Hound never was so glad to see Cybertron and the prospects of seeing Mirage made his long tenure worthwhile. Jazz is busy helping with the recovery efforts as Hound walk up to him. The mech is dinged and dirty which reminds how Mirage looks when he is cover with dirt. Jazz canted his head towards the scout. Nothing is friendly in the Special-Ops sour expression toward the scout.

"Jazz?" spoke Hound his surprise creeping in his tone.


"Is there something a matter?" asked Hound since he could not read the other's mood.

"Ya can say that." Answered Jazz

Fixit spotted them as he scour the area for medical supplies. "Jazz, may be this time to informed him about Mirage's situation."

Jazz scrowl darkly at that suggestion and then snarled. "So he can hurt Raj, again."

"Is there is something wrong with Mirage?" Spoke Hound

"Trailcutter and Ratchet found Mirage injured." Answer Fixit ignoring the glare from Jazz. "He is currently on the Lost Light with Dream-"

"That is enough Fixit!" snarled Jazz in fury

Hound merely transformed and drove in the direction towards the Lost Light. Hound thought about Jazz for moment on the way back. Mirage and Jazz go way back they are special ops together commander and lieutenant but their friendship went beyond the job. Jazz wouldn't be like this he really didn't feel that Mirage wasn't hurt. Hound found his worry grew for Mirage. His cerebro processors are working overtime to what ails Mirage and his condition is.

Ratchet isn't to surprise to Hound in his medbay. The old medic went back to work welding a patch for an injure NAILS. "Mirage is not here. He and Blurr gone to Swerve's place."

"Ratchet, what is wrong with him?" Ask Hound

"Nothing." Answer Ratchet "Hound there some things that Mirage needs to tell you himself."

"Jazz acting strange." Spoke Hound

Ratchet read the reports on Jazz quitting the Autobots but frown. Jazz has a lot of things to work through and he is focus on Mirage's problem. "Hound, when you leaft Cybertron things got really bad for Mirage."

"I guess there things we both need to discuss."

Swerve's Place

Tailgate stared at Dreamcatcher as play the Cybertronian version of "peek-a-boo" as Mirage watch in a kind smile. Swerve is more enthrall with Blurr unlike the rest of his patrons. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe pretty much talk what happen during the time they are apart. Blurr help Swerve tend bar.

Hound walk into Swerve's Place the place is active on normal times but this orn the excitement palpable. Ratchet said Mirage would be here and Hound recall that the former Noble doesn't often party informally. Mirage description of what a party sounded awful dull and boring. Hound remembers the day that he talked Mirage into going to a party. Mirage's gold optics widen in shock at the music and the high grade and general revelry that noble parties lacked. Given the preference to activities that former noble did no wonder he liked turbo-fox hunts.

"That the pretty smile you got." Spoke Cliffjumper inwardly delighted that noble finally back to his old self. "I don't want you to push yourself Towers."

"'Towers.'" Spoke Mirage in cultural tone. "It has been awhile you called me that."

"I don't like pickin on people when their down." Spoke Cliffjumper

"I beginning to think you actually care about me." Spoke Mirage

"He is so cute." Spoke Tailgate

"He takes after Hound." Spoke Cliffjumper

Mirage gaze at Dreamcatcher, he is still barely growing into his protoform, but there is no resemblance to either him or Hound. Flatline told him that this stage the Protoform is learning how to create nannites and a basic immune system. Once it is done with that part then it goes on requiring a frame and protoform will modify itself to basic frame type. The thin metallic sheet does display the green and blue that came from his creators.

"Hound?" ask Tailgate look puzzle

"Yeah Mirage and Hound are Conjunx Endura." Spoke Cliffjumper

"We never really formalized the relationship." Spoke Mirage

"I didn't know that a spark could be forged?" ask Tailgate "I mean the war and all."

"Neither did we." Answered Mirage

Hound optics found Mirage. He is still lovely the day they first met in the Crystal gardens. Hound barely remembers the errand he is running for Ratchet to deliver the special energon to Mirage. Tailgate is there with Mirage and so is Cliffjumper. Tailgate has a way get behind anyone defenses and apparently Mirage is no exception.

Mirage caught his gaze and smile warmly at his approach.

"Cliffjumper…." Spoke Mirage

"Yo." Spoke Cliffjumper

"Can you watch Dreamcatcher with Tailgate?" ask Mirage

"You want me to watch your sparkling." Spoke Tailgate in a rush. "It is an honor."

"Of course Towers." Spoke Cliffjumper in a big grin. "When you get back Catcher will know new stuff and such."

"I said "watch" and not to corrupt my Sparkling." Spoke Mirage as he got up to join Hound

Hound smile as Mirage walks up to him. Mirage gold optics are lighter than they should be. "Mirage, I missed you."

"Hound, I never thought to see you again."

Tailgate watch the two with Dreamcatcher and he caught Cliffjumper grinning.

Hound look at Mirage in some concern there weariness in his optics that and the pain he not seen before. Hound sharp gaze went to Tailgate and Cliffjumper he notice the sparkling between them. Hound spark lurch and realize Mirage is raising the sparkling alone and by himself. Ratchet message to go easy on Mirage give him the room to open up.


Mirage lowered his eyes and advert his gaze. "I missed you Hound."

"Ratchet gave me these cubes of energon. He wanted you to take them to rebuild your nanites and minerals. Mechs who have gone without proper nutrition, Mirage, need these types of cubes." Spoke Hound gently. "Things weren't good for you, Mirage."

Dreamcatcher watch Mirage speaking with Hound and seeing how agitated his carrier is. Dreamcatcher knew that Mirage did not have it easy and this strange mech is hurting him. Cliff is talking to Tailgate a new mech. Dreamcatcher slid off the couch and crawl on the floor. Mir protected and loved him and it is time for Dreamcatcher to do the same.

Optimus Prime feels a slight bump against his leg and look down to see a sparkling. Megatron lifted the sparkling up and gaze at him eye level. Optimus Prime share the same feeling of shock and coming to Swerve's place to unity between the leaders.

"A sparkiling Optimus." Spoke Megatron

"Yes he is the future." Spoke Optimus

"Mir." Spoke Dreamcatcher twisting point at Mirage.

Megatron canted his head towards to Mirage. "The future, yes, he is."

"Mirage and Hound." Spoke Optimus Prime

"Mir!" Spoke Dreamcatcher more firmly

Megatron handed the sparkling to Optimus Prime.

Hound notice that Optimus Prime is walking over with the sparkling. Mirage is focus on Hound and did notice to last minute.

"Excuse me…" Spoke Optimus Prime "Mirage, I think this sparkling wants to be with you."

Mirage open his mouth and said nothing the shock. "I do apologize, Optimus Prime, sir. This is Dreamcatcher and he is my sparkling that is forged."

"Our sparkling that is forged." Spoke Hound

"Yes." Nodded Mirage meekly

"Primus gave us a great honor of forging a new life." Spoke Optimus Prime handing the sparkling to Hound.

"Dreamcatcher, eh Mirage." Smiled Hound at Mirage. "You took one of my favorite legends of Native American people from Earth and gave it to our sparkling."

"It is a good name." Smiled Megatron

"If please excuse us…" Spoke Mirage "I mean no disrespect but I….." blinking for a moment.

"You are tired Mirage and you would like to be excused." Spoke Optimus Prme. "Hound."

"Of course." Spoke Hound leading Mirage to his quarters.

"Our dreams will be caught, Prime." Spoke Megatron

"Indeed Megatron." Smiled Optimus Prime as the family leaves. "Our hopes and dreams."

The End

Author Notes:

As the sparkling ages it slowly forges it's body so it can be ready for the frame. I wanted end it on a happy note. If you want me to go further then I will.