Chapter 1: Early Morning Errands

I awoke to the painful feeling of sharp claws kneading my scalp. I shot one hand out from under the covers to lightly swat the paw away from my head so that I could go back to sleep.

"It's time to get up Harui-chan, it's already 6. Kana-sama and Natsuo-kun are already having breakfast downstairs," the cat said as he saw me begin to drift back into dreamland.

I cracked an eye open at my kaa-chan's ninja-cat sitting on the edge of my pillow. True to the cat's words, whose name I now recalled was Kuro, the smell of spices and cooked meat began to waft up the stairs and into my room. It smelled heavenly and my thoughts of sleep where completely lost as my stomach began to grumble.

I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom with a change of clothes in my arms. Entering the small room, I pulled out a small stool from under the sink for me to stand on so that I could brush my teeth. I blankly stared at my reflection in the mirror, my soot brown colored eyes half-lidded. There were lines pressed into my lightly tanned face from the scrunched up pillow case. My dark, tea colored hair looked like a crumpled mess with shoulder length clumps curling out in every direction. Finished, I rinsed out my mouth and hopped in the shower. I cleaned up in record time, then quickly got dressed and twisted my wet hair into a bun as I made my way down the stairs.

"Good morning!" I greeted as I entered the kitchen. Two heads of taupe colored hair turned to look at me.

"Good morning Harui-chan! I already made you a plate, so hurry up and eat before it gets cold," Kaa-chan said, gesturing to the steaming plate in front of the empty chair.

"About time you got up sleepyhead! I was betting Kaa-san that you wouldn't get up until you heard the door shut when we left," Natsuo-nii teased as I shot him a glare.

"Hey! Just 'cause I like to sleep doesn't mean I won't wake up in time when I have to!"

"Yeah, right! Kaa-san had to send Kuro to get you up so that we wouldn't be late."

"I would have gotten up on my own in a few minutes anyway!"

"Sure, sure. How about we make a bet on that for tomorrow?"

"Fine! You're on baka-nii! I bet I-"

"Now, now you two," Kaa-chan intervened," make your bets later. Harui-chan, hurry up and eat your breakfast. Natsuo-kun, put your dishes in the sink and finish getting ready. It's already almost 6:30 and we need to leave here in fifteen minutes to get to the shop on time, understood?"

"Hai," I chirped before I began to chow down on my food.

"Hai, Kaa-san." Natsuo-nii moved to place his dishes in the sink and chugged the rest of his morning tea before heading upstairs to brush his teeth.

Today was like most days of the week. Kaa-chan would take us with her to check on the Takihana Tea Shop's inventory and any orders that needed to be taken care of. Normally it is the Clan Head's duty to oversee the Tea Shop's business, but, since Tou-san still has his shinobi duties and Kaa-chan is retired, the Clan Head duties have fallen unto her since she is always in the village.

We slowly made our way down the street. I watched as lights turned on in windows and vendors bustled about setting up shop for the day. These peaceful mornings where what I looked forward to the most when dragged along to run errands. I tilted my head up and watched as the sun's rays slowly brightened the sky and turned the clouds into clumps of fluffy pink and orange.

As we approached the shop, I could see the old lady who worked there sweeping away the leaves at the entrance.

"Baa-chan! Baa-chan!" I shouted and waved.

She looked up and smiled at us, "Oh! Hello Harui-chan, Natsuo-kun! Good morning Kana-san."

"Morning Baa-san." Natsuo-nii greeted.

"Good morning Kaede-san. How are you this morning?" Kaa-chan asked.

"Oh, I'm doing quite well Kana-san. Come, come let's go inside and take care of business so that the little ones can enjoy the rest of the day!"

We followed Baa-chan inside and into the back storage room. Kaa-chan got out her list and began checking off the items, every now and then pointing out something to Natsuo-nii. Since Natsuo-nii is the clan heir Kaa-chan always makes sure he pays attention when we run errands since it will be his responsibility one day.

"It looks like everything is in order, only a couple items need restocking. Has there been any new orders, Kaede-san?" Kaa-chan asked.

"Hmm, let me think. Ah! Yes. An Uchiha came to the shop the other day and placed an order for five bundles of our original blend spiced tea. Wait right there Kana-san, I'll go find the order form!" Baa-chan exclaimed before she shuffled off to the front desk.

"Here it is Kana-san. Five bundles for Uchiha Mikoto-san are due to be delivered today," said Baa-chan as she handed the slip of paper over to Kaa-chan.

"For Mikoto-san!? I'll take care of this one personally, Kaede-san. If you could please fill out the order forms for the items that need restocking, I'll return later to pick them up for processing." Kaa-chan handed her inventory list to Baa-chan.

"Of course Kana-san. Have a nice day!"

After we left the Tea Shop, Kaa-chan lead us down the street towards the Uchiha compound, carrying the tied up bundles in her hand.

"Kaa-san, why are you delivering this package instead of having one of the workers do it?" Natsuo-nii questioned.

"Because Natsuo-kun, the Uchihas are a long time client of ours and Mikoto-san is a friend of mine. Also, it's important in business to keep close ties with people of great influence Natsuo-kun, remember that."

"Hai! Kaa-san."

As we rounded the corner, I spotted a huge gate up a head with a giant red and white fan painted on each door.

"Kaa-chan, is that the Uchiha compound?" I asked, pointing at the painted gates.

"Hai, Harui-chan. Hopefully your Kaa-chan remembers how to get to Mikoto-san's house from here, ne."

After a few wrong turns here and there, we finally made it to the door step of the largest house in the compound. I fidgeted as I stared up at the intimidating house before me. I wonder what kind of people lived here?

Kaa-chan knocked on the shoji doors. I could hear some shuffling inside and voices before the door slid open.

"Hel-Oh! Kana-san! What a pleasant surprise!"

I stared up at the woman before me. She had long silky black hair, beautiful porcelain skin, and kind eyes.

"Hello Mikoto-san! Yes, it's been to long since we last seen each other. How is everything?"

"Oh, everything has been great! Please, come in so we can catch up! What's that you're carrying by the way?"

Kaa-chan lifted the seemingly forgotten bundles of tea leaves towards Mikoto-san." Ah, I almost forgot! These are the tea leaves you ordered from our shop the other day. I thought I'd deliver them to you myself since it's been so long since I've seen you."

"Oh, well, thank you!" Mikoto-san took the package then glanced down at my nii-san and I. "Oh! Natsuo-kun you certainly have grown! You probably don't remember me do you? How old are you now? Have you gone to the academy yet? You look like you're at that age."

"Hai, Uchiha-san. I just turned seven last month and this will be my second year at the academy." Natsuo-nii answered.

"Please, call me Mikoto-san," Natsuo-nii nodded, then Mikoto-sans gazed turned to me. "Oh, look how adorable you are Harui-chan! And how old are you now little one?"

"I just turned four this spring, Mikoto-san!" I replied, proudly holding up four small fingers.

"Oh, why you're the same age as my youngest one! I must introduce you to him, I'm sure you two would get along." Mikoto-san then turned and walked into the house, motioning for us to follow. "Come in and make yourselves at home! I'll make us tea and some snacks."

She led us in to the living room then hurried off to the kitchen, pausing at the foot of the staircase by the door.

"Sasuke-chan! Come down and meet our guests!"

Author's Note

So this is my first fan fiction ever! I've been reading a lot of OC stories lately which is why I decided my first story would be a semi-SIOC Classes are in session right now so I can't promise any weekly updates, BUT I will try my best!

Here is some background information of the Takihana clan in case I don't cover it in future chapters…..

The Takihana clan of Konoha was once only known as a civilian clan. Gaining most of their wealth through the tea trade, the Takihanas were known best for their special blends of spiced and floral teas. As their business expanded and their family grew, some members of the clan began to follow the path of the ninja instead of picking up the family business. This is when the Takihana clan began its transition into being recognized as one of the many Shinobi clans of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Declaring themselves a shinobi clan gave them a greater reputation among the village as shinobi and civilians became more familiar with the name Takihana. By law, a shinobi clan must be run by a Clan Head who is a ninja, which is how Takihana Jiro and Takihana Kana became the Clan's fifth Patriarch and Matriarch respectively.

Although the Takihana Clan does not possess a kekkei genkai, they were known to have a strong affinity towards fire and lightening. They developed their own techniques and fighting style known as the Blooming Fire style. Their clan insignia, the kanji for blossom flame 花炎, was derived from these techniques. They were still considered a minor clan amongst the others though, since they only produced a few talented Jonin and mostly average level Chunin.