"Hey Mallory," Spencer Wright, top teen movie director of this town says with confidence.
"Spencer! Hey, how are you," Mallory replies waving happily as her long brown hair flows.
"You know I have a movie premiering tonight at the Wifri, wanna come," Spencer asks.
"Sure okay."
"Great! Here's the invite," Spencer says as he hands her the card. As she turns to walk away Billy floats up from the floor grumbling with his arms crossed and his back slouched. It takes a while for Spencer to actually notice him until Billy just had enough and grabs Spencer by the shoulder and turns him around.
"Hey Billy. You ready for the big night?"
"The big night? What happened to OUR big night?! We just got the new game like just now," Billy shouts, throwing his arms in the air and then starts tapping his foot and crossing his arms to show just how upset he was.
"I told you I was going to do a rain check since the fans on Metube demand a showing tonight! I mean what's the big deal? You never had a problem with rain checks before," Spencer asks after his explanation.
"It's cause… UGH! Why'd you invite Mallory?! She's not even an A-List babe," Billy asks, obviously irritated.
"Does it really matter? The more viewers, the more ratings, the higher my views go Billy," Spencer states oblivious to the dead rock star's feelings. "Unless…"
"Unless what," Billy shouts impatiently.
"You're jealous I can get a babe and you can't," Spencer shouts, pointing his finger at Billy feeling victorious.
"Bros before you know, not A-List babes! Besides, we don't need Mallory to see your show! I should just scare her out of town again," Billy shouts as he dons some old timey farmer clothes and has a pitchfork in his left and a piece of wood on fire in his right hand.
"Billy please, why are you getting so fussy about this? You usually don't care who I invite Mallory or not."
"ME?! Being fussy? You did not just go there! And I mean I just… WHATEVER! I don't care at all whom you invite her or anyone else! I will eat all the peanut butter if you don't apologize right now," Billy yells as he pulls out a jar of smooth peanut butter from his pocket.
"Billy you can mope all you want but she's coming and so are a ton of other people okay," Spencer says exasperated as he turns to leave and head to class.
As Billy floats there clearly ignored, he opens the jar and starts to spoon himself some good ol smooth peanut butter. As he is munching on this delicious morsel he decides to go counsel Rajeev for some advice.