Author's Note: A little something I wanted to upload in time for Valentine's Day but it ended up being a bit late (it was a full moon this week- could a Lupin fic be any more appropriate?), though I'm hoping to post another five parts or so. I'm not much of a Remadora shipper as a general rule, but I love the idea of Tonks refusing to leave Lupin alone. The title may change later, so keep an eye on it.

He'd known this day was coming. He just hadn't expected it quite so soon.

Lupin stared glumly at the boiling kettle on the stove, trailing his wand absently through the steam curling up from the spout. It was seven o'clock on a Monday morning at number twelve Grimmauld Place, and as usual he was the first one up, though it seemed that this particular morning wasn't going to go as smoothly as most. With a sigh, he took the kettle off the boil and poured hot water into two spotted blue mugs.

A hand reached out to take one. 'Thanks.' Tonks smiled warmly at him as she cradled the hot drink close to her chest. 'Free coffee? I should get weighed under with work more often.' She'd arrived only a few minutes ago with a stack of papers as thick as her arm. In typical Tonks fashion, they were due in today and she hadn't even started on them.

Lupin found himself unable to meet her fond expression and turned away to reach for the small pot sitting next to the stove. 'Do you take sugar?'

'No, ta.' She took a noisy slurp as he heaped several teaspoonfuls into his own mug. Why did it have to be today?

When he turned back she was wearing a satisfied expression. 'You make a good cup of coffee, Remus.' She leant back against the counter, eyes closing as she inhaled the steam. With her pink hair tamed to a gentle marshmallow she looked uncharacteristically peaceful. Lupin hated to spoil the mood, but he might as well get it over with.

'Tonks,' he said slowly, putting down his mug, 'I've been meaning to have a talk with you.'

Tonks opened her eyes sleepily. 'Yeah?'

He slipped his hands into his pockets to prevent himself from fidgeting and forced himself to hold eye contact with her. 'What we have between us... it's been wonderful working with you, and I'm very glad that we're good friends-'

'Hear, hear.' Tonks toasted him with her mug before talking another long draught from it.

Lupin took a deep breath. 'And that's the way I think it should stay.' The words fell like dead weights between them and he immediately wanted to snatch them back out of the air, but he'd made up his mind to have this issue addressed before it had the chance to go any further. After a year of working together they'd become very close friends, but recently Tonks been dropping hints that she might be after something more than friendship.

'Oh.' Tonks raised an eyebrow. 'I see.'

'Now I don't want you to be offended,' he said hastily, 'but I just wanted to clarify should the thought have occurred to you. I consider my job at the Order my first priority and I'm not looking for anything... not right now.'

At the last three words, Tonks raised her other eyebrow. She didn't look angry or embarrassed as he'd expected her to be. Instead, she looked puzzled. 'What, never?' She put her empty coffee cup down on the counter without looking at it.

'I'm not the right person for you,' he said wearily. 'Believe me when I say it wouldn't work.'

Tonks took the tiniest of steps towards him, hands clasped together behind her back. 'Are you sure about that, Remus?' she asked quietly, with the tiniest glimmer of mischief in her eyes.

'I'm too old for you, Nymphadora,' said Lupin sternly. 'And if you think that I'm going to let a young witch like yourself be stuck with someone like me-'

'Aww, look at you getting all schoolmasterly,' she chuckled.


'It's nice of you to be concerned Remus, but I am old enough to think for myself, thanks. And besides-' She smirked at him. '-so what if I like older men?'

'Now look,' said Lupin, feeling his cheeks grow warm despite himself. 'I am not the kind to joke around and I do not say this lightly. I'm a social outcast, a burden, unable to find work or keep a house of my own- and what's more I'm at least ten years your senior.' He lowered his voice as he heard the front door opening. Moody was always one of the first to arrive. 'I am not suitable for someone like you.' Tonks opened her mouth to interrupt but he shook his head at her. 'Now please, I don't want to hear another word on the matter. I want you to dismiss this idea completely, and find someone who isn't as dangerous as I am.'

Tonks stared at him uncomprehendingly for a few moments, then shrugged. 'Alright,' she said, holding out her hands for emphasis. 'Alright, you've convinced me.'

Lupin blinked. 'I have?'

She nodded vigorously. 'Yup. Totally convinced.' She picked up the stack of papers from the kitchen table and hefted them under her arm. 'And I solemnly swear that I won't say another word about it.' She began to edge out of the doorway.

Lupin relaxed hesitantly. 'Good. I'm glad we're clear.'

'Not another word,' she reiterated, then her face broke into an enormous grin and she slunk out of the room. 'See you later, Remus. And thanks for the coffee.' She winked at him, then the door closed behind her.

Lupin listened to the sound of her retreating footsteps, taking a thoughtful sip of his coffee. Had he been firm enough with her? Perhaps his worries had been unfounded, but she'd still been unusually cheerful about it all. He'd like to think that she'd taken his advice, except that he'd seen that expression on her cousin's face all too often. It was the one Sirius had worn back at Hogwarts whenever he had a great plan up his sleeve, usually involving a prank of some kind...

Lupin sighed and rubbed his forehead wearily. He had a feeling it was going to be a long week.