This is a drabble. I hope this will be a collection of random drabbles one day, but I have only one right now. So when I will have some other short ideas for a drabble I will surely write it and put it here :) And I'm not native speaker, so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes that you could find here.

This one was just a small idea that crossed my mind when I was going home and looked up to the sky and saw one little star. I don't know why, but it somehow reminded me Arthur, so I decided to write something for it...
Enjoy :)

Summary: Merlin is still waiting for Arthur to return. But what does he do when his hope dies and he can't bear live without his friend anymore? What makes him to believe again?

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin, not even a star...

Story: My Special Star
By: Mischel

All these years. All these centuries. He was waiting for him. So many lifes and so many deaths. But he still kept waiting. For him. For his friend. Because he was worth it.

Every night, when he wasn't sure of his journey. Every night when he was crying for him and felt alone. Every night when he almost lost the hope, he looked up to the sky at one star, his special star, and his hope was back again. He didn't doubt anymore.

Because he knew, deep in heart he knew that his friend's destiny will fulfill. That his friend and his only king will rise again.

But he never really knew that his special star, he liked to pretend was his friend's star, was really him. He never really knew, this star, was his king.


King, that was silently looking on his friend guardian from the sky and was guarding him himself. And the time to fall back into his friend's arms, was soon about to come.

Ok, that's it :) Hope you liked this one little idea :)