It was dark, very dark almost as if he bathing in darkness. But, the more he opened his eyes the more he saw. Ganta got up and looked around his area. He took a deep breath and gagged. The air was repugnant, filled with a disgusting smell, and he knew what smell it was; death. He slowly looked around and saw the scene. It was his classroom, or, at least what was left of it. The room was completely disheveled, the desk were all over the place, and the windows were broken with glass flooded the classroom's floor. It looked like a tornado touched down in the center of the room. 'W-what happened? Was there an earthquake?' Ganta thought as he got a glimpse of the room. Then, the natural sunlight started to seep into the room, due to the artificial being broken, and saw the horrible scene. Blood, blood everywhere. The bodies of his classmates sprawled everywhere. Some had there appendages ripped off, others had deep gases and some of their internal organs hanging out of their corpses. Ganta wanted to scream, but he couldn't, his mouth tried to form words but couldn't the scene was to horrifying for words to form. Then he heard a sound, a dark tune playing in the ambience. It sounded like a nursery rhyme, only demented and evil instead. He looked around trying to find the origin of the sound, until he heard a snap. A boot stepped out of the shadow, slowly forming a whole body. It looked to be a man, covered in sheets of blood red and metal cuffs and chains swaying across his body, as if he was in some sort of containment trying to keep a man like him in, only to inevitably fail. Ganta soon noticed something in his hand. It looked to be hair, but It was strained, as if it was attached to something. Ganta then put two and two together and saw that the man had a head in his hand. But what threw Ganta in a loop was the head he had in his hand, it was friend; Mimi. Now Ganta screamed, and he screamed to the high heavens as his legs gave out forcing him to use his hands to quickly scoot himself in the corner, trying his best to make sure he was away from this man in crimson. The man stepped closer, in a slow, saunter like state as if he was mocking Ganta, with a giant slasher smile that could give the Joker the willies. He soon made it to Ganta, standing over the cowering figure and soon raised his hand in the air and saw hexagons swirl around it, forming a giant red crystal in his hand. Ganta laid there, paralyzed in fear as his mind couldn't comprehend the events happening to him. The red man looked down, with the giant metal brace around his face and formed these four words; "Now, Bleed like me." And rammed his hand into Ganta's chest…


Ganta immediately opened his and thoroughly looked around his area. He checked his chest to see it was perfectly fine. "Huh. I guess it was just a dream." He sighed, shivering at the thought of the vivid dream. He looked to his left and saw the figure who called him. "You alright, man? You seem pretty shaken up." It was his older brother Naruto. Naruto was a 3rd year in high school, who looked like he should be in college. He is 5'11 almost 6 foot, with an athletic build due to his years playing soccer and wrestling. With Sun kissed blond spiky hair, turquoise blue eyes and six whisker birth marks on his face, it was almost insane that those two where supposed to be related, especially comparing to Ganta's small frame and more babyish face to Naruto's more angular face. "Yeah, I just had a bad dream, that's all." Finally answering Naruto's question, Naruto looked back at the boy with a concerned look on his face. "Really? You think you want to talk about it?"

"FUCK OFF! I don't want listen to your psychological bullshit…" Naruto gave a hearty laugh showing his oversized incisors, giving him a feral look on his face. Hey, you call bullshit, I call a ticket into a women's heart. Speaking of women, Sorae-chan wants you to hurry up so you can get to school." And just like that Naruto left his room for him to get ready.


"Hi Sochi!"

"Hey Kaa-san!" Ganta said to his mother Sorae Igarashi while pulling up a chair at the kitchen table with his plate of pancakes. If anything that can describe Sorae it is one word; stunning. She has short hair with a long braid going down her shoulder that compliments her rounded face.. She currently has on her favorite lab coat holding her hourglass figure together while wearing scrubs that can barely contain her D- cup breasts (yes, I know I'm exaggerating but then again, Makina has G-cups that look like Ds in the manga, so I'm just guessing). She takes off her apron and sites down right next to Naruto. Naruto's relationship with their mother is pretty weird by standards, they both referrer to each other by their first names, instead of their respected suffixes. Plus, they really get flirty with each other, although it's kind of expected considering that Naruto's a natural Playboy, while Sorae is fully aware of her attractiveness, so it's kind of obvious that the unstoppable force meets the unmovable object. "Soo, Ganta-kun, care to tell me why you were taking so long?"

"He pissed in the bed after having a bad dream..,"


"Boys, stop!" Sorae, trying to immediate the argument, she then looked to Ganta and asked; "What type of dream were you having?"

"… It was weird, I-I saw all my friends and classmates dead at my school," Ganta started earning hard, concentrated looks by his nee-chan and kaa-san. "A-And there was the man, covered in red robes with a bunch of metal chains and cuffs covering his body. He-he, approached me with some red shard in his hands with these weird shapes around it and stabbed me in chest with it…"



"…The fuck did you eat last night?"


"What you can't blame me that was wayyy to surreal for me!" Sorae sighs while Ganta looked down being embarrass from the whole ordeal. He didn't want to go into the whole description of the event, specifically with event with Mimi. "Anyway, you should get going, school starts in about 10 minutes."

"Oh crap! Come on Naruto, we got to get going!"

"Alright, Alright, don't get your panties in a twist, you'll see your girlfriend soon enough."

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFIEND!" He yelled out in the living room while exiting out of the house, earning a laugh and chuckle from his family. "…Naruto..."


"Do you think that…"

"No." He said with a hard glare, "It's too early to for something like this to happen, besides they won't touch a single strain of hair on his head, I Swear on my life it won happen, BELIEVE IT!"


"…" *snicker*

"DON'T LAUGH ! I THOUGHT I GREW OUT OF IT!" He yelled at Sorae, while she was compressing a chuckle. She looked at him and said with a wary gaze "Just… Make sure you keep your promise, alright?" He looked at her and gave her a srong hug, indicating his response.



He ruffled Sorae's hair and grabbed his keys while running to door. Sorae stepped out to the front porch to have both kids off while they drove off to school, leaving her by self contemplating thoughts; 'I hope he's right…'

Meanwhile, a giant figure hovers over the city, gazing over the car the Igarashi brothers were currently in, smiling, for the utter joy of the events that will foreshadows on their future for the rest of their lives…

AN Note: Hey what's up everybody! It's your Favorite Fallen Angel Icarus here giving the first ever installation of Stories I'm doing! Don't worry, the other projects are currently being evaluated (especially the OC stories considering I have to build those story arcs from the ground up) So, I hoped that you guys enjoyed the first chapter of Welcome to Wonderland as well. As I said, this would be a Naruto/DMDW crossover. And for your burning questions;

No. Naruto would be powerful, but not godlike, there's a limit from making a strong character to making Mary Sue/Gary Stu

Yes. Naruto is immortal, but there is a spin on it.

Yes. There will be a harem, but I have an idea on who would be in it. But, I will accept harem reccs for girls from the Naruto universe in your reviews. So PICK! (ONLY 5, DON'T WANT TO OVERLOAD)

Speaking of which, care to leave a review? I'm particularly lazy when it comes to stuff like this, and im not getting fortunes from I,t so how about the fame? (Shit, I'll even accept flames at his points just to get credibility)

So any way that wraps up for now! See ya later!