Disclaimer: I don't own Fate/Stay Night or Campione. They belong to their writers Kinoko Nasu & Takedzuki Jou

Being reborn in another world can be a very confusing experience. Imagine your mind trapped in a body of an infant who was just born and having to experience being a toddler for a few years. This of course includes being smothered by your various relatives, breast fed and your diapers changed regularly. Yeah, it's that awkward. The clincher? They are not even my blood relatives.

My mother died giving birth to me (after naming me Shirou) and I was adopted almost immediately after. Apparently, she was an illegal immigrant who found herself pregnant after being raped. Despite that, she still carried me in her for the whole 9 months with tender loving and care if what I was told is true. I believe this is true because the only photo I have of her is during her pregnancy, sitting on a small chair rubbing her growing belly with such a happy and peaceful smile.

She had long red hair that reached her waist, beautiful golden eyes and seems to be quite tall compared to average Japanese women. She was also quite beautiful with a heart shaped face which was enhanced with her smile that reminded me very much of Sakura after we saved her from Zouken and the Grail.

The people who adopted me were the Kusanagis. They found my mother lying on the street in labour one night and helped her to the hospital. After finding out that she was an illegal immigrant without any shred of identifications and was pregnant from being raped, which they found out from their short conversations with her to the hospital, they decided to take me in. I will forever be indebted to this family for raising me and my mother for loving me despite the circumstances of her pregnancy.

I was raised by Kusanagi Ichirou, who from the family hierarchy is the grandfather in the house, along with my brother Godou and my younger sister Shizuka. Grandpa Ichirou seems to be quite the traveler and playboy in his youth. I can say this with the utmost certainty because whenever he brought me and Godou traveling with him; there will always be some women who would recognize him and start to flirt with him which he flirts back. This always causes grandmother no end of worry and headache. Still, he taught me and Godou how to take care of ourselves when traveling to unknown lands. Not that I needed it since I'm already used to it, but it was an interesting experience.

As for my Magecraft, when I first tried to access my circuits and found that I can't, I almost panicked thinking that I don't have any circuits in this world until I realized the familiar sensation of my Od flowing through me. Turns out, this world's rules in conjunction with Magecraft are a little different in terms of how to accumulate prana. Thankfully, I can still use Tracing and have access to my Reality Marble. After some experimenting, I found out that this world does not try to limit my Magecraft like my original world. Meaning, that Gaia does not exist in this world to interfere with my Magecraft. I find Tracing to be easier to use with the prana cost cut to almost a fifth of what I'm used to which is quite the bonus and my Projections lasts until I want it to. The Magi in my world will be salivating at the prospect of their Mysteries not being limited by Gaia.

Gaia's influence to my Structural Analysis was also evident when I found it to be easier to structurally analyze any objects other than swords since being reborn in this world. This is to the point that I can even start to Trace firearms, albeit only simpler ones like small pistols and Revolvers (I still can't Trace rifles or machine guns or more complicated firearms, that would have been really cool though). I've started to modify these guns with runes to increase their effectiveness (thank you Rin and Bazett for the various lessons).

I've also discovered that I can actually Trace the skills of the various owners of the blades in UBW without actually Tracing the weapons themselves as long as I follow all the steps of Tracing except the last one. Very useful if I want to keep my Magecraft a secret when I require a specific set of skills while using mundane set of blades. My experiment with mixing these skills together astounded even me. Mixing Saber's and Sasaki Kojirou's swordsmanship allowed me to beat up a whole gang of armed delinquents that had more than 30 members while I was seven without even using Reinforcement or any other Magecraft. That incident became a sort of legend in the town. Thankfully, I was wearing a helmet I Traced and lived in a different prefecture so they never found out it was me.

Life went on peacefully until I reached high school ( that is, if you don't count the times I went on a crusade as a vigilante capturing criminals and decimating gangs, mobs, mafias and yakuzas lurking in the town while still keeping it a secret from my family). I had planned on traveling the world to find any traces of a magical community until I met Mariya Yuri, the current school idol. I was able to immediately identify that she was some kind of Magi if my prana sensitive nose was any indication. I cornered her while disguising myself and changing my voice slightly. Of course I made it clear I wasn't threatening her. I was curious of this world's magical community and wanted to know more about them before revealing myself. Mariya was at first wary of me but after a while, she seemed to sense my sincerity and revealed everything that I might need to know about the current 'magical world' (at least, everything she was allowed to divulge anyway).

Finding out how the History Compilation Committee operate set me at ease since they use mostly hypnosis and information black outs without harming the innocent, making them far better than the Clocktower in my book. When she started to explain about the Heretic Gods, those who rebelled against their own myth, that descend on the world and the Campione, Devil Kings who usurped the Authority of the Heretic Gods they defeated, that I started to worry. No matter the Heretic Gods or the Campiones, it seems that they almost always cause destruction on the level of natural disasters wherever they appear. It felt like I was in the Grail wars again when it reminded me of battles between Servants.

I left Mariya with a 'thank you' before parting. For the next few weeks, I brooded on the information I received before I decided on a course of action. My decision was to meet with the current era of Campiones and see if they are really like what Mariya described them as, tyrants who take what they want from the populace and cause great suffering without remorse. I had a long talk with the whole family about my decision (using the 'traveling the world to experience what the world has to offer' excuse). Shizuka cried saying that I haven't taught her enough about my culinary skills, Godou gave me some moral support and Grandpa Ichirou gave me his blessings. I wasn't surprised that Grandpa Ichirou let me leave so easily, I already finished my compulsory education plus a university qualification back in my original world (I really have to thank Rider for infecting me with her love of books, it really helped my studies a lot) and it showed in my studies in my current world.

On the eve of my departure, I start to reminisce about the family I made back in my original world. It still amazes me to this day how big my family ended up being. Marrying Rin, Saber, Sakura, Rider, the Sekireis Musubi, Tsukiumi, Akitsu, Karasuba, Miya, Kusano, Matsu, Kazehana, Uzume, Chiho (human), the Dead Apostle Ancestor Altrouge, the True Ancestor Arcueid, the female human personification of humanity's will Alaya-ko, the Aozaki sisters Aoko and Touko had given me many children I cared for. Remembering Gilgamesh as the nanny still gives me a warm feeling of accomplishment inside my heart. And finally, Archer, the person who I used to hate his guts for daring to even call himself an Emiya after giving up his ideals. I was finally able to see how despairing it is to be unable to save those who you desperately want to and that having a family of my own was what prevented me from becoming like him. Once I considered it, he must have been forced to kill those in Fuyuki City in alternate worlds including Rin, Sakura, Fuji-nee and other people I/he knows time and time again when any of my alternates fail to destroy the Grail. I start to think that among others, he also deserves a happy end. I only hope that Rin and Aoko manage to figure out a way to combine the Second and Fifth Magic to allow him a second chance so that Counter Guardian EMIYA's existence will finally find peace. As for me, I died on a hill of swords at age 47 fighting against the Magi who was jealous of my family's power and waged war on us. I fought to protect my family so I have no regrets. I was glad that Takami was able to find a way for my Sekireis to not fall with me when I died. I hope they live a happy life to the very end. Of course, as soon as I'm able to, I would hurry home to their arms once I find a way to go back. Or Rin finds me first.

The next day, I departed from Japan. Shizuka cried the whole way to the airport while Godou tried to comfort her. I bid them good bye with the biggest smile I can muster. They are also my family now; I'll definitely come back to them once I finish my quest to meet with the Campiones. Little did I know that upon returning, I would find that not only Godou would become the Seventh Campione, he would also have his own harem just like mine.

A/N : My first fanfic. Please review.