Hey guys, here's a new story for you all. It's a Twilight story, as you may have guessed. This is a Paul/OC story.

Summary: After the death of her mother, a young English girl is invited to go and live with her God Mother, Tiffany Call and her son Embry. Tiffany and Embry try to make it as easy for Sully as they can; and introduce her to the tribe and pack. Just how well will she fit in? And what will happen when a certain hot headed wolf imprints on her?

Yea, I know the whole imprinting thing isn't exactly original but...hey ho!

"Mom? Will you calm down? Everything is perfect!"

Embry said to his mother, Tiffany, who had frantically been tidying up their house; making sure everything was perfect for their new arrival. Tiffany was very nervous, although she saw Sully a lot through keeping in contact and sometimes the teen and her mother would come and stay, this was different. This was permanent. Tiffany was in no way regretting her decision of allowing Sully to come and live with them but she was allowed to be nervous. She was both thrilled and terrified at the through of having a girl. Even when Madeleine had been alive, Tiffany had always treated Sully like she was her own little girl. When Tiffany had heard of Madeleine's death, she had immeadiantly requested that Sully come live with her; and when it had been sorted, she and Embry had went to prepare Sully's room.

"Mom, why don't you go and see Sue? Clear your head a bit, before Sully arrives?"

"No, I can't. I still need to get the dresser and wardrobe built..."

"Mom, I'll do that. Go see Sue, have a cup of coffee, have a chat. I'll sort it."

For a moment, it looked like she was going to say no, but Tiffany nodded. "Yea, I'll do just that. Get some air and a chat."

Embry smiled as his mom walked over, kissing him on the cheek as she left. Embry went into the room which had once been a guest bedroom; he looked round it and smiled, well not any more. Now it belonged to Sully. Embry and Sully had always gotten on, and he was just as excited to have her coming over. Embry made sure to build the dresser exactly where his mother had shown him. When they had first heard that it was possible for her to come and live with them, Embry remembered watching his mom sketch out a birds eye view of that room, and in it she decided where the furniture would go. She had planned out Sully's room, just where the furniture went of course. Embry had also wanted his mother to go out so he could paint the room. He had already put down a chocolate brown carpet, and a few days a go he had bought some paint. Tiffany had made it difficult for Embry to do anything to the room and now that she was gone; he took the chance to decorate the room for his new sister, Embry and Sully had always been that close. He had even took his phone out and told some of the pack what he was doing, and each took it upon themselves to keep Tiffany busy so Embry would have enough time to finish the room.

"Em? Embry?"


"Where are you?"

"By the front door, Embry what are you doing?" Tiffany laughed as her son came up to her and covered her eyes with his hands.

"I've got a surprise for you." He simply said and lead his mother down the hall, he made her turn and uncovered her eyes, They were outside of Sully's room, facing the door.

Tiffany resisted the urge to look back at her son, and with a little encouragement, not that she needed any because she knew he had been up to something, she took hold of the handle and opened the door. Tiffany stepped inside and gasped. It was almost as if it was a whole different room. The walls had been painted a soft yet warm orange and the furniture was placed a little differently then she had planned. There were chocolate brown curtains to match the carpet, there wasn't matching bed linen but she could tell that Embry had picked out the best they had and made her bed. Draped across the end of it she saw the Patchwork quilt that Emily had been working on and smiled, around the walls were fairy lights and on her bed side table, Tiffany saw a photo frame; a picture of her and Madeleine holding their two children and smiling were in it. On the dresser, Embry had added little an army of little trinkets. Both Embry and Tiffany smiled at those, it was an entire set of about seven wooden wolves. Sully had bought them a few years ago but was unable to take them home and had asked Embry to watch over them until she came back. Sully loved the markets and little shops, and a few of her beaded necklaces hung over the mirror.

"It's beautiful Embry."

"It's not perfect and a few things need to be added but.."

"She'll love it." Tiffany said and she turned and hugged her son. Her chat with Sue Clearwater had done her wonders. At first Tiffany had believed that she needed to grieve first and get it out of the way before Sully arrived but Sue had explained that Sully might feel better if she knew that she wasn't the only one suffering, she needed to see someone else go through the same thing, then she knew that someone understood what she was going through. Sue had told Tiffany not to try and be her mother, be a mother figure and most importantly her friend. "I've invited a few people over, so when I go to get her, you are staying here and setting up the food and such. I want her to see she's being welcomed here."

"Who's coming?"

"The pack, Billy and Sue and Emily are coming. Paul's mother Sara is coming over as well, And Chief Swan and Bella, is that okay?"

"It'll e perfect, if anything at least she knows me and Quil and Jake."

"And Bella. Remember she met her a few years ago."

Embry nodded, he knew that Sully had gotten on with Bella, but since then things had happened. He wasn't sure if Sully would remember the Cullen family or not, and hoped it was a not. The last time that Sully had visited with her mother, he remembered that Sully had pulled him to one side and asked him about the gigantic wolves she saw running about. Of course, at the time Embry didn't tell his mother or Madeleine or Sully about his secret, since then he had told his mother. Things had died down and as far as they could tell there was no danger so Embry had asked permission from Sam to tell his mother.

Later on in the evening, Embry sat in the house with Sam and Emily. His mother had just went to pick Sully up; Sam and Emily had arrived not long after the door closed. Emily was busying herself, getting the food she had brought ready, whilst they waited for everyone else to show. Sam had stayed close to her, catching the glances she sent towards Embry. With his own glance, it did not take much for Sam to realise why Emily looked so worried. Embry sat fidgeting, Sam had never seen him look so worried.

"Hello? It's just us!" The front door opened and Sue came in first, followed by her children Leah and Seth, as well as Charlie Swan and Bella.

Embry nodded and got up to allow them to sit down and wandered down the hall, at first intent of heading straight to his room, however he was suddenly side tracked by the open door of Sully's room. He entered and looked around the room , he had did a good job but would it be enough? It was her favourite colour and he'd added some of her things that she had left, things that he had kept in a box under his bed. But now that people were arriving and his mom had left to pick her up, Embry started to get nervous. Of course he wanted her here, she was one of his best friends but now Embry was taking on the role of being her brother as well, he just wasn't sure how...


Embry turned and realised he was no longer alone in Sully's room. Emily had joined him, he had caught her looks and thought she would send Sam to talk with him. In a way, he was glad it was Emily; he could tell her what he thought and not worry about her taking the mick out of him for being soft.

"Hey Emily, don't mind me. I'm just.."

"It's okay, you know? No one expects you to be so strong. Tiff said that the two of you were close to Sully and her mom."

"We were, Mom is Sully's Godmother. I've known Sully for so long. Don't tell Jake or Quil, but sometimes I felt a bit closer to Sully then I did either or them. There's just something about her coming and living here..."

"Because it's permanent now?"

"Kind of. Because I've got to be her brother now."

"Be her friend Embry." Emily said in a soft voice, "That's what she needs right now, she needs her friends around her. She has just lost her mom, you can be the brother when she starts dating but now just be her shoulder to cry on."

"Yea. Thanks Emily."


Tiffany quickly turned round and saw her favourite young blonde running towards her. Tiffany laughed as she watched Sully drop hers bags and suitcases and run at her. Tiffany caught her and Sully tackled her into a hug, she pulled the teen close as Sully let out a small sob. The two pulled away and Tiffany couldn't help but smile as she looked upon the teary teen who was beaming at her.

"Happy tears." Sully said, laughing.

Tiffany laughed and lead Sully back over to where she had dropped all of her luggage. The two began to pick up the luggage and make their way back to Tiffany's car, they packed all the luggage into the car and made the drive back to La Push. Tiffany couldn't help but keep glancing at Sully, for a young girl that had just lost her mother...Sully was...well she wasn't acting the way Tiffany thought she would be. Sully was happy, for lack of a better word. It was almost as if she wasn't bothered by her mothers death, but Tiffany knew that was not the case.

"You okay? how are you handling things?"

"I'm fine Tiff, I just...I'm handling things in my own way."

Tiffany nodded, suddenly everything Sue had told her seemed so much harder. Tiffany was expecting Sully to be a crying mess, and that was going to make it easier for her to grieve; but Tiffany wasn't expecting this. "We've got your room all ready. I'll think you'll really like it."

"I'm sure I will. What's happening with school? I mean in England, I've finished but here..."

"Well, we'll sort that out later."

Tiffany felt slightly better as she saw Sully smile again as they entered La Push. With only minutes of their ride home left, they were silent. And Tiffany had to fight her smile as she parked, all the lights were off and she opened the car door for Sully before leading her up to the house and opening the door,


Tiffany looked back, smiling, at Sully who stared at the people in front of her, her eye's looking over every person before they landed on Embry. She ran over and Embry met her half way; capturing her in a large hug.

So there's chapter one. I hope you all like it!
