly jolted as if she'd been woken up, "What?"

"You went into the 'yup-zone'."

"Ah. What did you say again?" Holly sheepishly looked at Katniss.

Katniss sighed, "Ok. Courtney told you what happened at the playground?"

"Yup." Holly grinned.

"Don't you dare try to play that game with me!"


Dear Courtney,

I don't know you that well. Ok, that was kind of a weird start to this, but…Ugh, let's just start over.

Dear Courtney,

I haven't gotten to know you that well. Ok, that one wasn't so good either. Forget it, I'm just gonna finish this. Even though I don't know you that well, you've helped me so much. You honestly don't know how much.

It's true that I don't know you that well, after all, I only knew you for a total of about two or three hours, but I know who you are.

You're the one who would help generously, graciously and kindly to people like me. You're the one who brightens up peoples' worlds without even knowing it. You're a star who's always there, but no one really notices it until night...but when they do, you're one of the most beautiful things in the sky.

Oh, and one last thing. Thank you for being there for Holly. I wasn't there much over the past few months. But you were. So, thank you. I honestly wish that I could've known you better. From what I've heard from Holly though, you're definitely a GREAT person whom I greatly admire. :)

Stay Alive,
