I had a really bad case of writer's block, okay? Don't be upset; be happy I'm actually making another chapter. This pretty much picks up where I left off. To be honest, I won't update regularly, because there's no really plot to this story. Also thanks for the tons of feedback guys, I appreciate it.

"Hey Jack, how was the water?" Hiccup said laughing as Jack trudged up to meet them, soaking wet with ocean water.

"Ha, ha, very funny," Jack said sarcastically as he grabbed an extra towel from their beach bag.

As he dried off, Elsa made her way to the group. She was wet too, but her hair was almost dry which suggested she was in the water earlier than Jack. It wasn't hard to tell that she had the upper hand against Jack. Elsa had her sunglasses on her head and had a grin across her face.

Anna, who was sitting next to Rapunzel on her towel, took notice of this. It was mostly her eyes; Anna hadn't seen her sister genuinely happy like this. She smiled from time to time, but her eyes were always gloomy and sad. It made Anna smile herself to see her sister in such a good mood.

"You guys should go for a dip, it's refreshing," Elsa said, taking her towel and drying herself as well.

"Maybe later," Rapunzel said laughing.

Just then, her phone beeped.

"That was Eugene, he said he just found a pizza joint on the board walk near the boogie-board store," Rapunzel informed them, reading the text.

"Good, I'm starv'in," Merida said getting up and shaking out her towel. Sand flew out of it and into Hiccup.

"Watch it!" Hiccup said wiping sand from his eyes.

"Sorry," Merida said flinching as the sand hit him.

Hiccup looked at her with narrowed and a familiar smirk.

"Oh no, not this again," with that, Merida bolted away.

Hiccup chased after her, obviously faster. Rapunzel figured he wasn't trying that hard because they were already halfway down the beach and he still hadn't caught her.

"Should we be concerned?" Anna said leaning towards Rapunzel.

"Nah, this happens a lot. Ever since Hiccup grew taller than Merida, he kinda got majority over her. At least, in his mind," Rapunzel explained.

In the distance, the saw Hiccup literally jump on Merida and tackle her.

Rapunzel went on, "You wouldn't believe but, Hiccup was the, well, how you say, weakling? I'm not trying to be mean, but he was. Before puberty, he was a mess. He told us about how he was the loser in his town. His dad thought he was failure, and he didn't have any friends."

"Wait, this is a good story, we should let Hiccup tell it. He tells it way better than you," Jack said stopping Rapunzel.

"Hiccup tells it way better than you," Rapunzel said in a mocking, whiny voice. "Hate to break it to you, but he seems a little preoccupied."

The blonde gestured to the two teens laughing on the ground together. They watched as Hiccup stood and offered his hand to Merida. As soon as she took it Hiccup pulled her up, grabbed her waist, and threw her over his shoulder. They could see Merida yelling in protest, but also laughing.

"Looks to me like you got her," Jack said laughing when they reached them.

"Yep," Hiccup said, finally putting Merida down.

"Okay everyone, Eugene's gonna be wondering where we are," Rapunzel told everyone. Anna, Elsa, and Rapunzel began to pack up the towels and take down the umbrella.

There was another beep from Rapunzel's phone.

"Eugene says Astrid just got there," Rapunzel informed them. "We'd better get going, or they won't save us any pizza."

"Who exactly is this Eugene?" Elsa asked as they finished packing up.

"He's my boyfriend," Rapunzel told her. The two walked side by side to Jack's car.

"Usually it's just the four of us traveling but we brought him and a few of our other friends with us because we all needed this vacation. Next year we'll all be in college or starting careers. This is probably the last trip we'll have with all of us together in a long time, so we figured we all should be here," Rapunzel finished.

"Wow, you guys must be really close," Elsa figured.

"We are," Rapunzel admitted.

As they approached her car, Rapunzel grabbed her keys and unlocked it. They took two cars, Rapunzel's convertible and Jack's truck. She put her beach bag, the picnic blanket and the umbrella in the back seat.

Out of her bag, she pulled out a floral tank top and light pink shorts.

"What? I'm not walking there in my bikini," She said.

Anna and Merida were at the back of the group so they'd only just reached the car.

"So, what's up?" Anna asked curiously.

"Well, after we change were just going to meet Eugene and Astrid at the pizza place, I guess," Rapunzel informed her.

Merida put on her ripped shorts and tee shirt over her swim suit, leaving Anna and Elsa still in their swimsuits.

"Can we meet you guys there? We'll have to get our clothes from our car," Elsa asked the other two girls.

"Yeah, sure. Eugene said the restaurant was called Mario's Pizzeria," Rapunzel told the two sisters.

"Oh! I love that place! Me and Elsa go all the time!" Anna said excitedly.

The two left to change while the "Big Four" went to the restaurant. Eugene was waiting outside talking to Astrid, but he saw the group out of the corner of his eye and they both greeted them.

"Where've you guys been? We've been waiting for almost a half hour," Eugene said confronting them.

"Sorry, we were a little tied up in the sand, I guess," Rapunzel said a little embarrassed.

"Well, what'a ye lumps waitn' for? I'm gettin' a table even if ye aren't comin'" Merida said folder her arms. "I'm so 'ungry I could eat'a bear!"

"Wait! Wait, I'm here!" they all turned to see who was calling them.

Running up the boardwalk was their friend Tia, who's nickname was Tooth. Everyone called her Tooth because ever since she was little she'd always wanted to be a dentist. For some reason she found teeth fascinating. One time she tried tell Merida about how every tooth has a story, but Merida kind of zoned out.

"Sorry, I'm late. I was checking out the local stores and I lost track of time," Tooth explained.

"Its fine, we just got here too," Hiccup told her.

"I'm gonna get us a table," Merida said entering the pizzeria.

"I'll come," Astrid offered.

The others stayed outside to wait for Anna and Elsa.

"So who are they exactly?" Tooth asked when Rapunzel mentioned them.

"Well, Anna told me Elsa's the mayor as of her twenty-first birthday, and obviously, Anna's her sister," Rapunzel explained.

"They seem pretty cool to me," Jack said crossing his arms and leaning against the front of the pizzeria.

"Especially Elsa, right Jack?" Hiccup said leaning toward his friend.

"Yeah, she's-" then Jack caught him. "Shut up, Haddock."

Jack tried to hide it, but everyone saw him blush slightly.

"Hey guys, what are we talking about?" Elsa said from behind the group.

Her voice made everyone jump, It was like she appeared out of thin air. The group exchanged glances and decided not to tell her they were talking about them.

"Nothing," Rapunzel said shrugging. Believe it or not, Rapunzel was a terrific liar when she needed to be.

"Hi, I'm Anna," the strawberry blonde said, introducing herself to Eugene and Tooth. "And this is my older sister Elsa."

"Eugene," Rapunzel's boyfriend said shaking her hand.

"I'm Tia, but everyone calls me Tooth."

"Would you guys hurry up? The waiter wants our order," Astrid said opening the door to let them in.

"Why do they call you Tooth?" Anna asked Tia curiously as they walked inside Mario's Pizzeria.

"Well," Tooth began. "It all started freshman year of high school."

As the group ate, they exchanged stories about how they met and the adventures they've had. Hiccup told Elsa and Anna about how before he moved to Yensid (the town the rest of the group lived in) his old town wasn't very great. No one believed in him, they all thought he was just the neighborhood screw-up. He went on to talk about how it wasn't until he met his best friend, things turned around.

Anna was only half listening. She was thinking about something else. This must be what it's like to be a part of something, having friends that'll always back you up, doing things just to find out what'll happen if you do it. Being with The Big Four, Anna felt like she finally had a family again. Elsa had never looked happier than when she met them. All these unique people are so different from each other, but somehow together they are better than they are apart.

"This is where I belong," Anna said to herself, smiling.