(I don't own any of the Supernatural characters, they belong to Kripke and CW network)

(A/N This is a love story between an idealistic, lonely and innocent young Sam Winchester and Dean who found himself thrown into a life he never wanted.

Sammy gets Dean pregnant at some point, Dean has a little hidden secret in no mans land. Later chapters will have Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp as lawmen/gamblers/lovers that help the young couple along the way.

Its sex heavy but then Dean is a prostitute and the kid just needs a sweet guy with a pure heart to save him. Also for Megstiel fans there are funny little bits of Cas/Meg.)


Dean Campbell was the number one male whore with the prettiest ass down at the Iron Horse Saloon. In fact Dean had his very own nickname Sweet Rose, Dean knew exactly what it meant but he didn't mind.

It referenced the one thing everyone wanted, Dean's tight, rosy pink…well you get the drift. There were jokes nightly about stemming the rose; Dean had heard them all but he took it in good humor because there wasn't much else he could do.

Just shy of twenty, Dean had a rough start in life. Born to a single mother, his life was uneventful until he found himself alone at eighteen and soon lost the little farm he inherited.

It was quickly swallowed up by the bank and added to their collection of failed homesteads.

Without any skills to speak of Dean moved to the progressive western town of Zachville and soon found work as a prostitute in Zachariah's saloon.

The perverted old man owned most of the town and when he was lucky enough to get Dean in his stable of whores he was never going to let him go. Zach kept a sharp eye on Dean always protecting his pretty young investment.

So there was Dean, hanging it out for every lonely man that could scrape together enough for the finest piece of ass within a thousand miles.

Dean slept by day and worked all night flattering and fucking his way to a nest egg to blow town and get a fresh start. It was never enough of course; Zach took his cut and then some.

Most nights Deans drinks were gratis paid for by any male that wanted a piece of his cherry pie but by dawn when Dean finally took his bath and ate his fill he drank himself to sleep and a good bottle of whisky isn't cheap.

Little did the jade eyed pretty boy know that his very own cowboy hero was about to walk into his life and begin a campaign to free Dean from his shackles, make an honest man out of him and change his life forever.

That hero's name was Sam Winchester.


Sam Winchester was a good kid with big dreams. He was never afraid to get his hands dirty and loved working out on the range away from the main hub of a ranch full of people.

Sam was a virgin, his father John thought it was ridiculous since Sam had his pick of the best looking men around but he was holding out for true love. Sam just knew when the right one came along he would feel it right down to his very core, in fact Sam Winchester believed in love at first sight.

It might have been the crate full of Beadle's dime romance novels his aunt left him when she died that filled his head with such notions but Sam figured if it was good enough for the characters in the books it was good enough for him.

Sam got lonely at times, he hit the barn dances and bonfires loaded with eligible men and danced the night away. If a fella was lucky he got to make out with Sam who prided himself on being an accomplished kisser but there was never that special spark with any of the boys he locked lips with so he'd move on to the next one.

It gave Sam an undeserved reputation as a cock tease when really he was just a good boy with a pure heart looking for true love. He earned the nickname Cherry Sam to make fun of the fact that he was never going to drop those jeans for anyone.

Sam knew exactly what the nickname meant but he was just fine with it and that didn't sway him to change his pure ways. Cherry Sam wasn't going to bend over nor mount any man unless he was truly in love. Sam believed in old fashion courting and just knew if given the opportunity he could make some lucky man happy.

Sam's motto, why buy the cow if the milk is free. He lived by that saying and just knew someday soon the man of his dreams would be right around the corner.

The cattle auction was a boon to the town with money pouring in from everywhere. Men used the weeklong event as an excuse to drink, fuck and act like assholes far away from any husbands or wives and responsibility.

Zach was thrilled as he watched men drinking away their money and gambling into the night. His whores were working overtime and Dean had already staked out a group of pigeons.

The poker game included local ranchers, small time farmers and cowboys along with an assortment of town oddballs.

There was rancher John Winchester, Dick Roman the biggest land baron around, Milo a drunk that always seemed to have money to gamble away, Crowley the local undertaker and even the local sheriff Cas.

The stakes were high and the prize was Dean Campbell whore extraordinaire, he stood there with his delicious ass hung out for the winner and his payment was the entire pot on the table.

Milo stared transfixed by the plump swell of young meat right in his face; Dean prayed that he didn't win because Milo like to catch instead of pitch and the thought of Dean sinking his dick into Milo was not something he looked forward to.

Dean was usually the one bent over anything available taking cock after cock with payment in one hand and the man's wallet he picked in the other double dipping whenever he got the chance.

Gabriel watched from behind the bar and waved to Dean, "Hey babe you want another whiskey?" Dean gave him a wink, "Sure Gabe as long as I'm not paying," Dean did a spin and stopped on a dime, his jeans hung loosely on his hips flashing a bit of chestnut curls and a couple tender hips, "Who wants to buy me a drink?"

The entire bar yelled almost in unison, "Me!"


Meg sat on top of the piano with her legs splayed open and no bloomers on; she waved to a group of cowboys that walked through the swinging doors, "Hey boys over here! I'm as wet as a rain barrel and twice as deep!"

Meg wasn't very good at selling herself, she was a looker but didn't know the meaning of the word coquettish. Still she made Zach a lot of money so he overlooked her crudeness.

Dean yelled, "Yeah if you want something as wide as rain barrel go for it!" He began cackling as Meg shot him a dirty look, "Shut up Dean, you're the one with a dirty gutter."

He wiggled his ass at his competition, "Never have any complaints, I keep my gutter clean and my hedge trimmed. You should try it sometime."

Meg hopped down and sauntered over to the table, she wrapped her arms around the little blue eyed sheriffs neck and purred, "Don't worry baby, if you lose I'll give you a half price tumble just because your cute."

Cas blushed ten shades of red and stammered, "I…I'm just playing for fun, not sex, you know I'm saving myself for marriage." The men around the table burst out laughing thinking the sheriff was joking.

Meg pushed her breasts against the back of his head and played with his hair, "Sure sheriff, whatever you say. Gosh you are such an angel."

Dean bumped her with his hip and took her place running his hands under the shy sheriffs shirt tweaking his nipples, "If you're an angel then I'm a devil…let me take care of that nasty old virginity," Dean stuck his tongue in his ear and then whispered, "Come on Cas…you know you want me bad."

Meg and Dean started fighting so the sheriff made a hasty retreat, they watched him leave and both started to pout. Meg and Dean had a running bet to see who could bed the handsome sheriff first and take that precious cherry.

Dean was watching the game close and kept repeating in his head, "Please not Milo…please not Milo," and luckily Milo tossed down his cards in disgust and said, "I'm out."

John Winchester laid his cards on the table and flashed Dean a big white smile, "Well I guess I'm the lucky man…full house." He raked the pile of money over and motioned for Dean, "Tell me darlin', did I win enough for the entire night?"

Dean looked the mature male over, "Yeah…well at least you have all your teeth and your pretty damn handsome for an old guy, alright come on."

Gabe hustled over and grabbed all the cash, "Don't worry sir, I'll get this put away for Dean after Zach's cut."

John squeezed Dean's rear and leered at him, "I'm going to break that ass boy. I want you to call me daddy while you ride my big horse."

Dean waved toward the stairs, "Go take a bath, I'll be up in awhile. Make sure you wash your junk really good." John grabbed him around the waist and went to kiss him but Dean turned his head, "Whoa there…kissing isn't my thing."

Actually Dean loved to kiss if he could ever find anyone worth kissing. He felt kissing was something special you did with someone you love and Dean didn't have anyone that loved him.

John grumbled all the way up the stairs. Zach grabbed Dean by the arm and gave him a creepy smile, "Treat him good Dean, the Winchesters have a pretty big spread so he has deep pockets."

Dean jerked his arm away, "Yeah I know just let me do my job."


Dean leaned over the bar and watched Gabriel as he counted the two piles of money, "Hey Gabe I saw you pocket a few bills, don't make Zach's highest paid bitch have to spank you, that's extra."

Gabriel pinched his cheek, "I saw you pick a few pockets, I think your just fine, besides the house gets a bigger cut anyway. Isn't there a dick somewhere that needs riding? Stop bugging me you green eyed jezebel."

Dean was about to argue with him but then the saloon doors swung open and in walked Sam Winchester, six feet four inches of pure cowboy angel. He took off his hat, clutched it tightly in his hands and looked around the room trying to spot his father John.

Dean gasped loudly as he took in the tall drink of water, the kids face was a dream. Sam was tan with exotic looking eyes that seemed to change color as they flickered around the room. He also noticed it looked like Sam was smuggling a rattlesnake down the leg of his jeans leaving Dean to wonder if even he could handle that much dick at one time.

When Sam spotted the strange at the bar he froze, suddenly a feeling came over him he never had before. It was as if Sam had been in the dark for years and then the sun came out along with a rainbow, so dazzling that he could hardly stand all that beauty at one time but couldn't take his eyes away.

"This is it…my love at first sight just like in the books! Come on Sam…be brave, take the bull by the horns and ask him out…the worst that can happen is he rejects you…oh god what if he does?" Sam straightened his shoulders and bravely took his first step toward forever.


Sam flashed Dean a dimpled smile sweeter than honey. Dean clutched the bar so he didn't fall over when his knees buckled. His jaw dropped as Sam walked over and stopped right in front of him.

Sam bent down and whispered, "Better close that pretty mouth of yours or else you might catch flies."

Sam took a finger and gently pushed Dean's bottom jaw up, "What's your name?"


Dean forgot his name and Gabriel filled in the details, "His name is Dean, if you want to occupy his time you're going to have to wait in line. He already has a previous engagement with a paying customer upstairs.

Sam held out his hand to Dean, "My name is Sam, I live over on the John Winchester ranch…well actually my dad owns it." Dean reached out slowly and took his hand, "I'm Dean."

Sam broke into a huge grin, "I got that from the weird little guy behind the bar, what's your job here Dean? You must be important if I have to make an appointment with you."

Dean realized Sam had no idea he was a whore even though Gabe almost clubbed him over the head with that information.

When Dean didn't answer Sam became shy lowering his eyes not able to look in the big green ones staring at him, "When are you free? I'm in town for the whole week for the cattle auction."

Dean was never one at a loss for words but somehow Sam Winchester made him too flustered to answer.

Sam was about to walk away taking Deans silence for disinterest when Dean grabbed his arm, "Look I got days off and I usually sleep in but I can meet you in the afternoon…I don't have to be back until later in the evening."

Sam gave Dean that grin again and this time his cheeks were blushed pink, "I'd like that, I'll ditch my dad as soon as I can and meet you here tomorrow afternoon. Hey Dean do you like picnics?"

Dean shrugged, "I've never been on one but I'll try anything once."

Sam put his hat back on and started to back away, "Great, it's a date!" The young man stumbled over a chair and fell flat on his back. Dean rushed over to help him but Dick Roman got there first.

He helped Sam up and snapped at Dean, "Go run along now slut and leave my boyfriend to me." Sam yanked his arm away, "I'm fine Richard and I'm sure as hell not your boyfriend!"

"Remember Sam, call me Dick. Is that anyway to talk to your beau?"

Sam rolled his eyes and stormed past the man that made his skin crawl. He was mortified the handsome, green eyed guy he now had a date with had to see Dick Roman manhandle him.

Dean ran out the door after Sam, "Hey…Sammy is he really your beau?"

Sam turned around breaking into another one of those smiles full of sunshine, "Hell no, I can't stand him but daddy keeps trying to fix me up with him because he's so rich." Sam was going to leave again but hesitated, "No one has ever called me Sammy before…I like it!"

He tipped his hat and left.

Dean had no idea why he called him Sammy but somehow it suited him.


Dean watched as Sam Winchester took long strides across the busy street dodging wagons, horses and crowds like a dancer. For some reason he made Sam nervous and that made Dean's heart sing, it meant he got under the cowboys skin.

Dean did a quick striptease for his client then bent over and spread his ass open flashing the goods, "Like what you see?"

John lay on the bed naked and waggled his erection at Dean, "Oh yeah very nice, come on don't keep daddy waiting."

"You were serious about the daddy thing?"

John winked at Dean, "That's right, for tonight you're going to be my boy."

Dean rolled his eyes and got into character, "Fine…oh daddy what a big cock you have, may I sit on your lap?"

"Really Dean if you're not going to put your heart into it…"

Dean swung his leg over John's hip, "I've been such a bad little boy and my virgin ass is sooo tight, wet and lonely…I've been touching myself."

That got John in the mood, "Dean you are a bad boy, maybe daddy will punish you with a good spanking and then fuck that wet little pussy of yours, take your cherry…would you like that baby boy?"

Dean wasn't just a whore he was a skilled actor, "Mmm…would I!"

John grabbed him roughly and pushed Dean over his lap, he proceeded to spank his ass until it actually became painful and Dean started to protest, wiggling to get away but the man continued until Dean was sure tomorrow he would have bruises.

"Alright sonny boy hop on my cock a make daddy drop a load in that butt."

As Dean rode the rancher's erection, his mind and heart were elsewhere, lost to the dream that now had a name, Sam Winchester. He thought of picnics and kisses, the cowboy's pretty smile and his soft, deep voice.

Dean closed his eyes picturing himself getting married and riding off into the sunset with a boy he just met.


Sam was on top of the world, he hurried through Singers boarding house and bumped into the owner Bobby Singer on the way to his room, "Hi Mister Singer."

"Call me Bobby, what's got you all happy?"

Sam grinned, "I met the nicest boy today and I asked him on a picnic tomorrow afternoon. I got all tingly feeling and I bet if I kissed him I'd find out he's the fella for me…sorry I shouldn't babble on about this."

Bobby gave him an amused look, "How old are you kid?"

"I'm old enough to get married, sixteen in fact so I'm not a kid."

"Whoa now don't take offense, sixteen is plenty old to get married. I'll tell you what, go next door tomorrow to Ellen's Restaurant and have her make you up a nice basket lunch. Tell her Bobby sent you and she might stick some cookies in there."

"Thanks Bobby!"

Bobby Singer watched the tall, awkward young man hurry to his room and shut the door. He chuckled to himself thinking how wonderful it was to be young and in love.


(Ok new story here, tell me what you think.)