I've decided to write a series of drabbles about the characters of Beyblade. They will all be humour, maybe some romance, but very little if any.

Please R&R. Suggestions appreciated :)

Disclaimer: Don't own

First up: Tyson!


Despite what people said, food wasn't the number one thing in Tyson's life. Sure, he did like to eat, as did everyone, but there was something that came above the delicious luxuries in the cupboards, something that most people would think was slightly... Weird. And that thing was: magnets.

He loved them. Loved the coldness of them, loved the colour of them, loved the way they stuck to anything even slightly magnetic. But the thing he loved most was the fact that they could come in all sorts of different colours, shaped, sizes and patterns. Some even had writing on them!

Ray said he was crazy. Max said he was strange. Kai just gave him weird looks. But Tyson didn't care; his magnets were his best friends, however sad that sounded.

A bright red box stored his precious magnets; he had a collection of over three hundred. His favourite past time was decorating the fridge with them, turning it into something much more exciting than just an ordinary kitchen appliance. In the past he had decorated it with zebra print, leopard print, neon orange; the list was endless.

Unfortunately, he had yet to find someone who shared the same love with him. It wasn't surprising. People didn't normally obsess over pointless magnetic things, they collected stuffed toys, or in Kenny's case, fangirled over Ming-Ming. But he hoped that he'd one day find someone to collect with.

It wasn't a secret that in his spare time Tyson would order his magnets in colour order, or size order, or make a shape with them. And as blue was his favourite colour, he had enough blue ones to make Kai's face with. The phoenix wasn't happy to say the least.

And at the end of the day, he would carefully store them under his bed, safe from any intruders. He wouldn't let anything happen to his babies. After all, magnets were very exciting.

Because everyone collects magnets, Tyson. I wanted to write about the weirdest thing I could think of, and looking around my kitchen for inspiration, I decided to do magnets.

Next up: Kenny! Feel free to leave suggestions who I should do next!