Finally! I am deciding to make a new story, but I have 2 ideas, and I can't decide which idea to make as a story! But here's the chapter you've been waiting for!

Who is . . . .


The drunk man was facing me, his back was to the stranger, so I couldn't see the stranger's face. His voice was a deep soothing voice.

The drunk man turned around, and I saw the stranger's face.

Blue, shiny hair slick in the rain and gorgeous eyes that looked at the man holding my shoulder. I felt his grip loosen and look at Kaito. The man's reaction look scared. Why would the man be scared of Kaito?

Kaito seemed to be glaring at the man.

I never saw him look like that.

"Sir, the girl doesn't seem to like you doing that"

I finally realized the situation.

Kaito must have come here, worried that something might have happened to me. He's such a good friend. Yet, to say the truth, I'm not that grateful. I came here to escape, because the words

'Just Friends'

I hated those 2 words.

I guess, I was so in love that I forgot that it was only one-sided, I put aside all doubts, putting false hope on the words 'maybe he likes me back'.

I finally felt the man's hands slip away. He muttered something and ran away.

I can't look at him.

Those words still feel heavy in my heart.

Though, I don't feel like crying anymore.

I just don't want to look at him right now.

The rain was still pouring.

Then I felt something looming over me.

An umbrella.

Kaito said nothing as he started to walk. I followed him. The silence was . . . . . peaceful.

I sighed.

I can't do it. I have to look at him. He must think that I'm ungrateful since he did save me from that man. I've got to thank him. And if I don't look at him, it might seem like I don't really mean it. I got to start a conversation first, then maybe I won't feel so nervous.

" So . . . .where's CUL?" I asked him.

" Oh, I told her that I couldn't talk to her, and went to find you."

"Well, Thank you for saving me back there"

"You are welcome."

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he wasn't happy. Why? Was it because he had to chase me? Or because he had to leave CUL? Because I made him chase me? Because I was too careless and got myself into trouble? Although, it was only one man. I don't know. If I ask him, will he have any sort of negative reaction?


Why should I care? After all, it's not like I still have feelings for him anymore.


I'm wrong. A person wouldn't forget and say 'I didn't like him anyway'. And if so, they would have been lying. People don't just stop loving. There's a reason. A reason for everything. They won't forget them that easily. Because people still have memories. I will soon forget about Kaito, but it takes time. Even though I might not care about him anymore. Or might not look at him all the time like I used too, there is still a mark that says I once liked him. Rin would ask me. When I look at him once again I will still remember his words, but they might not hurt as much and I will have the lesson engraved in my head that: I could love but it isn't like the person could love me back. I can't get my hopes up. And I should at least have some doubts. It went quickly how I came to this thinking in just one day. It is quick. But I adapt to things quickly. That's good. I looked back at him. He still looks handsome. I still feel my heartbeat quickening, but it doesn't feel the same. I was surprised as he spoke,

"Why did you run away all of a sudden?"

Even though I knew the question will come, and I know the answer, I still hesitate. No, I should tell him the truth. I want him to know this. I want him to reject me, so I could get all the hurt out, so I have everything clear that he doesn't like me.

"When you said 'Just Friends' it hurt me. I liked you, and I felt heartbroken. I ran away. I didn't want you to see my tears or how much it pained me when you said those words."

Silence followed.

"Was that why you were crying?"

He watched me. Why? He also saw when the man grabbed me.


I ran a bit ahead, and then stopped right in his path. The rain turned into a drizzle. I confronted him and looked straight into those eyes that made me feel a bit shy.

" I want you to tell me clearly. So I don't need to do anything unnecessary. So here's the question, I like you, but do you like me?"

He looked surprised and looked down. He spoke,

" I saw you smile and it made my insides squirmy, I blushed when Big Al made that comment about me being your boyfriend, I felt at ease talking to you, and I felt a pain in my chest when I saw you cry. But in reality I'm not good at expressing my feelings into words, I don't know if I like you"

So straightforward. I like that about him. I do the same thing in those situations. I don't know much about love, I fell in love but I don't know much about it, what I know is that it sounds like something a person in love feels like. But what if he feels like this with other girls? I'm confused.

He looks at me expectantly. I have to tell him what I think. I reply, "It sounds like love, but I really don't know if it is, you have to figure it out yourself. Love is very different for many people. Some people think that Love and Hate might be the same, some people even confuse them. You have to be 100% sure. ' I don't know' is not good for me. I don't want to be confused. It is either a yes or a no."

He looked worried. I hate to be like this but it's true.

"I can't decide"

"It has to be today"

He thought.

"How about this . . ." A compromise? From Kaito? This is rare.

"Let's date, and let me figure out my feelings, If I don't tell you mine after 1 month, then that means that I don't feel the same. Do you agree with this?"

Strange mind he's got. There might be some holes in his plan, but . . . . . .

" Fine. Hope you are ready"

Kaito is still Kaito, he will never break a promise. He still has a place in my heart, and I still find it cute when he smiles. Let's hope I don't lose my love, because you never know if he might fall for me. There I go again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

He brought me to my house. he gave me his phone number an e-mail and I gave him mine. We said goodbye and I smiled and waved as I closed the door. I went to my room. I'm exhausted. If I were my old self, I would have smiled and probably scream like a fan girl but I'm not like yesterday or the days before that, so I just smiled. I put the piece if paper under my pillow, and began to drift to sleep.

Sweet dreams.

This chapter was a bit dry, I admit. I think I also went a bit fast, like one of my reviewers commented. So, somehow I'm hearing Naruto songs. No reason. It's kind of weird, but I felt in the mood to hear these songs.

Rin: Well, you have weird moods, sometimes Vocaloid, or anime songs, you are REALLY weird.

Yeah, but you are an orange addict you don't count that as weird?

Rin: Yeah but-

Quiet! Oh! It's 'Blue Bird'! This is an awesome song!

Bye Bye!

Review! Also, thank you, Amazon Huntress for your advice. I appreciate it!