Noblesse's most perfect couple ;)

If looks could kill, the woman would have dropped dead instantly. She hated the way the other woman flipped her hair back, the way she left the upper button of her blouse open, and especially how she now bent down over the desk. Yonsu glared. Who did she think she was? And was it really necessary to make such a fuss about something as minor as handing over a parcel of chocolate? To top it off, the man her co-worker gave the chocolate to had to be Sangeen. The man she loved, the man who was her fiance. It wasn't a well known fact that they would marry in a few months, but it wasn't a secret either. So either the other woman didn't know she flirted with a man who had been spoken for, or even worse, she knew and didn't care at all.

Annoyed, Yonsu turned back to her computer screen. She fumed inside, but kept it to herself. No need to draw attention to herself. She was already known to be hot-tempered, she couldn't need a reputation of throwing temper tantrums in the bureau. The people already pitied Sangeen for being her partner as it was!

For the next few minutes, she grimly focused on typing out a report that had been due three days ago. A silent and calm presence appeared behind her, and she didn't need to smell the aftershave to know who it was.

"What do you want?" The hard snap in her voice hadn't been intended. She didn't turn around but kept typing on her keyboard.

"I couldn't watch you sulk anymore," Sangeen said and effortlessly ignored the angry words she had flung his way. He leaned down to let his arms rest on the back of her chair. He looked over her shoulder at the screen, and he came so near that she felt his breath on her skin as he whispered in her ear. "And I wanted to ask when I get my chocolate from you. It's the only one I really want."

That had her properly distracted. There was no way she could keep on working like this. She knew it, and she was pretty sure he knew it too. With a sigh, she finally stopped typing and leaned back into her chair. Her brows furrowed; she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Who says that I intend to give you chocolate at all?"

It was hard to keep a sullen face as he now crouched next to her chair, his eyes big and pleading. For a few moments, they stared at each other, then Yonsu chuckled silently. He was the only person in this world who could melt her defenses in the course of seconds. Just a few minutes ago she had been in utterly bad mood, and now she smiled down at the man she loved.

"Then you don't want to give me chocolate?"

"We live together. When should I, without your notice, have made sweets?"

A mock pondering look appeared on his face as he raised from his crouched position. Perhaps she should have bought him chocolate? But he wasn't that kind of woman, and Sangeen knew it! Just because they were about to marry didn't mean that she had to change who she was.

"Then we should do this the European way."

"What?" Yonsu furrowed her brows in confusion. She had never been to Europe so how should she know their Valentine's Day costumes? What did he expect? A kiss in front of all her coworkers? Eyes sparkling full of amusement, Sangeen turned around to make his way back to his desk.

"Look inside your upper drawer." He called back over his shoulder. For a few seconds, she eyed him with suspicion, but her curiosity won. She tore open the upper drawer, and her eyes grew wide. When had he...? A card written in Sangeen's script lay on top of her paperwork, half covered by a single red rose.

Yonsu tore her gaze from the bright red blossom, instead looking back at her fiance, who worked diligently at his computer. He didn't look up or react in any other way. Only the small satisfied grin and the pure mischief in his eyes gave him away. Carefully, she reached out to pull the card out from under the rose. There was no need to put the flower on her desk, it would only put her in the middle of the office grapevine.

With a last glance around the bureau to check if she caught someone's attention, she started to read the card. Was that a poem? It took all of Yonsu's experience as a field agent to not break out into peals of laughter. It was a poem. A really bad and cheesy one. Sangeen seemed to have written it himself.

Eyes brimming with tears of suppressed laughter, she searched for Sangeen's gaze again. He helplessly shrugged his shoulders, a warm smile on his lips. If he didn't love her, he wouldn't go to this length to make her happy, and suddenly all the chocolate on his desk didn't matter any more.

The moment was ruined as a co-worker came up to her desk to ask her something about a case file. Still smiling, she broke the eye contact with her fiance and made sure to hide the card and rose before turning to her colleague. Life with Sangeen would never be boring since he still managed to hide something from her and to surprise her after three years of being partners. For the sake of humanity, she should talk him out of writing any more poems, though.