Disclaimer: I do not own HTF. All characters in this story belong to Mondo Media. I only own the plot.

Warnings: sexual themes, violence and vulgar language.

Remarks: All characters are humanised.

Flaky didn't know what to do. Besides shrieking at the top of her lungs, she could not think of any better ideas. As she stood aside watching her lover murder every single one of her friends, her tears wouldn't stop. Although she realized everyone would be resurrected the very next day, due to a devious curse once cast upon this Happy Tree Town, she still could not bear to see her companions tortured to death. If only she had been braver, she would have stood up against him. She hated it when she was being such a useless, selfish coward. Whenever a massacre began, the first thing that ever crossed her mind was to escape and hide.

Now that everyone was gone, it was down to her alone. She was petrified by Petunia's final scream. It was just unendurable. Half an hour ago, the two girls were still conversing happily with each other until Toothy, the buck-toothed boy inadvertently popped the champagne, simply oblivious to Flippy's presence.

Flippy, the town's young war veteran, was infamous for his mental disorder. Whatever reminded him of wars, his sanity would snap. The once glorious soldier would turn into a monstrous, sadistic murderer, wiping out all the existence that came into his sight.

Blood spattered everywhere. Flaky was beginning to feel giddy. Hearing footsteps draw closer, she shivered. At any rate, he would find her and when he did, he would most definitely not spare her. She would simply end up like everyone else. Dead.

"Flaky, I know you're here. Where are you~" The voice called out poetically, sending chills down the poor girl's spine. She squirmed in her secret hiding place which was, frankly speaking, not quite secret. The soldier was way too intelligent and deceitful. She was just clumsy and feeble.

He knew well she was under the table and the only thing he needed to do was uncover the table cloth and grab her out. Yet, he had gotten accustomed to this game of tormenting her by filling her with ever so much fear. He wouldn't find her right away but instead, he would fool around and toy with her fragile heart. He pretended to be searching for her, whispering her name every once in a while just to frighten her.

Whether showing up or not, she reckoned she was doomed. This time, she decided to confront him. On the bright side, perhaps seeing her would snap him out of abnormality. It had happened before. There had been a time when he was about to scratch her cheek with a bowie knife and she squealed. Her voice incited him to flip back.

"Oh, there you are." Fliqpy, or simply Evil is what they call him. He is the other side of Flippy, the evil side, to be more precise.

His yellow eyes widened with excitement. He glared at her and a crooked grin spread across his face.

She had a sudden urge of fleeing as terror closed her in. But there was no turning back. He had seen her and he wouldn't let her go that easily.

"Please...Fli- " Before she could finish her sentence, he seized her wrists and dragged her across the room, so violently that she began crying deliriously.

"Thinking I will flip back, huh?" He sneered. "Not this time, my girl."

"No!" She yelped. Tears rolled down her face. She struggled a little but he was too strong.

"Fliqpy, please, you're hurting me!" Flaky screeched, trying to break free.

"That's what I intend to do, stupid girl." He shot her a menacing glance and she flinched.

"I wonder what he sees in you." Fliqpy tightened his grip and shoved her against the wall. Her head struck the solid concrete and let out a creaking sound. It was as though her cranium had fractured. "You're nothing but an ugly bitch. A brainless, pathetic, scaredy-cat. The idea of him falling for you just pisses me off!"

Fliqpy wielded the dagger in the air and with all his might, stabbed into Flaky's left shoulder. The girl moaned in agony and collapsed to the ground. The psychotic boy started walloping and trampling on her incessantly. He yanked her wavy crimson hair and tossed her around the room.

When Flaky's body was eventually covered entirely in bruises, she was so exhausted that she could hardly move a muscle. Fliqpy stood above her and smirked, carefully licking off a trace of blood on his dagger.

"You know what, even if Flippy can't see what's happening right now, he'll know afterwards." Fliqpy grinned cunningly. "And what I enjoy most is doing things he hates most. Making him see you suffer because of him entertains me! His ultimate fault is to fall in love with you!"

"Kil-kill me...then." Flaky stammered. The girl was tired of suffering continuously. She preferred death. After all, she would come back to life sooner or later.

"Wanna end this fast?" Fliqpy shook his head in disappointment. "Not a chance, sweetie."

This time, he stabbed her thigh, slicing open her creamy skin. The revolting red liquid squirted out of her open wound. She howled and writhed in pain. He lodged the blade deep into her flesh and hauled it out roughly. Watching her blood spit out turned him on. He began laughing frantically and cutting Flaky in various spots. Yet, none of these stabbings was sufficiently fatal. Death never welcomed her. There was only endless pain.

She struggled while she was still holding a breath. Tears soon completely drenched her face.

"Please...stop...Fliqpy..." The heartless soldier ignored her pleas and proceeded to smack her.

"Well, we're done with shoulders, arms and legs, what's next?" He snickered.

Flaky shook her head in horror, half envisioning the worst part of his sickening game.

"Shhh...my girl, there's nothing to fear." Fliqpy giggled and bent down to kiss her forehead. "Death is near but not quite."

"How about a little love game?" Suddenly, he raised his brows. "This should be fun!"

He gripped her red hoodie and tore it.

"NO!" Flaky bawled, but it was too late. Her severely injured body was exposed to the air. The boy pinned both of her palms to the ground with knives, disallowing her movement.

Slowly, he leaned forwards and blew into her ears. "Bet you and Flippy haven't gone this far yet, right?"

"No... please...don't..." Flaky knew what was going to happen. She groaned as Fliqpy's hands reached out for her breasts, giving them a forcible squeeze.

"No..." She wept. The humiliation was killing her. It was suffocating her.

"You little chick." Fliqpy chuckled. "I like your body." He loomed forwards and skillfully licked off some of her blood. She had never in her life imagined a guy would do such mortifying thing to her.

As his lips touched her skin, she clenched her eyes in embarrassment. He ripped open her skirt. Just as he was about to reach for her legs, the girl yelled for one last time. "Please don't do that! I beg you! You know I love you, Flippy! SO STOP!"

Well, she didn't expect it to work but it actually did. He paused for a second, dropping his weapon to the ground.

His yellowish eyes and sharp teeth gradually vanished. His evil look was replaced with an innocent yet confused expression.

Flippy glanced at his girlfriend in astonishment, merely believing what he saw. Flaky's clothes were all torn and she was only wearing undergarments. She was trembling badly and her face was completely smeared by her hot tears.

"Oh no..." Flippy cried, twisted in angst and guilt. "I flipped out again!"

In a fleeting moment, he burst into tears. Swiftly, he unpinned Flaky and draped his coat around her body.

"I...I'm so glad you're b-back..." Flaky whined and hugged him.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, Flakes." Flippy sobbed, still caught in much shock and remorse. "I've killed everyone again! And I've hurt you..."

"It's okay...You're back. Our friends will be back too." Flaky mumbled, though she was still quivering in sheer fright. "And you know I'll a-always forgive you..."

"I can't let him out again." The boy sniveled, feeling so ashamed of his evil counterpart. In no way would he permit himself to hurt the one he loved again. Or at least, he deemed so. "I can't imagine what he would do to you... oh...I'm so sorry, Flaky!"

He was right though. If he didn't flip back this time, the girl would clearly be in trouble. And it was not any sort of trouble like being murdered. But worse. Possibly being raped and insulted by her own lover.

Flaky nodded and rested in Flippy's arms. The room returned to its previous silence and peace.

Yet, in vague consciousness, Flaky seemed to hear Fliqpy's voice sneer.

Until next time, sweetheart.

At this point, the girl shuddered and finally fainted.

Ever since Flippy flipped out last time, he had been locking himself home for more than two weeks. At first, Flaky thought he just didn't want to hurt anybody again by keeping his distance from the outside world. Lately, paranoia took the best of her. The girl was beginning to doubt if he was growing tired of their rotten relationships. Whenever they were together, she could tell how much effort he had made to suppress his evil alter-ego. Still, accidents happened. Even if he stayed so cautious, he failed to counteract Fliqpy's presence entirely.

Approximately two weeks after the incident, Flaky woke up early one morning, thinking it might be good to check on her boyfriend. She hadn't seen him for days and it felt like forever. He had been avoiding her constantly just to keep her safe. Yet, no one could understand how much the girl missed her lover. She didn't want their relationships to go downhill simply because of the hysterical split personality Flippy possessed.

The redhead spent some time rummaging through her closet. She wanted so much for her boyfriend to see her in her brand-new flowered dress. She didn't need any compliments or kisses but a simple smile from the army boy.

On her way to his house, Flaky bumped into Cuddles and Giggles. Cuddles was blonde teen known for his egocentricity and mischief. His partner, Giggles, the adorable pinked-haired girl, was equally outspoken and extroverted. She was also regarded as the most gorgeous girl in the town. The couple waved merrily at Flaky. The pinkette was having an ice-cream. The two looked rather pleased to see their timid buddy.

"Hi, Flaky, how're things?" Giggles greeted.

"Hi, Giggles...er...pretty good." Flaky grinned back politely. The girl had an extremely problem of anxiety. Even speaking to her close friends, she couldn't help fidgeting with her own hands.

"Where're you heading to?" Cuddles inquired. The blonde looked a bit different than usual. Flaky, sensitive as she always was, studied him and immediately realized he was wearing a pair of new bunny slippers. As soon as Giggles saw the redhead staring at Cuddles' slippers, she chuckled proudly. "I bought him these yesterday. What do you think?"

"Well...um...they look cute." Flaky made a faint smile.

"Oh, look, here come Petunia and Handy!" Cuddles exclaimed, pointing to the couple. The blissful scene of them walking hand in hand somehow made Flaky's heart melt. The four of them were obviously having a double date.

"I wish you could come too, Flaky." Petunia, a blue-haired girl slightly older than the others winked at Flaky. "I mean, if you want to, you can join us anytime!"

The redhead nodded shyly at the friendly offer and slipped away quietly.

As she plodded down the road, she wondered why she was always the odd one in the crowd. The fact that Giggles and Petunia could always get along with their mates so easily somehow made the redhead rather envious. Her relationship with Flippy was often intense and difficult. Needless to say, she could never stay in harmony with her boyfriend's evil counterpart.

Nonetheless, the solider was never like this before he went to wars. He was normal and they were best friends from childhood. He was five years older than Flaky but they grew up together. When the two were small, he was like her big brother. The good thing about living in this cursed Town is that people don't age after they turn eighteen. When Flippy was eighteen, he joined the army and fought in wars for a few years. Flaky still remembered the day when he left the town. She practically cried for hours.

"It's not like I'm not coming back, Flakes." Flippy reassured his little friend, running his fingers through her messy red locks.

"Yes...I...know..." Flaky blubbered.

The boy sighed and knelt down before her so that they were facing each other.

"You know what, Flaky, it's always happy when you're around me." Flippy confessed. "Even though you never speak much, I love having you beside me. You're like an angel to me, my guardian angel."

The girl stopped sobbing at once and gazed at his gorgeous face, not knowing how to respond properly to his subtle confession.

"Just...don't feel sad because I have to leave." The boy smiled. "Think about the time when we meet up again. Think about how beautiful you will grow up to be and how much fun we are going to have when I return."

The girl finally gave in to his words. She nodded and wiped away her tears. The thought of him coming back settled her a little. Not wishing to disappoint him, she stopped looking miserable.

"Come on, my girl, smile for me." He tittered, stroking her face gleefully.

The girl merely smiled and it was enough to appease him. He kissed her check lightly and bid her farewell.

From then on, Flaky waited patiently for her crush's return. Time rolled on and years went by. Whenever there was a news about the army, she would rush to check if Flippy's battles were over. Even if someone reminded her me that he might be lost in the war forever, she refused to believe in such possibility. She knew he would come back to her in the end. He wouldn't bear to leave her alone in this world. If he really did vanish without a trace, she would be truly angry then.

"Please be alright, Flippy."

The redhead prayed every night before sleep. She knew God would grant her wish on hearing her constant prayers. She wished for nothing more than just him coming back safe and unharmed. And she didn't care if he had changed or became someone else. All she wished for him to return to her side.

It was a great relief to her that he did come back. Flaky was in complete ecstasy.

"Flippy!" She called out and hurried to him. Most parts of his body were wrapped in bandages. The sight was heartbreaking but she swallowed her sobs.

"You're..." It took him a minute or two to recognize her. Five years had passed since he entered the battlefield. The redhead he once knew had grown to be a refined beauty. "Ohhh...you're Flaky!" The young fellow smiled triumphantly and embraced his girl. "You've grown so much that I barely knew it was you! Oh, Flakes, you're such a pretty, fine lady now!"

Tears streamed down his face as he hugged her pleasantly and apologized. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

Happiness didn't last long. When Flaky first learned about Flippy's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, she was basically crestfallen. He must have gone through a lot to have caused him such a devastating illness. She could not picture what had happened to him during wars. It hurt her so just to think of it. In the beginning, she was startled and frightened, not knowing how to deal with his radical changes. Soon, she got used to his insanity. It was unbearable though to see him drowning in self-accusation every time after he flipped out.

"I can never forgive myself for doing such thing to you." He had said sternly and Flaky knew he meant it. He was always fighting with Fliqpy in his mind. Every day, it was a miracle for him to wake up knowing he was still in a normal state, not being conquered by his evil split personality.

Flaky had seen Fliqpy several times only. Most of the times when the soldier flipped out, she was not around or at least, he wouldn't allow himself near her. There were times she actually got killed by Fliqpy, but mostly, she died fast with little pain. When she was present, her screams could always snap him out of his evil state. But recently, it seemed that Fliqpy was growing more immune to Flaky's defensive squeals and more conscious of her presence. Probably because he now realized that Flippy loved her, he was more determined to torture both of them. It's not that Flaky really minded being physically abused but she just hoped that Flippy wouldn't keep criticizing himself for what he didn't do. It was all Fliqpy's fault. Not Flippy's.

Loving someone is to accept everything about him. Even if Flippy was mentally unstable, Flaky dared spend the rest of her life with him.

Right now though, she wished he would answer the door.