A.N: Hello! Thanks to everybody who read and reviewed my last chapter! I decided to polish this one off quickly as a pseudo reward/apology for taking so long last time! I hope this stands to prove that I will try and avoid a long hiatus. So without further ado, and without boring you, chapter 6! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 6

Harriet awoke to the sound of a door closing. Still feeling the remnants on sleep enfolding her, she blearily looked around her. She was on the couch, with Hermione's quilt wrapped around her.

"Hermione?" Jane Granger's voice sounded out in the entrance.

"Mrs. Granger." Harriet decided announcing herself was better than startling them when they discovered her on the couch.

"Oh, Harriet! Are you feeling better?" Confused at her question, Harriet blinked owlishly. She watched languidly as Mrs. Granger carefully placed her dripping umbrella in its stand. She idly noted that it was raining, evident from the light patter she heard on the roof.

Hermione came downstairs at that moment and answered for her.

"Harriet's feeling much better. Nothing a pepper-up potion couldn't remedy! Hello mum, dad. How was work?"

"Exhausting!" Hermione's father announced, taking his coat off. "I swear… Robbie Fenwick will be the death of me. That boy has teeth like a shark."

"Harriet?" Hermione leaned over the banister. "You've got some post."

Giving a parting smile to the Grangers, Harriet went upstairs. In Hermione's room, Hedwig was perched, her amber eyes intelligently piercing her.

"Hey girl. I hope the rain didn't bother you too much." She affectionately stroked her slightly damp feathers, to which Hedwig responded with a gentle nip. Drowsily wondering if it was another letter from Ginny, Hermione's voice sounded from behind her.

"Here. It has Hogwart's crest on it, but we already received our book list."

Harriet took the letter from her, and tore it open, revealing a recognizable looping script.

"It's from Dumbledore. He wants to come by tomorrow night to discuss some things. I wonder what it's about…" she mused nervously.

Hermione only hummed in response, before plopping on her bed.

"Do you think… do you think he's upset about me staying here with you? That I hadn't told him I was staying here with you?"

"Could be, but I doubt he'd come all this way to tell you so. However, I'm just speculating…"

Harriet chewed on her lip worriedly as Hermione handed her another letter with Ginny's familiar script on the front.

"You got this as well. From Ginny, I imagine."

Unfolding the parchment, Harriet scanned another description of Ginny's exploits with Dean Thomas, a Gryffindor boy in Harriet's own year. He had been spending the past two weeks at the Burrow, and had become far closer to the youngest Weasley, much to Ron's chagrin.

"Did anything else come for me?" Harriet asked. She wasn't sure why she asked as they both knew she didn't receive too much post. However it seemed as though Hermione understood the anyone that was implied instead. She shook her head sympathetically.

"I'm sorry Harriet."

"It's fine. He's an asshole."

"Right. Take this as a blessing. It's better you know his true nature now than be hurt further down the line, right?"

Harriet nodded emphatically, but in her head she was still disappointed. Though it seemed obvious that Tony Stark would act like a pig from anyone's perspective, Harriet was almost sure she met a different Stark than he normally presented to the world. She didn't voice this concern, but instead agreed with Hermione.

"Exactly. You know... come to think of it, he reminded me far too much of Malfoy for my comfort."

Hermione shuddered theatrically in response, while Harriet decided not to mention who he also reminded her of. Besides, it was so much easier being angry at Tony and joking with Hermione, than to be hurt and offended.

"Harriet Potter," she spat in an impression of Malfoy. "With a muggle. Wait 'til my father hears about this!"

Hermione clapped her hand over her mouth to muffle her shocked laughter. "I'm glad you are coping with this so well." She beamed.

"Coping? Hah! I think it's high time for us to celebrate! I, Harriet Potter, the chosen one, hereby declare that Tony Stark is practically dead to me! "

Distracted by her own desire to forget Tony Stark, she didn't catch the panicked look Hermione shot her.

Making her way downstairs to the kitchen, Harriet hollered over her shoulder, "Hey Hermione, do we still have ice cream?"

Hermione was still planted to the spot, apprehension etched on her face.

Concerned by Hermione's sudden lack of composure, she doubled back, deciding to abandon her ice cream hunt.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"The prophecy? I thought it had smashed…"

Suddenly realizing her error, Harriet considered not telling her anything. However, with a pang she remembered her promise to Hermione, and shook her head slightly.

"Dumbledore was the one it was given to at the very beginning. He sat me down after Sirius-" Harriet cut herself off, her voice fraught with emotion.

She was no longer as angry at Dumbledore as she was the night she had made short work of destroying his office, but it would be foolish to assume that emotions did not remain from that fateful night. This was part of the reason why she willfully ignored Dumbledore's wishes for her to return to the Dursleys', in favor of staying with Hermione. At this thought, she winced at the shame bubbling in her gut. Without the grief addled mind to influence her as greatly, Harriet understood that 'sticking it to the man', the man being Dumbledore in this instance, was woefully misguided. She was wrenched from these thoughts with Hermione next question.

"Is that what it said? That you're the chosen one?"

Harriet shrugged. "More or less. I'm sorry I hadn't said anything before. What with… everything, I didn't want to think about it, let alone talk about it." Noticing the fear in Hermione's eyes, she sighed. "Not to mention, I didn't want to see how you and Ron would react… like this. I figured I could keep you guys for a little longer before the inevitable."

"The inevitable?"

"You know, before you two would have to keep your distance now that I am dangerous."

At this, the apprehension on Hermione's face melted, and she raised a mocking eyebrow.

"Honestly, after all these years of friendship, you never fail to remind me of how daft you can be."

Harriet shot her a look.

"No, honestly. Stop trying to be a hero. Ron and I aren't going anywhere. We never were. Chosen one business aside, you forfeited the opportunity to get rid of us when you chose to befriend Ron on the express… when you chose to rescue me from that troll. You'll just have to accept that." Hermione pursed her lips stubbornly and crossed her arms at that.

Grateful, she hugged Hermione. Hermione tightened her arms around Harriet in response. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'd probably just get away with skiving more classes. You are a talented witch, you know." She continued, her voice softer. "I'm just glad you're finally opening up to me. About Tony, and about… this. No matter how messy either of those situations are, I'm here for you. So is Ron."

"I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."

"Oh pish posh," Hermione replied, though she looked pleased.

"But seriously, between Stark and Voldemort, I have the worst luck with men." Harriet laughed at her horrible joke while Hermione rolled her eyes.

The two Gryffindors spent the night eating junk food (sugar-free snacks courtesy of the Grangers), flipping channels on the telly to gravitate on the insultingly mind numbing programs on the telly (presently broadcasting a gossip show that discussed the latest in Kate Moss news), and simply talking. Harriet felt guilty when she realized that they hadn't had a night where they simply enjoyed one another's company for a very long time. At one point, she even offered to braid Hermione's hair, resulting in an incredulous look thrown in her direction, and a point towards her bushy mane.

"Oh come on, I've seen you wear a plait before!"

"But you haven't seen the part where I run a brush and some Sleekeazy potion on it beforehand!"

"Now you're forgetting my painstaking involvement in your hair for the Yule Ball! I believe the words Viktor Krum said were something along the lines of 'Hermy-own-ninny-'" Harriet only laughed and continued her impression of the Bulgarian seeker. "I vant you to know zat you"

"Hush. Tony!" she suddenly exclaimed.

"Have the sweets gone to your head? The name's Harriet? Been your mate for over five years now-"

"No, Harry. Look!"

Harriet turned her head towards only to see Tony Stark staring back at her.

The Kate Moss bit seemed to have wrapped up, and the women on the television were now discussing Tony in muted tones.

"Hermione, turn it up!"

Hermione swiftly grabbed the remote and raised the volume up several notches.

"-is never one to disappoint his adoring public, always with a new love interest." The blonde woman spoke, smiling at the camera, only to turn towards the brunette beside her who began to reply.

"Now, Kate. Love interest is going a little far, isn't it? I believe it'd be more accurate to say… conquest, wouldn't you?" She quipped impishly.

Harriet stared, mouth partly agape.

"Too true Alice. I suppose this distinction is to the relief of many devoted admirers of American tycoon and womanizer, Tony Stark!" At this Kate looked like the cat that ate the canary. "Thanks to our expedient staff at 'Celebrity News Now', new footage came to light on the … latest Stark arm candy. But who is this mysterious young woman?

Alice took the lead once more. "Our sources tell us that just last night, Tony Stark let loose in one of London's exclusive underground clubs while in the city to allegedly strike a merger for Stark Enterprise. It appears that he arrived with renown glamour model, Clara Coco." The screen flashed to a surprisingly clear shot on Tony with his arm around an elegant and beautiful looking woman. Harriet could tell she was a model due to her looks and her wardrobe- comprised of an opulent, white fur coat. The screen returned to the women in the studio.

"Nonetheless, it was not too soon after he arrived that he had left with a mysterious young woman in tow." The screen now projected a photo that showed Tony from the back, hand in hand with a girl who could only be Harriet.

At this, Harriet groaned and Hermione looked at her in concern.

"At least we can't tell that it is really you-" Hermione trailed off uncertainly when the screen transitioned to a video with a very visible, very drunk Harriet being carried out of a limousine by Tony Stark. They were only a few meters away from the limo when the two attached at the mouth, sharing what appeared to be a very passionate kiss. Her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist.

"Paparazzi stationed outside Tony Stark's hotel were able to capture footage of the very same mystery woman to be involved with Tony Stark," Kate continued.

"Any information on the identity of-" Hermione promptly shut the TV off, leaving an unnatural quiet in its wake.

"Er… Harriet?" Hermione looked at Harriet nervously. She now had her faced buried in her pillow. The only sign that she had heard was a muffled whine.

"I'm a floozy, Hermione," she warbled. Harriet raised her head from the pillow and raised herself up on her elbows, resting her chin in her hands. "I'm Just another one of his many tramps. I'm what Mrs. Weasley would call a scarlet woman. I'm so humiliated."

"That's not true, Harry. You told me that nothing happened, that you just talked."

"But, didn't you see-" Harriet gestured angrily at the now black television screen.

"The day you should put any stock into that trash is the day Rita Skeeter would be worth listening to! The media in the muggle world is just as bad as the Wizarding World. Don't pay it any mind. Nobody will ever recognize you. Tell me, aside from me, who do you know with a telly?"

Harriet groaned into her pillow again. "I feel so low, Hermione. It's not like I fell in love with him or anything, but to see him like that. To see me like that. I feel so cheap now. Was that all I was to him? An easy lay?"

Hermione frowned, and tucked a lock of her bushy hair behind her ear.

"Harriet, I can't speak for Tony Stark, but I can speak for you. I trust you. You rarely make mistakes. Not those made by a teenage girl. Even if you made unwise decisions, I don't think you made a mistake. You're a good judge of character. I truly believe that you found a person to open up to. From what you said, I have him to thank partly… for you opening up to me. Those ladies seems to think that Tony Stark is immature and immoral. So? According to the prophet last term, you were a depraved, attention-seeking liar! Today? From the way the tide changed, it's as if you are the second coming. Nobody seems to even remember their previous opinions." She sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is to try not to get too worked up about this stupid gossip. You're upset with Tony Stark, but don't go and start believing that you were no better than a… a… hussy! Not that there's anything wrong with that anyway. Never mind what anyone says."

Harriet looked up and smirked at a reddening Hermione for her use of language. "Wow, I think I'm a bad influence on you, Herm-own-ninny." She snickered at Hermione's face of objection. "But you know what? Screw those stupid Alice and Kate ladies on that stupid telly! Screw those creeps with cameras! And screw Tony Stark. He is not worth my time."

Hermione smiled in triumph.

"And thank you, Hermione. You're right. I doubt anyone will ever find out about my brief moment of insanity. Nobody important, anyways."

Petunia Dursley craned her long neck in front of her vanity mirror. She was removing her hair curlers, and admiring the results in her blonde hair. Monday mornings, while Vernon was at work, Petunia made a point of having tea with the other housewives. The locations alternated between each of their homes, but one thing remained the same- tea time was more accurately the veiled opportunity to flaunt one's most recent good fortune.

Mrs. Appleby's child was on the honor-all, so she never failed to mention dear Trevor's academic pursuits. Mrs. Polkiss' husband owned a semi-successful insurance company, a point of pride for the household. Mrs. Halliday always enjoyed to not-so-subtly mention the most recent gift her dear husband bestowed upon her. Personally, Petunia believed that Mrs. Halliday was just too gullible to realize that Mr. Halliday had so obviously taken on a mistress, and only brought her tokens of guilt after another scandalous 'business meeting' in a seedy motel.

Smiling thinly to reveal horsey teeth, Petunia applied a layer of makeup and a gaudy string of pearls around her neck. She liked to tell the other women that it was an heirloom passed down her family. Finally, she removed her tartan robe, and selected her recently bought dress. It was light blue with white polka dots, and very expensive, which she was also sure to mention to the other housewives.

Grabbing the store-bought peach cobbler, she ambled her way down the walk, over to Mrs. Halliday's house, who was hosting this week's tea time. Knocking on the door, she heard the muffled voices within cut short. A pause, and then Mrs. Halliday was at the door with a false smile on her face.

"Petunia, darling, so glad you could make it!"

"Of course, Fiona. Thank you. How is George?" Petunia took the time to notice that the other two women were already inside, looking suspiciously innocent to Petunia.

"He's wonderful dear. And look, he brought me these Thursday night." She pointed at her pearl earrings dangling from her ears. Petunia tittered positively, but smirked on the inside at the gossip material to have with the other women. Speaking of, she was almost sure she was the latest topic of conversation before having arrived. Petunia fumed within as those who arrived last were almost always gossiped about. No matter, she had an excellent update about Vernon and Duddikins.

Smiling archly, that is exactly what she spoke about as Fiona Halliday poured her a cup of Earl Grey.

"-another deal with Mr. Kyoto. Had I mentioned? Oh, thank you, Fiona." Petunia took a delicate sip from her teacup and rested it on her lap.

"That is lovely to hear Pet," Deborah Polkiss commented. "I hope Vernon's raise will allow for you to buy something nice for yourself. Perhaps a pair of gloves to go with your new dress!"

The other women nodded, while Mrs. Halliday reached for the gossip magazine on the coffee table between her and Petunia. She curled her lip in distaste. She never had the taste for those rags. Her life was fabulous enough, thank you very much. She had no reason to compare herself to the loose women in the pages. All the same, Fiona was never without her subscription to several gossip magazines. The one she reached for looked quite new, perhaps delivered this very morning.

"You know, I think I saw just the thing just this morning." Petunia noticed Mrs. Halliday give a conspiratorial glance at the other women. She raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

Mrs. Appleby, sitting daintily next to Fiona pointed at one of the pages inside "Oh my, Petunia! How funny! this girl looks awfully like your niece!" She piped up in a well rehearsed manner. Petunia froze at the mention of the girl. The summer holidays were much lovelier without her presence, and her thoughts rarely went to her nowadays. She feared looking over. However, Mrs. Appleby placed the magazine back on the table, and slid it in Petunia's direction. Craning her neck, she saw it. But it couldn't be.

Plastered on the two visible pages were the words: 'Who Is Tony Stark's Mystery Girl?' In the center was a shot of that-that-witch in the arms of a very famous, very wealthy American. Her eyes bugged out comically, and she accidentally overturned her tea all over her new dress. Yelping partly in shock and pain, Petunia tore out of her seat.

"My dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Polkiss looked up in concern. Petunia felt hot and clammy in realization. This is what they were discussing before her arrival. She had to correct this. She never mentioned her niece for obvious reasons, and did not want to start now.

"Hmm? Oh yes, my apologies. I seemed to have spilled my tea. Clumsy me!" She laughed nervously.

"But Petunia, wouldn't you say this looks identical to your niece? Where did you say she went to school, again?"

"St. Isidore's Academy for Troubled Girls," she recited in a squeak.

"Troubled, you say?"

"Yes, she is there now, in fact. This is just a very odd resemblance, is all. She is nowhere near, where is this?" She looked at the caption dated two nights ago in London. "London! She is nowhere near London," she continued, with more confidence. London. Where Harriet informed her she would be staying over the summer. Anger burned inside, with a twinge of another familiar sensation. One she refused to feel since childhood with Lily. She suppressed it, and rested her now empty cup on the table.

"I'd appreciate it if no rumors were bandied about! This is obviously not poor Harriet, and I would hate for that to go around!"

"Oh, but of course!" reassured Mrs. Polkiss.

"But I must really be going now. I just recalled… Vernon is bringing another client tonight, and I really must be preparing!"

"Oh so soon? Pity!" Mrs. Halliday responded in her smug voice. Petunia wanted to say something about Mr. Halliday's infidelities, but reigned in her cold anger.

Giving an obligatory, parting kiss on each woman's cheek, she offered one more false smile, before swiftly exiting. As she went to close the door, she could hear the conversation pick up.

"Poor Pet, she must be in shock. And her new dress too."

Harriet awoke the next morning to the distinctive smell of sizzling bacon. Padding downstairs to the kitchen, she paused to scratch Crookshanks under the chin. Though the previous day turned out sour, she was in a better mood after the night she spent simply being normal with her best friend.

"Morning," Hermione chirped. "I made some eggs and bacon for us both. I figured since you made some yesterday." As she spoke, she portioned out the food onto two plates, and brought them over to the table.

"Oh thank Merlin, I'm famished!" Harriet said through a mouthful of eggs.

"Please don't tell me Ron's deplorable eating habits rubbed off on you! Swallow!"

Hermione wrinkled her nose at the mischievous glint in her eye, realizing the dirty joke fodder she supplied her friend.

"Don't!" she warned.

Harriet just tilted her head and shot her a look of supreme innocence in return. However, her clever retort was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door.

"Don't get up Hermione, I'll get it."

She pulled her short nightgown further down to cover her boyshorts, and looked into the spyhole. All she saw was white. Frowning, she opened the door.

Blinking rapidly, she saw an arm holding a vase of lilies. Attached to the arm was none other than a winningly smiling Tony Stark.

A.N: Hope you guys all enjoyed the latest chapter. Sorry I didn't have a Tony POV or not much Tony/Harriet. I swear its not on purpose! Not totally, that is! I must admit I enjoyed writing the possibly controversial POV of the much beloved Petunia Dursley a little too much. As much as I'd love to cram Tony/Harriet action in every chapter, I'd much rather give the story a natural progression. This will, hopefully make all the Tony/Harriet moments more enjoyable in the long run (Emphasis on hopefully). Either way, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I promise I will try and get the next chapter up soon-ish. Please review. The friendly and helpful reviews were a large part of why I continued so quickly. The criticisms are also much appreciated! Thank you all!