Hidden behind a column, Isabella spied upon the sheriff, her brother, and Prince John.

"She broke a feather, poor thing," the sheriff said, showing off his prized peregrine perched on his gloved hand. "But she healed nicely, oh yes, and is ready to hunt again."

Noticing Prince John's bored pout, the sheriff added, "Look, Gisbourne, hmm. See how strong her wings are now."

"Yes, my lord," Isabella heard her brother state, dryly.

"No, no, Gisbourne! Look closer! She won't bite!"

Isabella watched Guy obediently put his face close to the sheriff's falcon, then jumped when the bird plunged its sharp beak into his neck. Blood spurted from the wound, and Guy tore the bird off him, shouting an oath.

"A clue...no!" the sheriff laughed, thrilled to have amused Prince John, and rewarding his falcon with a scrap of meat.

Isabella stifled her own giggles, wanting to throw Guy a triumphant sneer while joining her laughter with the sheriff's and Prince John's. But she remained hidden. It wasn't the right time. She wanted to be certain she looked her very best when she showed herself to the prince.

He was, she believed, a very attractive man. If only he wouldn't pose and prance around so much, he might be quite irresistible. Not as irresistible as Robin Hood of course, but then, what man was? Those eyes, those shoulders, that mouth! Robin Hood might be a goody-two-shoes, but he had a very sensual mouth. It seemed to promise Isabella raging passion she could barely wait to experience. But then again, physical passion wasn't all there was to life. Robin Hood, she reminded herself, didn't hold the prince's power.

If she could become the royal mistress, think of how she could lord things over her brother! She would be in control of Guy's destiny, not the other way around! How she'd love to watch him beg her for favors!

She stuck her tongue out at Guy, even though she knew he couldn't see her. She was enjoying his pain, not only from his bleeding wound but from his humiliation at the hands of the sheriff and the prince. And of course, the falcon.

"If only Robin Hood could break a feather!" Prince John growled, bored now with Gisbourne's agony. "He is still a thorn in my royal backside, you know." Stamping his feet, he shouted, "I WANT HIM CAUGHT!"

"Ooh, every bit as much as I do, Your Highness," the sheriff agreed. Isabella watched him pause, as an idea took hold in his mind. "Oh," the sheriff crowed, his eyes widening in excitement, "yes! This is good! This is good!"

"What is?" Prince John asked, catching the sheriff's mood.

Guy continued scowling, the palm of his hand pressed hard against his wound to stop its bleeding.

"Caught, Hood shall be!" Vaisey promised, exuberantly. "And when he is, we shall see his 'feathers' broken! Oh, yes! Oh, yes!"

"Hood isn't a bird," Gisbourne sneered.

"Oh don't be so literal, Gisbourne," the sheriff sneered back. Then recovering his excitement, he laid out his plan. "We'll break his fingers, one by one! Oh, yes! Yes! We can take turns! And then, hmm, we'll have a little archery competition, before we kill him! Oh, this is good! This is good!"

Isabella was rather surprised to see Sheriff Vaisey and Prince John join hands and dance around in a circle like two little squealing girls. When they stopped, she watched the prince's ringed fingers smooth his hair.

She had better be smoothing her own hair, or fluffing out its curls, before she presented herself to His Highness. Luckily, she was wearing her new burgundy colored gown, which she knew was completely enticing.

None of the dead Lady Marian's sweet rose petal scent for the prince! No! Isabella needed to go to her room and sprinkle on a more exotic perfume.

Just as she was turning to go, she heard Prince John command, "I want to see Locksley's village! Take me there, Sheriff!"

"It's my village, now, Your Highness," Gisbourne said, made even more furious by hearing Hood called one of his former titles.

"Well then," Prince John announced, "you shall take me there! Clean out your wound, Gisbourne, and order my horse saddled! I want to go to Locksley, and spit on the graves of Hood's fathers!"

"Why be so polite, Your Highness, hmm?" the sheriff asked. "Let's piss on their graves!"

Prince John laughed. "Of course! And let's see what other fun we might stir up, in Robin Hood's village!"

"Did I ever tell Your Highness about the time I had Hood's parents' corpses dug up?"

Isabella turn and fled, running to her room.

Now was her chance to show herself to the prince, and make an impression. She would accompany him to Locksley, and...who knew what might happen afterwards?

Isabella thought she had a pretty good idea.

The balance of power between herself and her brother was about to shift.