Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you're rocking your Single Mindy phase or your Dandy relationship, you are loved! Thank you for reading! 3

Valentine's Day

Mindy was staring out her office window when she felt two hands cover her eyes. Before someone could finish saying "Happy Valentine's Day Bab-", Mindy had shot up and shoved the chair back into her attacker, jabbing them with her elbow.

"OW!" A familiar voice cried. Mindy turned around slowly. Danny glared at her, hunched over in pain and grimacing.

"Danny! I'm sorry! You surprised me! I've been watching Jillian Michael's Self Defense videos, it was just a reflex-"

"Don't worry about it." Danny wheezed, falling into the weapon-chair. "That's the last time I try to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day." He smirked. Mindy smiled, climbing onto his lap. He wheezed again, but held on tight.

"Thanks babe. Happy Valentine's Day to you too." She leaned in to peck him on the lips, teasing. Danny's brow furrowed, chasing her as he tried to get another. He had just captured her chin when-

"Ahem. Excuse me, disgusting lovebirds." Jeremy stood in the doorway. Neither Mindy nor Danny made an effort to move. "If you're done canoodling, there are patients to be seen. Not all of us have the pleasure of living off love," he noted with a bitter tone. He walked away, knowing he would have no effect on the couple.

"We should really get to work," Danny looked up at Mindy, rubbing her arm. She nodded.

"I have a C-section schedule in a couple hours," she agreed. "That baby is gonna be so lucky! Born on Valentine's Day! I bet her life will be full of romance," She said dreamily. "Well, wait. That means she gets all her bday and vday presents and on the same day. Hmmm. Hard trade off." Mindy shrugged, extricating herself from Danny's lap. She leaned down and gave him one last kiss. "What time should I come over tonight?" She asked, picking up her file.

"Seven should be fine. I know how much prep time you need," Danny smirked. Mindy smiled, appreciative.

"Thanks babe. I'll see you at 8!" She called as she flew out the door.

"7! I said 7!" Danny called after her, shaking his head. He got up, ready to finish the workday and move on to his master plan.

Mindy knocked on the door expectantly. Danny had refused to tell her what they would be doing tonight, so she had brought a bag of extra outfit options. She didn't wanna be rocking these heels all night if they were walking somewhere. But they looked so fabulous, and she'd gotten such a great deal on them –

Danny opened the door, taking Mindy's breath away. He was dressed to the nines in a gray suit, causing Mindy to murmer appreciatively. Danny put his hand in his pocket, looking every bit the male model. Mindy smiled, greeting him with a kiss. "You look so handsome sweetie," she said as he led her into the apartment. He took her coat and purse, hanging them on the tree.

"And you look stunning," Danny replied, holding her at arm's length. She was wearing a red v-neck dress with matching heels. It reminded her of the time he had coached her on what to wear for her first date, way back a few years ago. And look who she was dating now.

"First things first…" Danny reached around to the counter and picked up a small box. "Happy Valentine's Day," he smiled, handing it to Mindy. She glanced up at him, tearing the wrapping paper.

"Chocolate covered cherries! Danny, these are my favorite!" She clutched them to her chest and hugged him.

"Well, I remembered you saying how they made you feel like a celebrity, so I found some," He smiled, happy to have pleased her. Mindy smiled up at him, already wanting to open her sweets.

"I'm saving your present for later," Mindy announced suspiciously. Danny shrugged. He had grown to love her surprises.

"Fine by me." He pecked her on the cheek. "You ready to head out?" Mindy nodded, Danny handing her her coat and purse. They left the apartment, excited for the night ahead.

"Danny, ohmigod! How did you get reservations here? It must've been booked up months in advance!" Mindy gazed up at the five-star restaurant. Danny smiled, smug.

"Well, I had a feeling we would be together tonight," He replied. Mindy squeezed his hand. If he had made the reservation months ago, that meant he was pretty confident in their relationship. Mindy's heart warmed, knowing that Danny believed in them being together.

"You hungry?" Danny asked, leading her into the restaurant. Mindy nodded, following eagerly behind.

"Danny, that was divine," Mindy said as they left. Danny nodded. "Yeah, I could tell you enjoyed my veal," he winked at her. Mindy took a second to look ashamed, then was smiling again. "So, what next?"

"Oh, you mean you wanted more than dinner?" Danny suddenly looked worried. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't plan anything else!" Mindy hit him with her purse. Danny smiled, laughing. "Come on."

"What is this place?" Mindy asked as they pulled up to a dark building.

"You'll see," Danny replied mischievously, helping her out of the cab. As soon as they walked in the door, Mindy knew.

"Dancing!" She squealed, holding onto Danny's arm. He smiled. He'd been watching her rom coms during his breaks, trying to figure out what the key clichés were. Dancing had been one of them. And luckily, he was an expert in that department.

"May I have this dance?" He bowed in front of Mindy slightly, holding out his hand. She nodded excitedly, leaving her coat and purse on a nearby chair. Danny pulled her out onto the dance floor.

"What are your feelings on salsa?" Danny asked, looking into her eyes. Mindy blinked. "Um, the only salsa I have feelings about is the kind that comes with chips." Danny chuckled. "Okay, then follow my lead. When I step forward, you step back, and vice versa. Okay?" He looked at his partner. Mindy nodded.

Danny smiled, grabbing her hands and immediately stepping in time. Mindy struggled at first but soon caught on. She cheered, starting to swing her hips as well. Danny laughed, glad she was so comfortable with him.

He moved his arm so she would spin out. She took a second to strike a pose, then spun back in. Danny held her close, planting a kiss right next to her earlobe. Mindy gasped as he spun her back to the regular position.

Now knowing what she was doing, Mindy took a second to appreciate her dance partner. Danny was good. Like, really good. He looked so confident and sexy. She had no idea his hips could move that way. He smiled, clearly in his element. Mindy loved seeing him like this. She loved their banter, of course, but nothing compared to these moments.

"What?" Danny asked, noticing her staring at him.

"Nothing. Just appreciating the view," Mindy replied, smiling. Danny looked down, embarrassed for a second.

"What, me and my weird body?" Danny smirked, recalling a previous conversation.

"Yeah, your weird, totally-not-smokin body," she said, ceasing to dance and moving in towards her boyfriend.

"So you like to watch me dance," Danny whispered smugly, his breath on her cheek.

"No, I love watching you dance," Mindy replied devilishly. Danny pulled her in close, crushing her lips. The song ended and they broke apart. A ballad began, causing the dance floor to couple up and sway. Danny grabbed one of Mindy's hands, the other on her hip. He smiled, holding her close.

"Thank you Danny," Mindy gave him a kiss on the cheek as they slowly rotated. "This has been a wonderful Valentine's Day." Danny smiled. He loved making her happy. "You're welcome," he replied, spinning her around and dipping her. She let out a little squeal as Danny pulled her back up.

"You ready for part three?" Danny asked as the song ended. The couples clapped, applauding the live band.

"Part three?! Danny, you didn't have to do all of this!" Mindy replied, not looking the least bit sorry. Danny smiled, knowing she was elated.

"I know I didn't. But I want to make you happy. And if any day is a Rom Com day, it's Valentine's." He winked at her. Mindy smiled, holding his hand as they moved off the dance floor.

"Um…Danny? Am I missing something?" Mindy asked as she looked around. They were standing in the middle of JFK near Terminal 1. While not completely empty, there were still quite a few people milling around, waiting for their flights home to see their loved ones.

"No, this is where I meant to take you." Danny smiled secretively. Mindy looked confused. The cab ride over had been…strange. Danny was sweating like a reality tv star and kept reaching into his pocket. Mindy had wondered what was driving her boyfriend to be a nervous wreck. And this terminal…did not explain it.

"Okay, well, I guess this is…nice?" She asked, turning around slowly. She had made it a full revolution when heart jumped into her throat.

Danny kneeled on the ground in front of her, small velvet box in hand. He opened it to reveal a princess-cut diamond ring. Mindy clutched her chest, unable to breathe.

"Mindy Lahiri," Danny began. "I love you so much. I love that you know as much about pop culture as I know about architecture. I love that when you're annoyed with me, you get this little wrinkle between your brows. I love how you get involved in everybody's business. I love that you make me watch cheesy rom coms and leave the apartment on weekends and drop my towels on the floor every once in awhile. And, I thought, I dunno," he shrugged, "that you deserved a Big moment. I know you wanted the Empire State Building," Mindy shook her head with tears in her eyes, "but that's not our place. Our place is here. At the airport. Well, not really the airport. On a plane home from the West Coast. But this was the best I could do. Min, I was in love with you on the way back from Santa Fe. I was in love with you when you came back for me at my Dad's. When that turbulence hit, I knew. I knew I didn't want to live another second without you by my side. Whenever I'm on a plane, I know I'm coming home. To you.

So I ask: will you, Dr. Mindy Lahiri, do me the greatest honor of marrying me?" He looked up at her, all puppy eyes. Mindy could tell he was sweating through his jacket, waiting for her answer. A small crowd had gathered, waiting too.

"Danny Castellano." She smiled. "Of course I will marry you." She laughed as Danny broke out into beaming smile. He stood up and gathered her in his arms, spinning her around. He put her down, shakily slipping the ring onto her finger and catching her lips in his. They were both shaking from the adrenaline. They stood there amidst the cheering crowd, lost in the moment. After a few seconds, Mindy nodded to the onlookers, turning back to make out with her boyfriend. Ahem. Fiancé.

When they had finally calmed down, Mindy pulled a little bit away from Danny. "Well, I can't follow that," she said, laughing. "Your present is gonna seem so lame now."

"You marrying me is the best present you could ever give me," Danny said seriously, staring into her eyes.

"I dunno…this one is pretty great too." She looked devious. Danny laughed, giving in. "Alright. What's my present?"

Mindy reached into her jacket, pulling out a baseball glove. "I got it signed by Yogi Berra. He goes to my coffeeshop, so I bought him a latte. Happy Valentine's Day, baby." Mindy smiled as she handed Danny the mitt. He gaped, glancing between her and the glove. "First of all, I refuse to believe that Yogi Berra drinks his coffee anyway but black. Second of all…you. are. Amazing." He gathered her up in another embrace, spinning her around. Mindy laughed, happy.

"So you like it?" she asked worriedly.

"Do I like it? I love it." Danny whispered, leaning in to kiss her. They stood there, blissfully happy in their bubble. Mindy glanced around them at the unlikely scenery. Never had she imagined that she would be getting engaged at JFK. Times Square, maybe. But JFK? Oh, how Danny had changed her life for the better.

"Do you know where I got the idea for the proposal?" Danny asked, still holding onto his fiancé.

"No, where?" Mindy asked, racking her mind for any terminal-specific memories.

"Love, Actually. You finally got me with your cheesy movies." Danny smiled, not sounding upset at all.

"Well, good. Cuz you have many more viewings to look forward to," Mindy replied. She glanced around the terminal one more time, taking in the scenery. This was Her Place now. Forever. She smiled at Danny, pulling her prince charming behind her.