Danny sighed as he floated down onto the soft couch. He looked up at the ceiling and frowned as he noticed a small dot above him. He floated closer and almost screamed. A spider sat on the ceiling not moving. Danny whimpered as he looked around the small living room. Vlad had already left for work and Danny was alone in the large castle. He could hide in another room until Vlad came home and killed it? No. Vlad wouldn't kill it for him.

"Pull yourself together Danny. You've defeated Pariah Dark AND Dan. You can do this." He charged a hand with ecto-energy and floated closer. The spider moved slightly and Danny flinched before moving forward again. Then the spider did the most terrifying thing Danny had ever seen. It FLOATED away from the wall and towards him. It glowed a soft green as it came closer. Danny stared in shock before flying out of the room as fast as he could.

Vlad groaned as he sat in his office. Only a few more hours until he could go home to his soft bed. He closed his eyes for a moment imagining his silk sheets when his secretary burst into the room. Vlad's eyes snapped open and he growled.

"Mary, what have I told you about knocking." He stated irritability. His secretary, Mary, ignored the comment and frantically pulled him away from his desk.

"I'm sorry Mr. Masters but your house is on fire!" Vlad stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the woman.

"What!" Before she could respond Vlad had already ran to the elevator. He hurried to his car and sped off towards his home, his only thought Is Daniel okay?

Vlad pulled up to his home seeing firefighters putting out the last of the fire. He looked around for a familiar head of black hair. Danny sat on the back of an ambulance with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Vlad hurried over to the boy and cupped his face gently.

"Daniel, are you alright? What happened?" Danny looked away sheepishly.

"There was a spider, Vlad. A GHOST spider." Vlad looked down at the teen in horror and amazement. Danny smiled apologetically at the older man. "I'm sorry?"